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Kubernetes on AWS: Deploy and manage production-ready Kubernetes clusters on AWS
Kubernetes on AWS: Deploy and manage production-ready Kubernetes clusters on AWS
Kubernetes on AWS: Deploy and manage production-ready Kubernetes clusters on AWS
Ebook485 pages3 hours

Kubernetes on AWS: Deploy and manage production-ready Kubernetes clusters on AWS

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About this ebook

Docker containers promise to radicalize the way developers and operations build, deploy, and manage applications running on the cloud. Kubernetes provides the orchestration tools you need to realize that promise in production.
Kubernetes on AWS guides you in deploying a production-ready Kubernetes cluster on the AWS platform. You will then discover how to utilize the power of Kubernetes, which is one of the fastest growing platforms for production-based container orchestration, to manage and update your applications. Kubernetes is becoming the go-to choice for production-grade deployments of cloud-native applications. This book covers Kubernetes from first principles. You will start by learning about Kubernetes' powerful abstractions - Pods and Services - that make managing container deployments easy. This will be followed by a guided tour through setting up a production-ready Kubernetes cluster on AWS, while learning the techniques you need to successfully deploy and manage your own applications.
By the end of the book, you will have gained plenty of hands-on experience with Kubernetes on Amazon Web Services. You will also have picked up some tips on deploying and managing applications, keeping your cluster and applications secure, and ensuring that your whole system is reliable and resilient to failure.

Release dateNov 30, 2018
Kubernetes on AWS: Deploy and manage production-ready Kubernetes clusters on AWS

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    Book preview

    Kubernetes on AWS - Ed Robinson

    Kubernetes on AWS

    Kubernetes on AWS

    Deploy and manage production-ready Kubernetes clusters

    on AWS

    Ed Robinson


    Kubernetes on AWS

    Copyright © 2018 Packt Publishing

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    First published: November 2018

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    ISBN 978-1-78839-007-1

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    About the author

    Ed Robinson works as a senior site reliability engineer at Cookpad's global headquarters in Bristol, UK. He has been working with Kubernetes for the last three years, deploying clusters on AWS to deliver resilient and reliable services for global audiences. He is a contributor to several open source projects and is a maintainer of Træfɪk, the modern HTTP reverse proxy designed for containers and microservices.

    About the reviewer

    Manuel Tiago Pereira is a software engineer with vast experience of automating infrastructure provisioning and configuration for systems from development environments to highly available platforms for web applications. For the last couple of years, he has been invested in providing solid platforms for application deployments using Kubernetes. He has dedicated most of his professional career to SaaS companies and he's currently working at Talkdesk in order to make life easier for call-center operators and increase their customers' happiness.

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    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright and Credits

    Kubernetes on AWS


    About Packt

    Why subscribe?


    About the author

    About the reviewer

    Packt is searching for authors like you


    Who this book is for

    What this book covers

    To get the most out of this book

    Download the example code files

    Conventions used

    Get in touch


    Google's Infrastructure for the Rest of Us

    Why do I need a Kubernetes cluster?

    The roots of containers

    Enter the container



    Putting the pieces together

    Here, schedule this...

    The basics of Kubernetes

    The pod

    Labeling all the things

    Replica sets


    Under the hood

    API server

    Controller manager




    Start Your Engines

    Your own Kubernetes





    Starting Minikube

    First steps with kubectl

    Building Docker containers inside the cluster

    Building and launching a simple application on Minikube

    What just happened?

    Rolling out changes

    Resilience and scaling

    Using the dashboard

    Configuration as code

    Troubleshooting Minikube


    Reach for the Cloud

    Cluster architecture

    Creating an AWS account

    Creating an IAM user

    Getting the CLI

    Setting up a key pair

    Preparing the network

    Setting up a bastion


    Instance profiles

    Kubernetes software


    Installing Kubeadm

    Building an AMI

    Bootstrapping the cluster

    What just happened?

    Access the API from your workstation

    Setting up pod networking

    Launching worker nodes

    Demo time


    Managing Change in Your Applications

    Running pods directly



    Cron syntax

    Concurrency policy

    History limits

    Managing long running processes with deployments

    kubectl patch

    kubectl edit

    kubectl apply

    Kubernetes dashboard

    Greater control of your deployments

    RollingUpdate deployment

    Recreate deployment



    Managing Complex Applications with Helm

    Installing Helm


    Linux and Windows

    Installing Tiller

    Installing a chart

    Configuring a chart

    Creating your own charts




    Making it your own

    Developing and debugging

    Templating language


    Flow control


    Packaging Helm charts

    You can test building an index

    Using your repository

    Organizational patterns for Helm

    Chart per application

    Shared charts

    Library charts

    Next steps

    Planning for Production

    The design process

    Initial planning

    Planning for success

    Planning for a successful roll out

    Discovering requirements



    EC2 instance types

    EC2 instance types

    Breadth versus depth


    Disk performance







    Always be updating

    In-place updates

    Immutable images

    Network security

    Infra-node networking

    Node-master networking

    External networking

    Kubernetes infra-pod networking

    IAM roles





    Blackbox monitoring




    A Production-Ready Cluster

    Building a cluster

    Getting started with Terraform



    Plan and apply

    Control Plane

    Preparing node images

    Installing Packer

    Packer configuration

    Node group

    Provisioning add-ons

    Managing change


    Sorry My App Ate the Cluster

    Resource requests and limits

    Resource units

    How pods with resource limits are managed

    Quality of Service (QoS)

