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Street Justice
Street Justice
Street Justice
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Street Justice

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When Officers Bryan Banks and Eric Thomas are put on a case to solve a murder, they have no Idea they're dealing with not one, but two serial killers in the city of Harrisburg. After clues left by the witnesses provide little leads, officer Bryan Banks ups the ante to catch his killer. Street Justice and his partner in Crime Michael turn a simple revenge plot into a host of dead bodies that leaves Pennsylvania's capital in an uproar.

Release dateAug 2, 2024
Street Justice

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    Street Justice - Tayvain Warren



    In Association with:

    Mitanni Publishing

    Tayvain L. Warren & Mitanni Publishing LLC

    Copyright ©2024 by Tayvain L. Warren

    Library of Congress

    Cover Design by Saleem Little

    PUBLISHER’S NOTE: This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and is punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.




    NOONE COULD PREDICT THIS   killing, no one but the killers themselves.The night time sky was packed with dazzling stars. The full moon was hidden behind gray clouds. Eighteenth Street obscure and dark.

    Robert Parker cruised along Eighteenth Street in his tan Toyota Camry with his wife, Christina. They were returning home from a family dinner at Christina's mother's house.

    Did you have a good time honey?  

    Christina asked with a sparkle in her soft brown eyes. Looking at her gold engagement ring with those three large diamonds in it only intensified that sparkle.

    Yeah, ​I wouldn’t have wanted to be anywhere else in the world tonight.  It was special.

    Well, tonight's not over… Christina giggled.

    I have other things planned that's gonna be special too. She added with a mischievous smile.

    Rob put his right hand on her blue dress and caressed her inner thigh. She had always made him happy. After four years of marriage, she could still elicit a smile from him with something as simple as winking her eye.  She winked. He smiled.  The Isley Brothers’ You’re the One serenaded the car’s interior.

    Robert parked on the right side of the street. The left side of the street belonged to an industrialized wood shop and a small cab company. There was a tree near the house that served as a covering as he parallel-parked in front of his home. All the lights were out to the three-story home.

    That’s odd. Rob said.

    What? Christina asked.

    I could have sworn I left my bedroom light on. Rob said.

    I think I hit the switch on the way out. Christina added.

    They both got out of the car and walked up the stone steps to the wooden blue porch that held an old leather chair. It was old but he hadn't thrown it away yet, nor did he want to. It was just as comfortable as it was old. He still enjoyed sitting on the porch on Saturdays to have a couple beers.

    Robert inserted his key while Christina stood with her arms folded as a way to generate some much-needed heat. It was the start of October and she could tell it was going to be a cold Winter. Robert opened the door with a thrust of his shoulder.

    The living room light was out and Rob hit the switch. The switch didn't work. The fish tank which usually illuminated the living room was also out. Robert felt apprehension mixing with his confusion as he took note of the odd power outage.

    What the hell's going on? Robert questioned. He turned back to the doorway, not quite letting his wife in.

    I told you the living room light needed changed on Saturday, but all you did was sit in that fucking chair and drink. Christina was now noticeably angry.

    I'm talking about the fish tank sweetie. The light tag guaranteed six months. He walked further into the house. Christina walked in as well but didn’t shut the door entirely. They may need the light she reasoned. Then reasoning against her initial choice, she closed the door.

    You know, we could do without the lights… 

    Christina said in a seductive manner. Robert ignored the indirect sexual comment as he groped his way to the dining room. Trying to make sense of the situation, Rob told himself that maybe all the lights were out in the vicinity, including the neighbors. He felt like a somnambulist creeping his way through a spooky dream world. Then, reality hit.

    A sledge hammer came down hard on the back of Robert’s head, crushing bone and smashing brain. It made the eeriest sound Christina had ever heard, most likely because her mind immediately connected the sound with death. Rob's limp body fell forward like the deadweight it was. Christina didn't know what was happening. The room was way too dark. She could hardly see five inches in front of her, let alone five feet. Nothing was blocking her hearing however so she heard the gruesome sound. A mixture of liquid splashing, brains splattering and bones crushing…

    There it was again. Before her brain was functioning properly again, a big, rough, and muscular hand grabbed her throat. Her help cry came from her vocal cords inaudibly. The killer was too strong. Her hand shot up to her throat as she frantically tried to pull the killer’s hands from her neck.

    Payback is a motherfucker Christina, she heard the man behind her say. A damp cloth came to her face and she had no choice but to breathe through it. She finally realized the wetness of the cloth must’ve been something to make her slumberous. The thoughts stopped registering and her body went limp under the killer’s hands.

    Payback was feeling good...


    I WAS AT HOME IN THE DINING ROOM, gambling in acard game named Tonk with my two kids, Darrell and Brittney. Well, actually, they were teens and twins. They were sixteen, and both went to John Harris High School.

    It was a Monday night at the beginning of October. They weren't having school for two days because of a Jewish service, or something. So, we gathered at the table, cleared the porcelain, and laid bets for a dollar a game, my hand was terrible.

    Side bet a dollar on me cuz, I’m gonna win, Darrell said. I couldn’t see what was in his hand but I knew it had to be good. He didn't have a poker face.

    No, I'm gonna win. Brittney stated. Darrel plucked a card; then shot his twin an incredulous look as he laid the card down on the pile. Brittney stood up and threw her two queens down on

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