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Hacking Android
Hacking Android
Hacking Android
Ebook697 pages3 hours

Hacking Android

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About this ebook

Explore every nook and cranny of the Android OS to modify your device and guard it against security threats

About This Book
  • Understand and counteract against offensive security threats to your applications
  • Maximize your device's power and potential to suit your needs and curiosity
  • See exactly how your smartphone's OS is put together (and where the seams are)
Who This Book Is For

This book is for anyone who wants to learn about Android security. Software developers, QA professionals, and beginner- to intermediate-level security professionals will find this book helpful. Basic knowledge of Android programming would be a plus.

What You Will Learn
  • Acquaint yourself with the fundamental building blocks of Android Apps in the right way
  • Pentest Android apps and perform various attacks in the real world using real case studies
  • Take a look at how your personal data can be stolen by malicious attackers
  • Understand the offensive maneuvers that hackers use
  • Discover how to defend against threats
  • Get to know the basic concepts of Android rooting
  • See how developers make mistakes that allow attackers to steal data from phones
  • Grasp ways to secure your Android apps and devices
  • Find out how remote attacks are possible on Android devices
In Detail

With the mass explosion of Android mobile phones in the world, mobile devices have become an integral part of our everyday lives. Security of Android devices is a broad subject that should be part of our everyday lives to defend against ever-growing smartphone attacks. Everyone, starting with end users all the way up to developers and security professionals should care about android security.

Hacking Android is a step-by-step guide that will get you started with Android security. You'll begin your journey at the absolute basics, and then will slowly gear up to the concepts of Android rooting, application security assessments, malware, infecting APK files, and fuzzing. On this journey you'll get to grips with various tools and techniques that can be used in your everyday pentests. You'll gain the skills necessary to perform Android application vulnerability assessment and penetration testing and will create an Android pentesting lab.

Style and approach

This comprehensive guide takes a step-by-step approach and is explained in a conversational and easy-to-follow style. Each topic is explained sequentially in the process of performing a successful penetration test. We also include detailed explanations as well as screenshots of the basic and advanced concepts.

Release dateJul 28, 2016
Hacking Android

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    Hacking Android - Srinivasa Rao Kotipalli

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    Table of Contents

    Hacking Android


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    What this book covers

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    1. Setting Up the Lab

    Installing the required tools


    Android Studio

    Setting up an AVD

    Real device



    Burp Suite

    Configuring the AVD



    QARK (No support for windows)

    Getting ready

    Advanced REST Client for Chrome

    Droid Explorer

    Cydia Substrate and Introspy

    SQLite browser


    Setting up Frida server

    Setting up frida-client

    Testing the setup

    Vulnerable apps

    Kali Linux

    ADB Primer

    Checking for connected devices

    Getting a shell

    Listing the packages

    Pushing files to the device

    Pulling files from the device

    Installing apps using adb

    Troubleshooting adb connections


    2. Android Rooting

    What is rooting?

    Why would we root a device?

    Advantages of rooting

    Unlimited control over the device

    Installing additional apps

    More features and customization

    Disadvantages of rooting

    It compromises the security of your device

    Bricking your device

    Voids warranty

    Locked and unlocked boot loaders

    Determining boot loader unlock status on Sony devices

    Unlocking boot loader on Sony through a vendor specified method

    Rooting unlocked boot loaders on a Samsung device

    Stock recovery and Custom recovery


    Rooting Process and Custom ROM installation

    Installing recovery softwares

    Using Odin

    Using Heimdall

    Rooting a Samsung Note 2

    Flashing the Custom ROM to the phone


    3. Fundamental Building Blocks of Android Apps

    Basics of Android apps

    Android app structure

    How to get an APK file?

    Storage location of APK files




    Example of extracting preinstalled apps

    Example of extracting user installed apps

    Android app components



    Broadcast receivers

    Content providers

    Android app build process

    Building DEX files from the command line

    What happens when an app is run?

    ART – the new Android Runtime

    Understanding app sandboxing

    UID per app

    App sandboxing

    Is there a way to break out of this sandbox?


