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The Definitive Guide to Modernizing Applications on Google Cloud: The what, why, and how of application modernization on Google Cloud
The Definitive Guide to Modernizing Applications on Google Cloud: The what, why, and how of application modernization on Google Cloud
The Definitive Guide to Modernizing Applications on Google Cloud: The what, why, and how of application modernization on Google Cloud
Ebook872 pages5 hours

The Definitive Guide to Modernizing Applications on Google Cloud: The what, why, and how of application modernization on Google Cloud

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About this ebook

Legacy applications, which comprise 75–80% of all enterprise applications, often end up being stuck in data centers. Modernizing these applications to make them cloud-native enables them to scale in a cloud environment without taking months or years to start seeing the benefits. This book will help software developers and solutions architects to modernize their applications on Google Cloud and transform them into cloud-native applications.
This book helps you to build on your existing knowledge of enterprise application development and takes you on a journey through the six Rs: rehosting, replatforming, rearchitecting, repurchasing, retiring, and retaining. You'll learn how to modernize a legacy enterprise application on Google Cloud and build on existing assets and skills effectively. Taking an iterative and incremental approach to modernization, the book introduces the main services in Google Cloud in an easy-to-understand way that can be applied immediately to an application.
By the end of this Google Cloud book, you'll have learned how to modernize a legacy enterprise application by exploring various interim architectures and tooling to develop a cloud-native microservices-based application.

Release dateJan 6, 2022
The Definitive Guide to Modernizing Applications on Google Cloud: The what, why, and how of application modernization on Google Cloud

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    The Definitive Guide to Modernizing Applications on Google Cloud - Steve (Satish) Sangapu



    The Definitive Guide to Modernizing Applications on Google Cloud

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    ISBN 978-1-80020-979-4

    To the memory of my father, Ishwar, and my mother, Savithri, for their sacrifices and exemplifying that hard work has positive outcomes. To my wife, Sanju, for being my loving and supportive partner, and to my children, Riya and Risha, for keeping us on our toes.

    – Steve (Satish) Sangapu

    To my parents, who have encouraged me in writing this book, with their push for tenacity ringing in my ears.

    – Dheeraj Panyam


    About the authors

    Steve (Satish) Sangapu has been working with software since 2000. He specializes in migrating and modernizing applications from monoliths to containerized microservices as well as creating data engineering pipelines to mine vast amounts of structured and unstructured data.

    He has extensive experience successfully leading large, cross-functional, geographically dispersed teams utilizing modern Agile development methodologies while collaborating effectively with product teams in creating high-performance, fault-tolerant, and high-availability systems.

    He also holds seven patents from the United States Patent and Trademark Office and certifications from Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute and Google Cloud.

    I want to thank the people who have given me and the people around me love and support in different ways in my life.

    Dheeraj Panyam has been working in the IT industry since 2000. His experience spans diverse domains (optical, telecom, retail, and healthcare) and covers all phases of the SDLC, including application development, production support, QA automation, and cloud architecture. He lives in India and collaborates with a Google Cloud consulting company, helping them design solutions and architecture set up on public cloud platforms.

    He holds multiple Google Cloud certifications in addition to other certifications in networking and testing.(in new line)

    Jason Marston is a Cloud Solution Architect based in England. He was recruited by Microsoft because of his OSS background. Jason has worked with Java since version 1 and has a long history with open source. He has over 30 years' of experience in developing software and now helps organizations migrate and modernize legacy applications to the cloud. Jason was an SME in the Worldwide Communities project at Microsoft and, as a part of the leadership team for those communities, helped many people solve their problems by adopting Java on Azure. In his spare time, Jason reads science fiction books and has two children who think he is a geek/nerd.

    About the reviewer

    Radhakrishnan (Krishna) Gopal is a cloud evangelist, seasoned technology professional, and mentor with over 22 years of industry experience in all major cloud hyperscalers, including AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. He is currently helping organizations to drive business value through cloud adoption and innovation. He has worked in many facets of IT throughout his career and delivered high-quality, mission-critical, and innovative technology solutions leveraging multi-cloud, data, AI, and intelligent automation. He is a Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect, Google data engineer, Azure certified solutions architect expert, Azure data engineer, data science associate, AI engineer, and AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate. He loves to explore new frontiers of technology and impart them in solutions to make his clients very successful.

