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Territorial Warfare
Territorial Warfare
Territorial Warfare
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Territorial Warfare

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What comes to your mind when you think of warfare? Have you ever imagined warfare in the contexts of territory? The word "territory" means a geographic area that a person or organization is responsible for in a course of work. It means someone is in control.  Do you think God is in control on the earth?

Territorial warfare is a very complex subject to speak about, or engage in. Believers do not cover or engage in this type of warfare. Are we ignorant or afraid of territorial spirits? Do we understand what we should do to engage this warfare? 

When looking at scripture for insight there is not much other than a few important passages that discuss and affirms the reality associated with this type of warfare. Scripture affirms there are territorial spirits. Territorial spirits are described as demonic spirits said to control certain activities in the territory. They have the ability to manipulate what happens in the territory, the outcomes of people lives and circumstances at large. 

It is important for us to know, every territory will always bow to the greater priesthood. The strength of a territory can be measured by the faithful's in that territory (Good or bad). The faithful's are those who are willing to die to see their priesthood dominance in the territory. How hungry are we for the revival of God in our world? How long will we wait for the move of God in our world? 

PublisherTumisang Mabe
Release dateAug 10, 2024
Territorial Warfare

Tumisang Mabe

I'm Tumisang Mabe married with one son. A believe of Jesus Christ for 15 years this journey has been wonderful, full of challenges however the Lord has been holding my hand to be able to overcome. I'm a product of the mercy of God if he did not show me mercy I don't know where will I be now and it is so touching to think of it.

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    Book preview

    Territorial Warfare - Tumisang Mabe

    Territorial Warfare

    Tumisang Mabe

    Published by Tumisang Mabe, 2024.

    While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.


    First edition. August 10, 2024.

    Copyright © 2024 Tumisang Mabe.

    Written by Tumisang Mabe.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    Territorial Warfare

    Introduction | Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Territorial Warfare




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    Since 2023

    Copyright © 2024 Tumisang Mabe.

    All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means-electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recoding, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher.

    Unless otherwise indicated. Scripture quotation are taken from Holy Bible: Easy-to-read version®. © 2013, 2016 by Bible League International. All rights reserved worldwide.

    Scripture quotations are marked from Holy Bible, New international Version, ® NIV. ® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblical, Incorporation. All rights reserved worldwide

    Scripture quotations are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright© 1982. All rights reserved worldwide.

    Scriptrure quotations are marked KJV are from King James Version.

    To request permission, contact the publisher at [email protected]

    Hardcover: ISBN: 9798328619653

    Paperback: ISBN: 9798328619219




    Title page


    Chapter 1

    The Importance of Prayer in Territorial Warfare

    Chapter 2

    Territorial Warfare with Principalities

    Chapter 3

    Warfare with Rulers of Darkness

    Chapter 4

    Warfare in the Realm of Thrones

    Chapter 5

    The Importance of Consecration

    Chapter 6

    Angels of Territorial Warfare

    About the Author


    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against Principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." (Ephesians 6:12)


    hat comes to your mind when you think about warfare? Have you ever imagined warfare in the context of territory? The word territory means a geographic area that a person or organization is responsible for in a course of work. It means someone is in control. Do you think God is in control on the earth?

    Territorial warfare is a very complex subject to speak about, or engage in. Believers do not cover or engage in this type of warfare. Are we ignorant or afraid of territorial spirits? Do we understand what we should do to engage this warfare?

    When looking at scriptures for insight there is not much other than a few important passages that discuss and affirm the reality associated with this type of warfare. Scripture affirms there are territorial spirits. Territorial spirits are described as demonic spirits said to control certain activities in the territory. They have the ability to manipulate what happens in the territory, the outcomes of people’s lives and circumstances at large. 

    If we are waiting for the revival of God then we should engage this type of warfare however this warfare requires a lot of spiritual understanding, so that we don’t fight ignorantly. We have heard stories of the past, how God moved on the earth and how darkness was arrested. This was a result of men that engaged in territorial warfare.

    It is important for us to know, every territory will always bow to the greater priesthood. The strength of a territory can be measured by the faithful’s in that territory [Good or bad]. The faithful’s are those who are willing to die to see their priesthood dominant in the territory. How hungry are we for the rival of God? How long will we wait for the move of God in our world?  

    Chapter 1

    The Importance of Prayer in Territorial Warfare


    efore we can take up a territorial warfare we must first build an altar unto the Lord. Having an altar of prayer is the first significant thing to do before one can take up a territorial warfare. Building an altar that can wage war with territorial spirits requires a different kind of sacrifice before God. Building an altar has to do with many spiritual activities and not only prayer. We build an altar by prayer and fasting primarily however these are not the only things we can do to build an altar. Honoring the instruction of the Holy Spirit can help us build our altar. However sometimes what the Spirit asks us to do at a particular time maybe essential only for that time. For example the bible says, He teaches my hands to fight. (Psalms 144:1)  For every warfare there is a specific way to fight, not all warfare will be fought the same way. In every territorial warfare God will have to teach us how to fight. We are dealing with different kinds of spirits with their different diversities in wickedness.   Worshiping God can help us build an altar. In warfare there are times God will require our worship for Him to move. David understood this, that’s why he wrote the book of Psalms. He sang some songs in times of trouble and warfare. When Paul and Silas were imprisoned by the devil they sang praises unto the Lord and God won the warfare for them.  (Acts 16:25-31) Fasting can help us build our altar but when we fast to grow the influence of our altar we must avoid fasting normal fasting’s like 3 days, 21 day or 40 days. As good as these fasting’s are, but they are not enough for one to stand and say they are going to fight ancient spirits. Principalities are fallen angels. They are ranking spirits. We need high ranking to be able to wage war against them. When we fast we must fast long fasting’s if we want God to take us to the battle field with these spirits. Minimum days we should take is 90 days of eating once a day to 365 days or a few years. Warfare with territorial spirits is not a joke but something that requires men that are sold out to God. We need high ranking to wage war with territorial spirits. One of the reasons God does not take men to this warfare is because men are lazy. Men love comfort. If only we can avoid comfort and explore God then we would qualify to host a

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