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Practical Convolutional Neural Networks: Implement advanced deep learning models using Python
Practical Convolutional Neural Networks: Implement advanced deep learning models using Python
Practical Convolutional Neural Networks: Implement advanced deep learning models using Python
Ebook354 pages2 hours

Practical Convolutional Neural Networks: Implement advanced deep learning models using Python

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About this ebook

Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is revolutionizing several application domains such as visual recognition systems, self-driving cars, medical discoveries, innovative eCommerce and more.You will learn to create innovative solutions around image and video analytics to solve complex machine learning and computer vision related problems and implement real-life CNN models.
This book starts with an overview of deep neural networkswith the example of image classification and walks you through building your first CNN for human face detector. We will learn to use concepts like transfer learning with CNN, and Auto-Encoders to build very powerful models, even when not much of supervised training data of labeled images is available.
Later we build upon the learning achieved to build advanced vision related algorithms for object detection, instance segmentation, generative adversarial networks, image captioning, attention mechanisms for vision, and recurrent models for vision.
By the end of this book, you should be ready to implement advanced, effective and efficient CNN models at your professional project or personal initiatives by working on complex image and video datasets.

Release dateFeb 27, 2018
Practical Convolutional Neural Networks: Implement advanced deep learning models using Python

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    Book preview

    Practical Convolutional Neural Networks - Mohit Sewak

    Practical Convolutional Neural Networks

    Practical Convolutional Neural Networks 

    Implement advanced deep learning models using Python

    Mohit Sewak

    Md. Rezaul Karim

    Pradeep Pujari


    Practical Convolutional Neural Networks

    Copyright © 2018 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

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    Commissioning Editor: Sunith Shetty

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    Graphics: Tania Dutta

    Production Coordinator: Arvindkumar Gupta

    First published: February 2018

    Production reference: 1230218

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

    Livery Place

    35 Livery Street


    B3 2PB, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-78839-230-3

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    About the authors

    Mohit Sewak is a senior cognitive data scientist with IBM, and a PhD scholar in AI and CS at BITS Pilani. He holds several patents and publications in AI, deep learning, and machine learning. He has been the lead data scientist for some very successful global AI/ ML software and industry solutions and was earlier engaged in solutioning and research for the Watson Cognitive Commerce product line. He has 14 years of rich experience in architecting and solutioning with TensorFlow, Torch, Caffe, Theano, Keras, Watson, and more.

    Md. Rezaul Karim is a research scientist at Fraunhofer FIT, Germany. He is also a PhD candidate at RWTH Aachen University, Germany. Before joining FIT, he worked as a researcher at the Insight Center for Data Analytics, Ireland. He was a lead engineer at Samsung Electronics, Korea.

    He has 9 years of R&D experience with C++, Java, R, Scala, and Python. He has published research papers on bioinformatics, big data, and deep learning. He has practical working experience with Spark, Zeppelin, Hadoop, Keras, Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow, Deeplearning4j, MXNet, and H2O.

    Pradeep Pujari is machine learning engineer at Walmart Labs and a distinguished member of ACM. His core domain expertise is in information retrieval, machine learning, and natural language processing. In his free time, he loves exploring AI technologies, reading, and mentoring.

    About the reviewer

    Sumit Pal is a published author with Apress. He has more than 22 years of experience in software, from start-ups to enterprises, and is an independent consultant working with big data, data visualization, and data science. He builds end-to-end data-driven analytic systems.

    He has worked for Microsoft (SQLServer), Oracle (OLAP Kernel), and Verizon. He advises clients on their data architectures and build solutions in Spark and Scala. He has spoken at many conferences in North America and Europe and has developed a big data analyst training for Experfy. He has an MS and BS in computer science.