    Table of Contents


    Section 1: Cloud-Native Application Development and App Modernization in Google Cloud

    Chapter 1: Cloud-Native Application Fundamentals

    The cloud-native ecosystem

    Benefits of cloud-native applications

    Increased speed of delivery

    Increased scalability

    Increased resiliency

    Mixed technology stack and workforce

    Continuous integration and delivery

    Increased automation

    Principles of cloud-native architecture

    Principle 1 – lightweight microservices

    Principle 2 – leveraging automation

    Principle 3 – DevOps culture

    Principle 4 – better to go managed

    Principle 5 – innovate

    Limitations of microservices

    Applying the 12-factor app principles on Google Cloud

    Code base



    Backing services

    Build, release, run


    Port binding



    Dev/prod parity


    Admin processes


    Chapter 2: End-to-End Extensible Tooling for Cloud-Native Application Development

    Moving past third-party services – the beauty of end-to-end tooling

    Google Cloud Code

    Features and benefits of Cloud Code

    The role of Cloud Code in the cloud-native app development pipeline

    Google Cloud Build

    Features and benefits of Cloud Build

    The role of Cloud Build in the cloud-native app development pipeline

    Google Container Registry

    Features and benefits of GCR

    The next-gen container registry – Artifact Registry

    The role of GCR in the cloud-native app development pipeline

    Google Cloud Run

    Features and benefits of Cloud Run

    The role of Google Cloud Run in the cloud-native app development pipeline

    Google Kubernetes Engine

    Features and benefits of GKE

    The role of GKE in the cloud-native app development pipeline

    Operations suite

    Features of Google Cloud Monitoring

    Features of Google Cloud Logging

    The role of the Cloud operations suite in the cloud-native app development pipeline


    Chapter 3: Cloud-Native Architecture Patterns and System Architecture Tenets

    Cloud-native patterns

    The scope of cloud-native patterns

    Solving challenges with cloud-native patterns

    Be proactive, not reactive

    Scaling and performance


    Resiliency and availability



    Cloud-native design patterns


    Strangler applications

    Decomposition patterns

    Event-driven patterns

    Command Query Responsibility Segregation

    The saga pattern

    Multiple service instances

    Canary deployments

    Stateless services

    Immutable infrastructure

    Anti-corruption layer

    API composition

    Event sourcing

    The Retry pattern

    Circuit breaker pattern

    The bulkhead pattern

    Using the cloud-native pattern judiciously

    Hybrid and multi-cloud architecture recommendations

    Distributed deployment patterns

    Redundant deployment patterns


    Section 2: Selecting the Right Google Cloud Services

    Chapter 4: Choosing the Right Compute Option

    Five compute options… and Firebase


    Cloud Functions


    Cloud Run




    How important is it to choose the right option?

    Changing compute options

    Making a decision


    Chapter 5: Choosing the Right Database and Storage

    Storage and database options on Google Cloud – the big three

    GCS – basics


    Cloud SQL

    Cloud Firestore (previously Datastore)

    Cloud Spanner

    Cloud Bigtable

    Wrapping up the big five

    Additional storage and database options



    Persistent disks/local solid-state drive (SSD) (block storage)


    Security and flexibility


    Chapter 6: Implementing a Messaging and Scheduling System

    Understanding the requirements of a messaging system

    Requirement #1: Scalability

    Requirement #2: Extensibility

    Requirement #3: Agility

    Requirement #4: Resiliency

    Introduction to asynchronous messaging

    Messaging products available (open source and cloud native) on the market

    Amazon SQS



    NATS Streaming

    Advantages of asynchronous messaging

    Introduction to Pub/Sub

    What is Cloud Pub/Sub?

    Pub/Sub key features

    Additional benefits

    Pub/Sub Concepts – topics and subscriptions

    Pub/Sub model – fan-in and fan-out

    Pull versus push types – differences and when to use each type

    Getting started with Cloud Pub/Sub

    Introduction to Cloud Tasks

    Introduction to Cloud Scheduler


    Chapter 7: Implementing Cloud-Native Security

    The principles and concepts of cloud security

    Economy of Mechanism

    Defense in Depth

    Principle of Least Privilege

    Adding infrastructure security layers (revision)

    Cloud IAM

    Traditional access control versus Cloud IAM

    Concepts of IAM





    Authentication and authorization

    Cloud IAM on Google Cloud Platform

    Features of Cloud IAM

    Components of Cloud IAM


    All authenticated users

    All users




    IAM policy bindings

    Limitations of Cloud IAM

    Cloud Identity

    Features of Cloud Identity

    Setting up Cloud Identity

    Cloud Identity Platform

    Features of Cloud Identity Platform

    BeyondCorp (a new approach to enterprise security)

    Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP)


    Section 3: Rehosting and Replatforming the Application

    Chapter 8: Introducing the Legacy Application

    Technical requirements

    The infrastructure architecture

    The software architecture

    Spring Boot




    Explaining the software architecture

    Implementing the software

    Spring Boot configuration

    Understanding the layers of the application

    The presentation layer

    The controller layer

    The domain layer

    Validation and defensive programming


    Chapter 9: The Initial Architecture on Google Compute Engine

    Technical requirements

    The initial infrastructure design

    Designing our network

    Designing our network security

    Creating the modernization project

    Implementing the network

    Implementing the VMs

    Importing the data


    Chapter 10: Addressing Scalability and Availability

    Technical Requirements

    Designing for scalability and availability

    Using instance templates

    Using managed instance groups

    Using an HTTP(S) load balancer


    Chapter 11: Re-Platforming the Data Layer

    Designing for scalability and availability

    Using Cloud Memorystore

    Provisioning a Cloud Memorystore instance

    Updating the Regional Managed Instance Group

    Using Cloud SQL

    Using Cloud SQL Proxy

    Using Cloud Spanner

    Provisioning Cloud Spanner

    Updating the build

    Updating the application settings

    Importing data into Cloud SQL

    Exporting data from our MySQL virtual machine

    Importing to Cloud SQL

    Cloud SQL versus Cloud Spanner


    Chapter 12: Designing the Interim Architecture

    The infrastructure architecture

    Google Identity Platform

    Cloud Pub/Sub

    The software architecture

    Refactoring the frontend and exposing REST services

    Adding Google Identity Platform for identity and authentication

    Publishing events

    Consuming events

    Refactoring to microservices

    Microservice boundaries


    Chapter 13: Refactoring to Microservices

    Technical requirements

    Analyzing the structure of the application backend

    Refactoring into microservices

    Refactoring the database

    The web frontend

    The Strangler Pattern revisited

    Google HTTP(S) Load Balancer Routing

    Google App Engine Dispatcher

    Apigee API Manager

    Containerizing the deployment units with Docker


    Section 4: Refactoring the Application on Cloud-Native/PaaS and Serverless in Google Cloud

    Chapter 14: Refactoring the Frontend and Exposing REST Services

    Technical requirements

    Creating REST controllers

    Creating an AngularJS web frontend





    Authenticating in the web frontend

    Setting up Firebase and Google Identity Platform

    Initializing Firebase Authentication

    Router updates

    The authentication cycle

    The signout controller

    Validating the authentication token in the REST controllers

    The authentication filter


    Chapter 15: Handling Eventual Consistency with the Compensation Pattern

    Technical requirements

    The distributed transaction problem

    The compensation pattern

    Creating topics and subscriptions with Google Cloud Pub/Sub

    Implementing eventual consistency and the compensation pattern

    Deploying and testing the application


    Chapter 16: Orchestrating Your Application with Google Kubernetes Engine

    Technical requirements

    Introducing GKE

    Modes of operation

    Creating a GKE cluster

    Configuring the environment

    Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets

    Deploying and configuring the microservices

    Kubernetes Pods

    Kubernetes ReplicaSets

    Kubernetes Deployments

    Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscalers

    Kubernetes Services

    Automating the deployment of our components

    Configuring public access to the application

    Kubernetes-managed certificates

    Kubernetes Ingress

    When to use GKE


    Chapter 17: Going Serverless with Google App Engine

    Technical requirements

    Introducing Google App Engine

    Google App Engine standard environment

    Google App Engine flexible environment

    Components of App Engine and the hierarchy of an application deployed on App Engine

    Deploying containers to the App Engine flexible environment

    Application configuration updates

    Deployment configuration

    Automating deployment

    When to use Google App Engine


    Chapter 18: Future Proofing Your App with Google Cloud Run

    Technical requirements

    Cloud Run

    The Knative stack

    Cloud Run environments

    Deploying containers to Google Cloud Run

    Frontend configuration

    Service manifest

    Google Cloud Build

    Domain name mapping

    When to use Cloud Run


    Appendix A: Choosing the Right Migration Strategy

    Step 1 – assess

    Cataloging existing applications

    Educating teams

    Choosing what to migrate first

    Capable and innovative teams

    The effort required for migration

    License restrictions and compliance

    Can afford downtime

    Step 2 – plan

    Migration paths versus migration strategies

    Choosing the right migration path

    Step 3 – migrate

    Transferring your data

    Deploying workloads

    Setting up automated and containerized deployments

    Step 4 – optimize

    Letting internal teams takeover

    Setting up monitoring

    Leveraging managed services and automation

    Cost and performance

    Appendix B: Application Modernization Solutions

    Modernizing Java apps

    What is Google Anthos?