    4. Overview of Attacking Android Apps

    Introduction to Android apps

    Web Based apps

    Native apps

    Hybrid apps

    Understanding the app's attack surface

    Mobile application architecture

    Threats at the client side

    Threats at the backend

    Guidelines for testing and securing mobile apps

    OWASP Top 10 Mobile Risks (2014)

    M1: Weak Server-Side Controls

    M2: Insecure Data Storage

    M3: Insufficient Transport Layer Protection

    M4: Unintended Data Leakage

    M5: Poor Authorization and Authentication

    M6: Broken Cryptography

    M7: Client-Side Injection

    M8: Security Decisions via Untrusted Inputs

    M9: Improper Session Handling

    M10: Lack of Binary Protections

    Automated tools


    Performing Android security assessments with Drozer

    Installing testapp.apk

    Listing out all the modules

    Retrieving package information

    Identifying the attack surface

    Identifying and exploiting Android app vulnerabilities using Drozer

    Attacks on exported activities

    What is the problem here?

    QARK (Quick Android Review Kit)

    Running QARK in interactive mode


    Running QARK in seamless mode:


    5. Data Storage and Its Security

    What is data storage?

    Android local data storage techniques

    Shared preferences

    SQLite databases

    Internal storage

    External storage

    Shared preferences

    Real world application demo

    SQLite databases

    Internal storage

    External storage

    User dictionary cache

    Insecure data storage – NoSQL database

    NoSQL demo application functionality

    Backup techniques

    Backup the app data using adb backup command

    Convert .ab format to tar format using Android backup extractor

    Extracting the TAR file using the pax or star utility

    Analyzing the extracted content for security issues

    Being safe


    6. Server-Side Attacks

    Different types of mobile apps and their threat model

    Mobile applications server-side attack surface

    Mobile application architecture

    Strategies for testing mobile backend

    Setting up Burp Suite Proxy for testing

    Proxy setting via APN

    Proxy setting via Wi-Fi

    Bypass certificate warnings and HSTS

    HSTS – HTTP Strict Transport Security

    Bypassing certificate pinning

    Bypass SSL pinning using AndroidSSLTrustKiller

    Setting up a demo application

    Installing OWASP GoatDroid

    Threats at the backend

    Relating OWASP top 10 mobile risks and web attacks

    Authentication/authorization issues

    Authentication vulnerabilities

    Authorization vulnerabilities

    Session management

    Insufficient Transport Layer Security

    Input validation related issues

    Improper error handling

    Insecure data storage

    Attacks on the database


    7. Client-Side Attacks – Static Analysis Techniques

    Attacking application components

    Attacks on activities

    What does exported behavior mean to an activity?

    Intent filters

    Attacks on services

    Extending the Binder class:

    Using a Messenger

    Using AIDL

    Attacking AIDL services

    Attacks on broadcast receivers

    Attacks on content providers

    Querying content providers:

    Exploiting SQL Injection in content providers using adb

    Querying the content provider

    Writing a where condition:

    Testing for Injection:

    Finding the column numbers for further extraction

    Running database functions

    Finding out SQLite version:

    Finding out table names

    Static analysis using QARK:


    8. Client-Side Attacks – Dynamic Analysis Techniques

    Automated Android app assessments using Drozer

    Listing out all the modules

    Retrieving package information

    Finding out the package name of your target application

    Getting information about a package

    Dumping the AndroidManifes.xml file

    Finding out the attack surface:

    Attacks on activities

    Attacks on services

    Broadcast receivers

    Content provider leakage and SQL Injection using Drozer

    Attacking SQL Injection using Drozer

    Path traversal attacks in content providers

    Reading /etc/hosts

    Reading kernel version

    Exploiting debuggable apps

    Introduction to Cydia Substrate

    Runtime monitoring and analysis using Introspy

    Hooking using Xposed framework

    Dynamic instrumentation using Frida

    What is Frida?


    Steps to perform dynamic hooking with Frida

    Logging based vulnerabilities

    WebView attacks

    Accessing sensitive local resources through file scheme

    Other WebView issues


    9. Android Malware

    What do Android malwares do?

    Writing Android malwares

    Writing a simple reverse shell Trojan using socket programming

    Registering permissions

    Writing a simple SMS stealer

    The user interface

    Code for

    Code for reading SMS

    Code for the uploadData() method

    Complete code for

    Registering permissions

    Code on the server

    A note on infecting legitimate apps

    Malware analysis

    Static analysis

    Disassembling Android apps using Apktool

    Exploring the AndroidManifest.xml file

    Exploring smali files

    Decompiling Android apps using dex2jar and JD-GUI

    Dynamic analysis

    Analyzing HTTP/HTTPS traffic using Burp

    Analysing network traffic using tcpdump and Wireshark

    Tools for automated analysis

    How to be safe from Android malwares?