    Resource quotas

    Default limits

    Horizontal Pod Autoscaling

    Deploying the metrics server

    Verifying the metrics server and troubleshooting

    Autoscaling pods based on CPU usage

    Autoscaling pods based on other metrics

    Autoscaling the cluster

    Deploying the cluster autoscaler


    Storing State


    EBS volumes

    Persistent volumes

    Persistent volumes example

    Storage classes



    Further reading

    Managing Container Images

    Pushing Docker images to ECR

    Creating a repository

    Pushing and pulling images from your workstation

    Setting up privileges for pushing images

    Use images stored on ECR in Kubernetes

    Tagging images

    Version Control System (VCS) references

    Semantic versions

    Upstream version numbers

    Labelling images


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    Docker containers promise to radically change the way developers and operations build, deploy, and manage applications running on the cloud. Kubernetes provides the orchestration tools you need to realize that promise in production.

    Kubernetes on AWS guides you in deploying a production-ready Kubernetes cluster on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform. You will discover how to use the power of Kubernetes, which is one of the fastest growing platforms for production-based container orchestration, to manage and update your applications. Kubernetes is becoming the go-to choice for production-grade deployments of cloud-native applications. This book covers Kubernetes from first principles. You will start by learning about Kubernetes' powerful abstractions—pods and services—which make managing container deployments easy. This will be followed by a guided tour through setting up a production-ready Kubernetes cluster on AWS, while learning the techniques you need to successfully deploy and manage your own applications.

    By the end of the book, you will have gained plenty of hands-on experience with Kubernetes on AWS. You will also have picked up some tips on deploying and managing applications, keeping your cluster and applications secure, and ensuring that your whole system is reliable and resilient to failure.

    Who this book is for

    If you're a cloud engineer, cloud solution provider, sysadmin, site reliability engineer, or developer with an interest in DevOps and are looking for an extensive guide to running Kubernetes in the AWS environment, this book is for you. Though any previous knowledge of Kubernetes is not expected, some experience with Linux and Docker containers would be a bonus.

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1, Google's Infrastructure for the Rest of Us, helps you understand how Kubernetes can give you some of the same superpowers that the site reliability engineers at Google use to ensure that Google's services are resilient, reliable, and efficient.

    Chapter 2, Start Your Engines, helps you take your first steps with Kubernetes. You will learn how to start a cluster suitable for learning and development use on your own workstation, and will begin to learn how to use Kubernetes itself.

    Chapter 3, Reach for the Cloud, teaches you how to build a Kubernetes cluster running on AWS from first principles.

    Chapter 4, Managing Change in Your Applications, gets into depth with tools that Kubernetes provide to manage the Pods that you run on your cluster.

    Chapter 5, Managing Complex Applications with Helm, teaches you about how you can deploy a service to your cluster using a community-maintained chart.

    Chapter 6, Planning for Production, gives you an idea of the myriad different options and decisions you can make when deciding to run Kubernetes in a production environment.

    Chapter 7, A Production-Ready Cluster, helps you build a fully functional cluster that will serve as a base configuration to build upon for many different use cases.

    Chapter 8, Sorry My App Ate the Cluster, delves into configuring pods with a different quality of service so important workloads are guaranteed the resources they need, but less important workloads can make use of idle resources when they are available without needing dedicated resources.

    Chapter 9, Storing State, is all about using the deep integration that Kubernetes has with the AWS native storage solution Elastic Block Store (EBS).

    Chapter 10, Managing Container Images, helps you understand how to leverage the AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR) service to store your container images in a manner that tackles all these needs.

    Chapter 11, Monitoring and Logging, teaches you how to set up a log management pipeline, and will help you understand some of the pitfalls and potential issues with logs. By the end of the chapter, you will have set up a metrics and alerting system. For this chapter refer to

    Chapter 12, Best Practices of Security, teaches you how to manage a secure network for your Kubernetes cluster using both AWS and Kubernetes networking primitives. You will also learn how to keep your host operating systems secured. For this chapter refer to

    To get the most out of this book

    You will need access to an AWS account for performing the examples given in this book.

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    Conventions used

    There are a number of text conventions used throughout this book.

    CodeInText: Indicates code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles. Here is an example: Mount the downloaded WebStorm-10*.dmg disk image file as another disk in your system.