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    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright and Credits

    Practical Convolutional Neural Networks

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    About the authors

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    Who this book is for

    What this book covers

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    Conventions used

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    Deep Neural Networks – Overview

    Building blocks of a neural network

    Introduction to TensorFlow

    Installing TensorFlow

    For macOS X/Linux variants

    TensorFlow basics

    Basic math with TensorFlow

    Softmax in TensorFlow

    Introduction to the MNIST dataset 

    The simplest artificial neural network

    Building a single-layer neural network with TensorFlow

    Keras deep learning library overview

    Layers in the Keras model

    Handwritten number recognition with Keras and MNIST

    Retrieving training and test data

    Flattened data

    Visualizing the training data

    Building the network

    Training the network


    Understanding backpropagation 


    Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks

    History of CNNs

    Convolutional neural networks

    How do computers interpret images?

    Code for visualizing an image 


    Input layer

    Convolutional layer

    Convolutional layers in Keras

    Pooling layer

    Practical example – image classification

    Image augmentation


    Build Your First CNN and Performance Optimization

    CNN architectures and drawbacks of DNNs

    Convolutional operations

    Pooling, stride, and padding operations

    Fully connected layer

    Convolution and pooling operations in TensorFlow

    Applying pooling operations in TensorFlow

    Convolution operations in TensorFlow

    Training a CNN

    Weight and bias initialization


    Activation functions

    Using sigmoid

    Using tanh

    Using ReLU

    Building, training, and evaluating our first CNN

    Dataset description

    Step 1 – Loading the required packages

    Step 2 – Loading the training/test images to generate train/test set

    Step 3- Defining CNN hyperparameters

    Step 4 – Constructing the CNN layers

    Step 5 – Preparing the TensorFlow graph

    Step 6 – Creating a CNN model

    Step 7 – Running the TensorFlow graph to train the CNN model

    Step 8 – Model evaluation

    Model performance optimization

    Number of hidden layers

    Number of neurons per hidden layer

    Batch normalization

    Advanced regularization and avoiding overfitting

    Applying dropout operations with TensorFlow

    Which optimizer to use?

    Memory tuning

    Appropriate layer placement

    Building the second CNN by putting everything together

    Dataset description and preprocessing

    Creating the CNN model

    Training and evaluating the network


    Popular CNN Model Architectures

    Introduction to ImageNet


    AlexNet architecture

    Traffic sign classifiers using AlexNet

    VGGNet architecture

    VGG16 image classification code example

    GoogLeNet architecture

    Architecture insights

    Inception module

    ResNet architecture


    Transfer Learning

    Feature extraction approach

    Target dataset is small and is similar to the original training dataset

    Target dataset is small but different from the original training dataset

    Target dataset is large and similar to the original training dataset

    Target dataset is large and different from the original training dataset

    Transfer learning example

    Multi-task learning


    Autoencoders for CNN

    Introducing to autoencoders

    Convolutional autoencoder


    An example of compression


    Object Detection and Instance Segmentation with CNN

    The differences between object detection and image classification

    Why is object detection much more challenging than image classification?

    Traditional, nonCNN approaches to object detection

    Haar features, cascading classifiers, and the Viola-Jones algorithm

    Haar Features

    Cascading classifiers

    The Viola-Jones algorithm

    R-CNN – Regions with CNN features

    Fast R-CNN – fast region-based CNN

    Faster R-CNN – faster region proposal network-based CNN

    Mask R-CNN – Instance segmentation with CNN

    Instance segmentation in code

    Creating the environment

    Installing Python dependencies (Python2 environment)

    Downloading and installing the COCO API and detectron library (OS shell commands)

    Preparing the COCO dataset folder structure

    Running the pre-trained model on the COCO dataset



    GAN: Generating New Images with CNN

    Pix2pix - Image-to-Image translation GAN


    Training a GAN model

    GAN – code example

    Calculating loss 

    Adding the optimizer

    Semi-supervised learning and GAN

    Feature matching

    Semi-supervised classification using a GAN example

    Deep convolutional GAN

    Batch normalization


    Attention Mechanism for CNN and Visual Models

    Attention mechanism for image captioning

    Types of Attention

    Hard Attention

    Soft Attention

    Using attention to improve visual models

    Reasons for sub-optimal performance of visual CNN models

    Recurrent models of visual attention

    Applying the RAM on a noisy MNIST sample

    Glimpse Sensor in code



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    CNNs are revolutionizing several application domains, such as visual recognition systems, self-driving cars, medical discoveries, innovative e-commerce, and many more. This book gets you started with the building blocks of CNNs, while also guiding you through the best practices for implementing real-life CNN models and solutions. You will learn to create innovative solutions for image and video analytics to solve complex machine learning and computer vision problems.