    Preparing to modernize Java apps

    Phase 1 – containerizing Java applications

    Phase 2 – Refactoring and re-platforming

    Modernization strategies (the 6 Rs of modernization)

    Retire, retain, and re-architect

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    75-80% of enterprise applications are legacy and stuck in the data center. How do we modernize these applications to transform them into modern cloud-native applications so that they can scale in a cloud environment without taking months or years to see the benefits?

    This book introduces the services available on Google Cloud and showcases the steps involved in modernizing an example Java Spring Boot application from legacy status to the cloud by replatforming and rehosting with target deployments on IaaS, PaaS, and serverless options available on Google Cloud.

    Who this book is for

    Software developers and solution architects seeking to gain experience in how to modernize their applications, moving them to Google Cloud and transforming them into cloud-native applications, will benefit from this book.

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1, Cloud-Native Application Fundamentals, introduces the characteristics of cloud-native applications, including their benefits, along with the ever-popular Twelve-Factor App principles.

    Chapter 2, End-to-End Extensible Tooling for Cloud-Native Application Development, introduces the development toolset and services available on Google Cloud to aid in building a modern cloud-native application.

    Chapter 3, Cloud-Native Architecture Patterns and System Architecture Tenets, explains the different design patterns and best practices to address specific development challenges, client needs, and platform requirements.

    Chapter 4, Choosing the Right Compute Option, introduces the various compute options available on Google Cloud from IaaS, PaaS, and containers to serverless options.

    Chapter 5, Choosing the Right Database and Storage, introduces the various database and storage services available on Google Cloud.

    Chapter 6, Implementing a Messaging and Scheduling System, explains the need for a messaging system for cloud-native applications, introducing the Pub/Sub service in Google Cloud and comparing it to other open source options.

    Chapter 7, Implementing Cloud-Native Security, introduces identity and access management and how it can be used to secure applications deployed on Google Cloud.

    Chapter 8, Introducing the Legacy Application, introduces the monolithic Java Spring Boot application along with the frontend and backend components that we will modernize at a later stage.

    Chapter 9, The Initial Architecture on Google Compute Engine, explains how the sample legacy application can be rehosted on Google Compute Engine virtual machines.

    Chapter 10, Addressing Scalability and Availability, addresses the scalability of the legacy application by utilizing Managed Instance Groups (MIG), which is a collection of Google Compute Engine virtual machines.

    Chapter 11, Re-platforming the Data Layer, showcases how to move the backend database from a self-hosted option on Google Compute Engine to a managed service on Google Cloud.

    Chapter 12, Designing the Interim Architecture, focuses on understanding how infrastructure and software architecture needs to be changed to prepare for the move to microservices.

    Chapter 13, Refactoring to Microservices, explains how we can package our application into separate microservices for the frontend and backend.

    Chapter 14, Refactoring the Frontend and Exposing REST Services, explains how to break our monolithic legacy application into microservices for the frontend along with the backend REST APIs.

    Chapter 15, Handling Eventual Consistency with the Compensation Pattern, explains how our legacy application can be designed to handle eventual consistency to allow loose coupling between the microservices.

    Chapter 16, Orchestrating Your Application with Google Kubernetes Engine, explains the deployment of our legacy application to Google Kubernetes Engine. Now that we have all the individual microservices, we are ready to deploy to containerized platforms.

    Chapter 17, Going Serverless with Google App Engine, explains how to deploy our containerized legacy application to Google App Engine.

    Chapter 18, Future-Proofing Your App with Google Cloud Run, explains how to deploy our legacy application to Google Cloud Run, which is Google's latest serverless offering.

    Appendix A, Choosing the Right Migration Strategy, explains the various migration options available when moving to Google Cloud.

    Appendix B, Application Modernization Solutions, introduces Anthos, an application modernization platform.

