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Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011: Dashboards Cookbook: Figuring out Dashboards in Microsoft Dynamic CRM doesn't have to be complicated. The smart way to learn is by following these 50+ recipes that help you visualize your CRM data clearly and communicatively.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011: Dashboards Cookbook: Figuring out Dashboards in Microsoft Dynamic CRM doesn't have to be complicated. The smart way to learn is by following these 50+ recipes that help you visualize your CRM data clearly and communicatively.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011: Dashboards Cookbook: Figuring out Dashboards in Microsoft Dynamic CRM doesn't have to be complicated. The smart way to learn is by following these 50+ recipes that help you visualize your CRM data clearly and communicatively.
Ebook524 pages2 hours

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011: Dashboards Cookbook: Figuring out Dashboards in Microsoft Dynamic CRM doesn't have to be complicated. The smart way to learn is by following these 50+ recipes that help you visualize your CRM data clearly and communicatively.

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About this ebook

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 offers you access to exciting new interactive and flexible Dashboards that contain any combination of Charts, Lists, iFrames and Silverlight components. These can be used to easily visualize your CRM data and provide you with a light BI interface, all of which this practical cookbook will enable you to utilize.
At first glance, Dashboards and their myriad information can be overwhelming to users that are new to the Dynamics CRM 2011 interface. This book guides you through navigating and interacting with Dashboards in a simple and easy to follow manner, and builds on that experience to walk you through creating and sharing your own User Dashboards.
"Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011: Dashboards Cookbook"ù offers a range of practical recipes for mastering dashboard navigation, interaction, and building custom Dashboards in Dynamics CRM.
You will immediately get to grips with essential tasks like changing Dashboard settings and sharing Dashboards with other members in the CRM team, as well as adding custom components like iFrames and Lists. Along the way you will also follow the creation of a simple HTML WebResouce that can be added to your Dashboard.
By the end of "Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011: Dashboards Cookbook"ù, you will be fully equipped to take advantage of the exciting new Dashboards features of Dynamics CRM 2011.

Release dateJan 18, 2012
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011: Dashboards Cookbook: Figuring out Dashboards in Microsoft Dynamic CRM doesn't have to be complicated. The smart way to learn is by following these 50+ recipes that help you visualize your CRM data clearly and communicatively.

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    Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 - Mark AuCoin

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    Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011: Dashboards Cookbook


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    1. Viewing Dashboards


    Creating a free Dynamics CRM 2011 Online account

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

    There's more...

    Finding and selecting dashboards

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    There's more...

    Microsoft Dynamics CRM Overview Dashboard

    Sales Activity Dashboard

    Sales Performance Dashboard

    Marketing Dashboard

    Customer Service Representative Dashboard

    Customer Service Performance Dashboard

    Customer Service Operations Dashboard

    Expanding and collapsing dashboard sections

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    There's more...

    Changing your default CRM 2011 Dashboard

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

    There's more...

    Making Dashboards your CRM 2011 homepage

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    2. Interacting with Dashboards


    Enlarging a chart to full screen

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    Using the tooltips on a chart

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

    There's more...

    Tooltips for stacked bar charts

    Refreshing dashboard data

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

    There's more...

    Refreshing non-standard dashboard components

    Drilling down into a chart

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    There's more...

    Getting back to the original chart

    Working with inline charts and filtered records

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

    There's more...

    Filtering data by performing a chart drilldown

    See also

    Searching for records in a list

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

    There's more…

    Searching against a view with multiple Find Columns

    Sorting records in a list

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    There's more...

    How to sort a list by multiple columns

    Filtering records in a list

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

    There's more...

    Custom filtering on a text column

    Filtering on a Lookup type column

    Filtering on a Date column

    Changing the view for a dashboard list

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    There's more...

    3. Creating a Dashboard


    Creating a user dashboard

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works…

    There's more...

    3-Column Regular Dashboard

    3-Column Multi-Focused Dashboard

    4-Column Overview Dashboard

    2-Column Regular Dashboard

    3-Column Overview Dashboard

    3-Column Focused Dashboard

    Creating a system dashboard

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    There's more...

    Publishing the system dashboard

    Changing the layout of your dashboard

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    There's more…

    Adding a chart to your dashboard

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    There's more...

    Where did the charts come from?

    Editing a chart on your dashboard

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    There's more...

    Changing the name or label for the chart

    Changing the data source for the chart

    Changing the additional options

    Changing the chart being displayed

    Adding a list to a dashboard

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

    There's more...

    Where did the views come from?

    Editing a list on a dashboard

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    There's more...

    Changing the name or label for the list

    Changing the data source for the list

    Changing the additional options

    Changing the chart options

    4. Sharing and Assigning Dashboards


    Locating the user dashboards

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

    There's more...

    The difference between user and system dashboards

    Sharing a user dashboard

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

    There's more...

    What about those other permissions?

    Security roles and dashboards in Dynamics CRM

    Assigning a user dashboard

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

    Copying an existing dashboard

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

    5. Editing and Deleting Dashboards


    Editing a user dashboard

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    There's more...

    Security roles for editing user dashboards

    Editing a system dashboard

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    There's more...

    Security roles for editing system dashboards

    Deleting a user dashboard

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

    Deleting a system dashboard

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    6. Adding IFrames and WebResources to Dashboards


    Adding an IFrame to a dashboard

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    There's more...

    Displaying a label for the IFrame

    Passing object-type and GUID parameters

    Restricting cross-frame scripting and User dashboards

    Editing an IFrame component

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    Creating an HTML WebResource component

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

    There's more...

    Adding a WebResource to a dashboard

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    There's more...