    A block of code is set as follows:

    html, body, #map {

    height: 100%;

    margin: 0;

    padding: 0


    When we wish to draw your attention to a particular part of a code block, the relevant lines or items are set in bold:


    exten => s,1,Dial(Zap/1|30)

    exten => s,2,Voicemail(u100)

    exten => s,102,Voicemail(b100)

    exten => i,1,Voicemail(s0)

    Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

    $ mkdir css

    $ cd css

    Bold: Indicates a new term, an important word, or words that you see onscreen. For example, words in menus or dialog boxes appear in the text like this. Here is an example: Select System info from the Administration panel.

    Warnings or important notes appear like this.

    Tips and tricks appear like this.

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    Google's Infrastructure for the Rest of Us

    Kubernetes was originally built by some of the engineers at Google who were responsible for their internal container scheduler, Borg.

    Learning how to run your own infrastructure with Kubernetes can give you some of the same superpowers that the site reliability engineers at Google utilize to ensure that Google's services are resilient, reliable, and efficient. Using Kubernetes allows you to make use of the knowledge and expertise that engineers at Google and other companies have built up by virtue of their massive scale.

    Your organization may never need to operate at the scale of a company such as Google. You will, however, discover that many of the tools and techniques developed in companies that operate on clusters of tens of thousands of machines are applicable to organizations running much smaller deployments.

    While it is clearly possible for a small team to manually configure and operate tens of machines, the automation needed at larger scales can make your life simpler and your software more reliable. And if you later need to scale up from tens of machines to hundreds or even thousands, you'll know that the tools you are using have already been battle tested in the harshest of environments.

    The fact that Kubernetes even exists at all is both a measure of the success and a vindication of the open source/free software movement. Kubernetes began as a project to open source an implementation of the ideas and research behind Google's internal container orchestration system, Borg. Now it has taken on a life of its own, with the majority of its code now being contributed by engineers outside of Google.

    The story of Kubernetes is not only one of Google seeing the benefits that open sourcing its own knowledge would indirectly bring to its own cloud business, but it's also one of the open source implementations of the various underlying tools that were needed coming of age.

    Linux containers had existed in some form or another for almost a decade, but it took the Docker project (first open sourced in 2013) for them to become widely used and understood by a large enough number of users. While Docker did not itself bring any single new underlying technology to the table, its innovation was in packaging the tools that already existed in a simple and easy-to-use interface.

    Kubernetes was also made possible by the existence of etcd, a key-value store based on the Raft consensus algorithm that was also first released in 2013 to form the underpinnings of another cluster scheduling tool that was being built by CoreOS. For Borg, Google had used an underlying state store based on the very similar Paxos algorithm, making etcd the perfect fit for Kubernetes.

    Google were prepared to take the initiative to create an open source implementation of the knowledge which, up until that point, had been a big competitive advantage for their engineering organization at a time when Linux containers were beginning to become more popular thanks to the influence of Docker.

    Kubernetes, Docker, etcd, and many other tools that form the Linux container ecosystem are written with the Go programming language. Go provides all the features that are needed to build systems such as these, with excellent first-class support for concurrency and great networking libraries built in.

    However, in my view, the simplicity of the language itself makes it such a good choice for open source infrastructure tools, because such a wide variety of developers can pick up the basics of the language in a few hours and start making productive contributions to a project.

    If you are interested in finding out more about the go programming language, you could try taking a look at and then spend an hour looking at

    Why do I need a Kubernetes cluster?

    At its core, Kubernetes is a container scheduler, but it is a much richer and fully featured toolkit that has many other features. It is possible to extend and augment the functionality that Kubernetes provides, as products such as RedHat's OpenShift have done. Kubernetes also allows you to extend it's core functionality yourself by deploying add-on tools and services to your cluster.

    Here are some of the key features that are built into Kubernetes:

    Self-healing: Kubernetes controller-based orchestration ensures that containers are restarted when they fail, and rescheduled when the nodes they are running on fail. User-defined health checks allow users to make decisions about how and when to recover from failing services, and how to direct traffic when they do.

    Service discovery: Kubernetes is designed from the ground up to make service discovery simple without needing to make modifications to your applications. Each instance of your application gets its own IP address, and standard discovery mechanisms such as DNS and load balancing let your services communicate.

    Scaling: Kubernetes makes horizontal scaling possible at the push of a button, and also provides autoscaling facilities.

    Deployment orchestration: Kubernetes not only helps you to manage running applications, but has tools to roll out changes to your application and its configuration. Its flexibility allows you to build complex deployment patterns for yourself or to use one of a number of add-on tools.

    Storage management: Kubernetes has built-in support for managing the underlying storage technology on cloud providers, such as AWS Elastic Block Store volumes, as well as other standard networked storage tools, such as NFS.

    Cluster optimization: The Kubernetes scheduler automatically assigns your workloads to machines based on their requirements, allowing for better utilization of resources.

    Batch workloads: As well as long-running workloads, Kubernetes can also manage batch jobs, such as CI, batch processing, and cron jobs.

    The roots of containers

    Ask the average user what a Docker container is and you might get any one of a dozen responses. You might be told something about lightweight virtual machines, or how it is

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