    This book starts with an overview of deep neural networks, with an example of image classification, and walks you through building your first CNN model. You will learn concepts such as transfer learning and autoencoders with CNN that will enable you to build very powerful models, even with limited supervised (labeled image) training data.

    Later we build upon these learnings to achieve advanced vision-related algorithms and solutions for object detection, instance segmentation, generative (adversarial) networks, image captioning, attention mechanisms, and recurrent attention models for vision.

    Besides giving you hands-on experience with the most intriguing vision models and architectures, this book explores cutting-edge and very recent researches in the areas of CNN and computer vision. This enable the user to foresee the future in this field and quick-start their innovation journey using advanced CNN solutions.

    By the end of this book, you should be ready to implement advanced, effective, and efficient CNN models in your professional projects or personal initiatives while working on complex images and video datasets.

    Who this book is for

    This book is for data scientists, machine learning, and deep learning practitioners, and cognitive and artificial intelligence enthusiasts who want to move one step further in building CNNs. Get hands-on experience with extreme datasets and different CNN architectures to build efficient and smart ConvNet models. Basic knowledge of deep learning concepts and Python programming language is expected.

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1, Deep Neural Networks - Overview, it gives a quick refresher of the science of deep neural networks and different frameworks that can be used to implement such networks, with the mathematics behind them.

    Chapter 2, Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks, it introduces the readers to convolutional neural networks and shows how deep learning can be used to extract insights from images.

    Chapter 3, Build Your First CNN and Performance Optimization, constructs a simple CNN model for image classification from scratch, and explains how to tune hyperparameters and optimize training time and performance of CNNs for improved efficiency and accuracy respectively.

    Chapter 4, Popular CNN Model Architectures, shows the advantages and working of different popular (and award winning) CNN architectures, how they differ from each other, and how to use them.

    Chapter 5, Transfer Learning, teaches you to take an existing pretrained network and adapt it to a new and different dataset. There is also a custom classification problem for a real-life application using a technique called transfer learning.

    Chapter 6, Autoencoders for CNN, introduces an unsupervised learning technique called autoencoders. We walk through different applications of autoencoders for CNN, such as image compression.

    Chapter 7, Object Detection and Instance Segmentation with CNN, teaches the difference between object detection, instance segmentation, and image classification. We then learn multiple techniques for object detection and instance segmentation with CNNs.

    Chapter 8, GAN—Generating New Images with CNN, explores generative CNN Networks, and then we combine them with our learned discriminative CNN networks to create new images with CNN/GAN.

    Chapter 9, Attention Mechanism for CNN and Visual Models, teaches the intuition behind attention in deep learning and learn how attention-based models are used to implement some advanced solutions (image captioning and RAM). We also understand the different types of attention and the role of reinforcement learning with respect to the hard attention mechanism. 

    To get the most out of this book

    This book is focused on building CNNs with Python programming language. We have used Python version 2.7 (2x) to build various applications and the open source and enterprise-ready professional software using Python, Spyder, Anaconda, and PyCharm. Many of the examples are also compatible with Python 3x. As a good practice, we encourage users to use Python virtual environments for implementing these codes.

    We focus on how to utilize various Python and deep learning libraries (Keras, TensorFlow, and Caffe) in the best possible way to build real-world applications. In that spirit, we have tried to keep all of the code as friendly and readable as possible. We feel that this will enable our readers to easily understand the code and readily use it in different scenarios.

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