    To get the most out of this book

    You will need to install the Google Cloud SDK that contains the gcloud CLI. You will also require familiarity with the Java Spring Boot framework and working knowledge of CLIs in general and the gcloud CLI specifically. You will need to have knowledge of basic DNS concepts such as setting up A records and CNAME records and understanding domains and sub-domains. Experience of working with domain registrars would be helpful. Familiarity with working YAML syntax will be useful to understand CloudBuild configuration files

    In addition, if you want to set up a custom domain for your application as mentioned in the chapters that refer to deployments on GCE, GAE, GKE, and Cloud Run, you will need to purchase a DNS domain from a domain registrar. App Engine and Cloud Run, however, come with predefined URLs provided by Google Cloud in case you do not want a custom domain.

    If you are using the digital version of this book, we advise you to type the code yourself or access the code via the GitHub repository (link available in the next section). Doing so will help you avoid any potential errors related to the copying and pasting of code.

    After reading the book, you should have a fair understanding of applying the right architecture pattern for your use case to transform a legacy application into a modern cloud-native application, and then use advanced application modernization technologies such as Anthos to create containerized applications that run on Kubernetes.

    Download the example code files

    You can download the example code files for this book from GitHub at In case there's an update to the code, it will be updated on the existing GitHub repository.

    We also have other code bundles from our rich catalog of books and videos available at Check them out!

    Download the color images

    We also provide a PDF file that has color images of the screenshots/diagrams used in this book. You can download it here:

    Conventions used

    There are a number of text conventions used throughout this book.

    Code in text: Indicates code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles. Here is an example: Developers can use the allUsers value to manage all of the users of the application.

    A block of code is set as follows:

    layout (content)



    When we wish to draw your attention to a particular part of a code block, the relevant lines or items are set in bold:

    @Bean(name = accountDataSource)


    public DataSource accountDataSource() {

    return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();


    Bold: Indicates a new term, an important word, or words that you see onscreen. For example, words in menus or dialog boxes appear in the text like this. Here is an example: From the Instances page, click CREATE INSTANCE.

    Tips or important notes

    Appear like this.

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    Section 1: Cloud-Native Application Development and App Modernization in Google Cloud

    On completion of Section 1, you will have gained an understanding of the cloud-native ecosystem, principles and benefits of cloud-native architecture as well as how to apply the 12-factor app principles on Google Cloud. In addition, you will get insights into the end-to-end tooling that goes into developing a cloud-native application on Google Cloud, along with a sample reference architecture. Finally, you will learn how to solve common challenges with cloud-native design patterns as well as hybrid and multi-cloud architecture recommendations.

    This part of the book comprises the following chapters:

    Chapter 1, Cloud-Native Application Fundamentals

    Chapter 2, End-to-End Extensible Tooling for Cloud-Native Application Development

    Chapter 3, Cloud-Native Architecture Patterns and System Architecture Tenets

    Chapter 1: Cloud-Native Application Fundamentals

    Cloud computing brought about a paradigm shift in the world of software engineering and changed how we build applications. The cloud ecosystem powers some of the most powerful, largest, and most innovative applications using the same set of universal principles. However, some of these principles go against the best practices in traditional application development but are crucial to the success of a cloud-native application.

    In this chapter, we are going to explore these fundamentals and core principles to help you utilize the full potential of the cloud-native ecosystem. After finishing this chapter, you'll have a clear understanding of the following topics and how they are used in day-to-day development on the cloud:

    The cloud-native ecosystem

    Benefits of cloud-native architecture

    Principles of cloud-native architecture

    Applying the 12-factor app principles on Google Cloud

    The cloud-native ecosystem

    The cloud-native ecosystem is a combination of three very basic elements: the cloud platform, the architecture, and, of course, the cloud-native application. Let's break them down one by one.

    The cloud platform is what makes cloud-native applications possible. For instance, the virtually unlimited computing and storage capabilities of a cloud platform give cloud-native applications the following characteristics:

    Scalability, a defining characteristic.

    The pay-per-use model makes the applications cost-effective.

    Managed services that make cloud-native applications not only versatile but also very developer-friendly.

    There are ample reasons why the industry is choosing cloud-native architecture as the foundation for its applications. The architecture dictates how the software is engineered and with cloud-native architecture, developers have far more control. It enables developers to adopt DevOps, containers, automation, microservices, and more. Microservices, in particular, are one of the most important components of a cloud-native architecture and they are what give cloud-native applications the rest of their defining characteristics: agility and resiliency.

    An application can be considered cloud-native when it can take advantage of the cloud platform, and in order to take full advantage, it usually needs to be built on a cloud-native architecture. Therefore, a cloud-native application should be the following:

    Managed: Use the cloud platform as an infrastructure (be dependent on it to do all the computing).

    Scalable: Quickly increase or decrease resources to match the demand.