    Passing a custom parameter (data) to a WebResource

    Editing a WebResource component

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    7. Advanced Dashboards


    Exporting a dashboard from Dynamics CRM

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    Creating a new dashboard layout using FormXML

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    There's more…

    Using the FormXML.xsd schema file to validate customizations

    Understanding FormXML

    Importing a dashboard into Dynamics CRM

    Getting ready

    How to do it…

    Building a CRM Organization Overview dashboard

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    There's more...

    Adding more than six components to a dashboard

    Installing the free Dashboard Reports control

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

    There's more...

    Showing reports on a Dynamics CRM dashboard

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

    There's more....

    8. Creating a Chart


    Creating a system chart

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

    There's more...

    Using the Top/Bottom Rule options

    Entities that support visualizations

    Creating a user chart

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    There's more...

    Security Privileges needed to create user charts

    Locating user charts

    Editing a user chart

    Assigning user charts

    Sharing user charts

    Creating a stacked comparison chart

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    There's more...

    Creating a 100% Stacked Column

    Chart types that support stacking

    Creating a multi-series chart

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    There's more...

    Adding more series

    Set the Top/Bottom options for a series

    Changing the chart type for a series

    Removing a series

    9. Advanced Chart XML


    Exporting a chart

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    There's more...

    Exporting a user chart

    Importing a chart

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    There's more...

    Importing a user chart

    Changing Axis labels and Series label formats

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    How it works...

    There's more...

    Overview of the Chart XML Schema

    Series LabelFormat options

    Controlling chart colors and 3D appearance

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    Controlling the color when dealing with multiple series

    Options when using 3D styles

    Using FetchXML to combine data in a chart

    Getting ready

    How to do it...

    There's more...

    Using Advanced Find to generate FetchXML

    A. Dashboard Examples

    Sales Dashboard

    Probability Adjusted Forecast

    Time to Close by Project Type

    Account Touch Points

    Opportunity Value by Project Type

    Service Dashboard

    Subject trends by Month

    Case SLA Trending

    Queue Wait Time SLA


    Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011: Dashboards Cookbook

    Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011: Dashboards Cookbook

    Copyright © 2012 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    First published: January 2012

    Production Reference: 1120112

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

    Livery Place

    35 Livery Street

    Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-84968-440-8

    Cover Image by John Green (<[email protected]>)



    Mark AuCoin


    Daniel Cai

    Richard Knudson

    Mohamed Ibrahim Mostafa

    Nicolae Tarla

    Acquisition Editor

    Stephanie Moss

    Lead Technical Editor

    Hyacintha D’Souza

    Technical Editors

    Mehreen Shaikh

    Azharuddin Sheikh

    Project Coordinator

    Jovita Pinto


    Chris Smith


    Rekha Nair

    Production Coordinator

    Alwin Roy

    Cover Work

    Alwin Roy

    About the Author

    Mark AuCoin is a Microsoft MVP and Senior CRM Solution Specialist for Navantis, which won the 2010 and 2011 CRM Solution Partner of the Year award from Microsoft Canada. Mark has been in the software industry since 1992 and has been involved in many different projects and technologies over that time. Starting out in client/server and ERP systems then migrating to the Internet and leveraging years of database and reporting skills he focused on building business-class web-enabled systems. Then Mark was introduced to Microsoft Dynamics CRM. He was impressed with the ability to focus more on the business requirements and what needs to get done instead of worrying so much about how it was going to get done. Since diving into Dynamics CRM in 2006, Mark has been involved in bringing a Dynamics CRM mobile solution to market, became a speaker at Dynamics CRM events, and has attained Microsoft Virtual Technical Specialist status for Dynamics CRM in Canada.

    Mark has a techinal blog at

    I would like to thank Joe AuCoin and Gurt Pawan for their support when I was getting started with Dynamics CRM. Your business experience and guidance was invaluable to me, thank you. I would also like to thank John Kvasnic, Kevin Oakes, and the whole Navantis team for being such a great company that people are really proud to be a part of. The Management team has vision, the Sales team are all top professionals and the Development groups are simply amazing. Lastly, I would also like to thank the Dynamics CRM community, which includes the numerous bloggers and speakers that I follow. This book wouldn’t be possible without the countless articles and snippets that helped me along the way. The community is driving the product forward with timely articles and enhancements that are based on real-world experience.

    About the Reviewers

    Daniel Cai is an independent consultant specializing in Microsoft Dynamics CRM, .NET, and Business Intelligence solution development. He has years of professional experience in designing, developing, and delivering large-scale enterprise applications.

    Daniel is a Microsoft Dynamics CRM MVP, and the founder of Tata Solutions, a specialized IT solution provider offering full-cycle Microsoft Dynamics CRM development and consulting services.

    Daniel is a holder of several professional certificates including MCP, MCSE, MCDBA, MCSD, MCTS for Microsoft Dynamics CRM, and SCJP.

    Daniel has a technical blog at

    Mohamed Ibrahim Mostafa is a Technical Solutions Architect and Senior Consultant at CIBER. Mohamed comes with extensive Microsoft Dynamics CRM experience having worked on a large number of CRM implementations for projects of various sizes helping clients from different business sectors to implement successful solutions based on the platform. Mohamed is certified in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0, CRM 4.0, and CRM 2011. He also comes with long experience in leading development teams and projects, and designing and architecting solutions with strong client-focused Consultancy skills. Mohamed is certified in several other Microsoft technologies and he is a most valuable professional (MVP) in Scribe Software.

    Nicolae Tarla is a Senior Consultant with Navantis Inc. He is working with enterprise clients in America and Canada. Nicolae is focused on designing and implementing enterprise solutions for CRM, SharePoint and related .NET technologies. He is an integral part of the CRM community, contributing through his blog at

    Nicolae can be reached at <[email protected]>.

    I first want to thank Mark for giving me

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