    10. Attacks on Android Devices

    MitM attacks

    Dangers with apps that provide network level access

    Using existing exploits


    Bypassing screen locks

    Bypassing pattern lock using adb

    Removing the gesture.key file

    Cracking SHA1 hashes from the gesture.key file

    Bypassing password/PIN using adb

    Bypassing screen locks using CVE-2013-6271

    Pulling data from the sdcard



    Hacking Android

    Hacking Android

    Copyright © 2016 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the authors, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    First published: July 2016

    Production reference: 1250716

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

    Livery Place

    35 Livery Street

    Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-78588-314-9



    Srinivasa Rao Kotipalli

    Mohammed A. Imran


    Guangwei Feng

    Commissioning Editor

    Edward Gordon

    Acquisition Editor

    Divya Poojari

    Content Development Editor

    Trusha Shriyan

    Technical Editor

    Nirant Carvalho

    Copy Editors

    Safis Editing

    Madhusudan Uchil

    Project Coordinator

    Kinjal Bari


    Safis Editing


    Hemangini Bari


    Kirk D'Penha

    Production Coordinator

    Arvindkumar Gupta

    Cover Work

    Arvindkumar Gupta

    About the Authors

    Srinivasa Rao Kotipalli (@srini0x00) is a security researcher from India. He has extensive hands-on experience in performing web application, infrastructure, and mobile security assessments. He worked as a security consultant at Tata Consultancy Services India for two and a half years and later joined a start-up in Malaysia. He has delivered training sessions on web, infrastructure, and mobile penetration testing for organizations across the world, in countries such as India, Malaysia, Brunei, and Vietnam. Through responsible disclosure programs, he has reported vulnerabilities in many top-notch organizations. He holds a bachelor's degree in information technology and is OSCP certified. He blogs at and

    First and foremost I would like to thank my family members for their support and encouragement while writing this book. This would never have happened without their support.

    Many thanks to my special friends Sai Satish, Sarath Chandra, Abhijeth, Rahul Venati, Appanna K, Prathapareddy for always being with me right from the beginning of my career.

    Special thanks to Dr. G.P.S. Varma, principal of S.R.K.R Engineering College, Mr. Sagi Maniraju, Mr. G. Narasimha Raju, Mr. B.V.D.S Sekhar, Mr. S RamGopalReddy, Mr. Kishore Raju and all the staff members of S.R.K.R, Information Technology Department for their wonderful support and guidance during my graduation.

    Huge thanks to Mr. Prasad Badiganti for being my mentor and tuning me into a true professional with his valuable suggestions.

    Last but not the least, thanks to the Packt Publishing team especially Divya, Trusha & Nirant for helping us in every way possible to get this book to this stage.

    Mohammed A. Imran (@secfigo) is an experienced application security engineer and the founder of null Singapore and null Hyderabad. With more than 6 years of experience in product security and consulting, he spends most of his time on penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, and source code reviews of web and mobile applications. He has helped telecom, banking, and software development houses create and maintain secure SDLC programs. He has also created and delivered training on application security and secure coding practices to students, enterprises, and government organizations. He holds a master's degree in computer science and is actively involved in the information security community and organizes meetups regularly.

    First and foremost, I want to thank my parents for all their love and support during all these years. I want to thank my beautiful wife for bringing joy in my life and for being patient with all my side projects. I also want to thank my siblings Irfan, Fauzan, Sam and Sana for being the best siblings ever.

    About the Reviewer

    Guangwei Feng is a mobile developer at Douban ( in Beijing. He holds a master's in information technology from University of Sydney and a BE from Nankai University (Tianjin). He is a part of the Douban app (social), Douban Dongxi app (online shopping), and TWS for Douban FM (wearable) projects. Out of these, the Douban app has been downloaded over 10 million times and has become one of the most popular apps in China.

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    Mobile security is one of the hottest topics today. Android being the leading mobile operating system in the market, it has a huge user base, and lots of personal as well as business data is being stored on Android mobile devices. Mobile devices are now sources of entertainment, business, personal life, and new risks. Attacks targeting mobile devices and apps are on the rise. Android, being the platform with the largest consumer base, is the obvious primary target for attackers. This book will provide insights into various attack techniques in order to help developers and penetration testers as well as end users understand Android security fundamentals.