    Resilient: A single bug or crash should not take down the application.

    Loosely coupled: Parts of the application should be isolated enough for them to be altered or removed without any downtime.

    If the cloud-native ecosystem were a house, the cloud platform would be the underground foundation, the architecture would be the main pillars, and the cloud applications would be the rooms.

    Benefits of cloud-native applications

    Cloud-native applications have many benefits that make them superior to traditional applications in many ways. These benefits are why people build cloud-native applications, but not all the benefits are innate; they're not guaranteed automatically.

    Simply rehosting to a cloud platform does not mean that the time to market will decrease or that the application will be more resilient. It's up to the developer to ensure that the characteristics of the cloud platform and architecture are carried over to the end user. So, before learning how to develop cloud-native applications, it's a good idea to learn what makes cloud-native applications so powerful and popular among businesses.

    Increased speed of delivery

    Simply building applications isn't enough – delivering the service to the market is just as important. Bringing a new service or product to the market before competitors has a huge advantage (first-mover advantage). Similarly, timely feature updates and bug fixes are incredibly important as well.

    Cloud-native applications can be built in a very short time and are generally much faster at pushing updates as well. This is possible due to the way they are architected as well as because of the approach developers take. Let's take a look at some of the architectural benefits first.

    Not monolithic

    A decade ago, the trend was to make everything monolithic. Today, the trend is to break the monolith into microservices. This paradigm shift was driven by the need to be more agile and resilient and monoliths were neither. The solution? Use a loosely coupled architecture that is not affected by the limitations of monolithic architecture.

    Unlike a monolith, the cloud-native architecture supports an application being built in pieces and then joined together. These pieces are called microservices and they are completely isolated from each other in their own environments called containers. They communicate with each other through APIs. The popular saying breaking the monolith refers to breaking down the web of a complex and interconnected code base into neatly organized microservices that are much easier to maintain.

    A popular real-world example of breaking the monolith is Netflix. By the time it turned 1 in 2008, Netflix's monolithic architecture had already become a problematic mess that caused extremely long downtimes. So, after 3 years of refactoring, Netflix's engineers were able to break down their giant monolith into 500-700 microservices, reducing cost, time to market, and downtimes.

    A microservices architecture also reduces the time to fix bugs as each microservice is monitored separately and buggy microservices can be quickly identified, replaced with an older version, or completely removed without any downtime.

    Independent development of microservices

    Another major advantage of microservices is that because they are independent, developers can work on different microservices at once. This gives developers the ability to build and update different parts of the application at once, without constantly worrying about app-breaking updates or having to shut down the entire server for a small bug fix. Although compatibility issues haven't been completely eliminated in cloud-native applications, they are far fewer and rarer.

    Amazon's two pizza policy is a great example of the independent development of microservices. The policy states that a microservice is too big if the team working on it cannot be fed by two pizzas. Although not very scientific, it illustrates just how great microservices are for small, especially remote, teams.

    Independent deployment of microservices

    The loosely coupled design philosophy has given rise to a new breed of applications that are modular. As microservices are usually designed with functionality in mind, they can be thought of as modular features that can be changed, replaced, or completely taken out with minimum impact on the entire application. But they can also be introduced independently. When adding a new microservice to the main code base, no major refactoring is required, which significantly reduces the time to market.

    Increased scalability

    Scalability is one of the key characteristics of cloud-native applications. They are extremely scalable due to the vast (unlimited as far as most businesses are concerned) hardware capabilities of modern cloud platforms. However, cloud-native applications are not scalable in the same way as traditional applications.

    Historically, businesses increased their capacity to serve concurrent users by vertically scaling or scaling up. This means that they went from 2 gigabytes of memory to 8 gigabytes and from a 1 GHz CPU to a 2.4 GHz one.

    Cloud-native applications, on the other hand, scale up using a different approach: horizontal scaling or scaling out. Instead of increasing the raw computing and storage capabilities of each unit, cloud platforms increase the number of units. Instead of a single stick of 8 gigabytes, they have four sticks of 2 gigabytes.

    Although vertical scaling is easier, horizontal scaling opens up far more possibilities in terms of how resources are allocated and how applications scale with the latter, providing much better scalability.

    Additionally, cloud platforms provide a number of scalability benefits such as autoscaling and pay-per-use pricing schemes that make cloud-native applications much better investments.

    Increased resiliency

    Risks can never be completely eliminated, so instead of solely focusing on avoiding failures, cloud-native applications are architected to respond to failures – that is, to be resilient. The resiliency of

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