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1, Setting Up the Lab, is an essential part of this book. This chapter will guide you to setting up a lab with all the tools that are required to follow the rest of the chapters in the book. This chapter is an essential part of the book for those who are new to Android security. It will help you build an arsenal of tools required for Android security at one place.

    Chapter 2, Android Rooting, provides an introduction to the techniques typically used to root Android devices. This chapter discusses the basics of rooting and its pros and cons. Then, we shall move into topics such as the Android partition layout, boot loaders, and boot loader unlocking techniques. This chapter acts a guide for those who want to root their devices and want know the ins and outs of rooting concepts.

    Chapter 3, Fundamental Building Blocks of Android Apps provides an overview of Android app internals. It is essential to understand how apps are being built under the hood, what they look like when installed on a device, how they are run, and so on. This is exactly what this chapter covers.

    Chapter 4, Overview of Attacking Android Apps, provides an overview of the attack surface of Android. It discusses possible attacks on Android apps, devices, and other components in the application architecture. Essentially, this chapter lets you build a simple threat model for a traditional application that communicates with databases over the network. It is essential to understand what the possible threats that an application may come across are in order to understand what to test during a penetration test. This chapter is a high-level overview and contains fewer technical details.

    Chapter 5, Data Storage and Its Security, provides an introduction to the techniques typically used to assess the data storage security of Android applications. Data storage is one of the most important elements of Android app development. This chapter begins with discussing different techniques used by developers to store data locally and how they can affect security. Then, we shall look into the security implications of the data storage choices made by developers.

    Chapter 6, Server-Side Attacks, provides an overview of the attack surface of Android apps from the server side. This chapter will discuss the attacks possible on Android app backends. This chapter is a high-level overview and contains fewer technical details, as most server-side vulnerabilities are related to web attacks, which have been covered extensively in the OWASP testing and developer guides.

    Chapter 7, Client-Side Attacks – Static Analysis Techniques, covers various client-side attacks from a static application security testing (SAST) viewpoint. Static analysis is a common technique of identifying vulnerabilities in Android apps caused due to the ease availability of reversing tools for Android. This chapter also discusses some automated tools available for static analysis of Android applications.

    Chapter 8, Client Side Attacks – Dynamic Analysis Techniques, covers some common tools and techniques to assess and exploit client-side vulnerabilities in Android applications using dynamic application security testing (DAST). This chapter will also discuss tools such as Xposed and Frida that are used to manipulate application flow during runtime.

    Chapter 9, Android Malware, provides an introduction to the fundamental techniques typically used in creating and analyzing Android malware. The chapter begins with introducing the characteristics of traditional Android malware. This chapter also discusses how to develop a simple piece of malware that gives an attacker a reverse shell on the infected phone. Finally, the chapter discusses Android malware analysis techniques.

    Chapter 10, Attacks on Android Devices This chapter is an attempt to help users secure themselves from attackers while performing everyday operations, such as connecting their smartphones to free Wi-Fi access points at coffee shops and airports. This chapter also discusses why it is dangerous to root Android devices and install unknown applications.

    What you need for this book

    In order to get hands-on experience while reading this book, you need the following software. Download links and installation steps are shown later in the book.

    Android Studio

    An Android emulator






    GoatDroid App


    Cydia Substrate


    Xposed Framework


    Who this book is for

    This book is for anyone who wants to learn about Android security. Software developers, QA professionals, and beginner- to intermediate-level security professionals will find this book helpful. Basic knowledge of Android programming would be a plus.


    In this book, you will find a number of text styles that distinguish between different kinds of information. Here are some examples of these styles and an explanation of their meaning.

    Code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles are shown as follows: Let us first delete the test.txt file from the current directory.

    A block of code is set as follows:


    public void onReceivedSslError(WebView view, SslErrorHandler handler,                SslError error)




    When we wish to draw your attention to a particular part of a code block, the relevant lines or items are set in bold:

    if(!URL.startsWith(file:)) {

    Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

    $ adb forward tcp:27042 tcp:27042 $ adb forward tcp:27043 tcp:27043

    New terms and important words are shown in bold. Words that you see on the screen, for example, in menus or dialog boxes, appear in the text like this: Finally, give your AVD a name and click Finish.


    Warnings or important notes appear in a box like this.


    Tips and tricks appear like this.

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