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Designing API-First Enterprise Architectures on Azure: A guide for architects and developers to expedite digital transformation with API-led architectures
Designing API-First Enterprise Architectures on Azure: A guide for architects and developers to expedite digital transformation with API-led architectures
Designing API-First Enterprise Architectures on Azure: A guide for architects and developers to expedite digital transformation with API-led architectures
Ebook509 pages3 hours

Designing API-First Enterprise Architectures on Azure: A guide for architects and developers to expedite digital transformation with API-led architectures

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API-centric architectures are foundational to delivering omnichannel experiences for an enterprise. With this book, developers will learn techniques to design loosely coupled, cloud-based, business-tier interfaces that can be consumed by a variety of client applications.
Using real-world examples and case studies, the book helps you get to grips with the cloudbased design and implementation of reliable and resilient API-centric solutions. Starting with the evolution of enterprise applications, you'll learn how API-based integration architectures drive digital transformation. You'll then learn about the important principles and practices that apply to cloud-based API architectures and advance to exploring the different architecture styles and their implementation in Azure. This book is written from a practitioner's point of view, so you'll discover ideas and practices that have worked successfully in various customer scenarios.
By the end of this book, you'll be able to architect, design, deploy, and monetize your API solutions in the Azure cloud while implementing best practices and industry standards.

Release dateAug 24, 2021
Designing API-First Enterprise Architectures on Azure: A guide for architects and developers to expedite digital transformation with API-led architectures

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    Designing API-First Enterprise Architectures on Azure - Subhajit Chatterjee



    Designing API-First Enterprise Architectures on Azure

    Copyright © 2021 Packt Publishing

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    First Published: July 2021

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    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

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    ISBN 978-1-80181-391-4

    To my mother, Krishna Chatterjee, and my father, the late Nirmalendu Chatterjee, whose countless sacrifices have made me the man that I am today.

    To my elder brother, Abhijit, without whose support and guidance I wouldn't have come this far.

    To my loving wife, Tamanna, for believing in me and keeping me motivated.

    To my daughter, Tanusha, who makes me a proud father.

    – Subhajit Chatterjee


    About the author

    Subhajit Chatterjee completed his bachelor's degree in engineering from NITK, Surathkal, India, way back in 2002. He also holds a postgraduate diploma in information technology from Amity University. Aside from this, he has undertaken various other online certifications that have helped him to learn and grow as a software engineering professional.

    Subhajit has close to two decades of exposure to designing, implementing, and managing software development projects, using Microsoft and open source technologies. He currently works as a solutions architect with Microsoft Consulting Services, leading large and complex projects in Azure, IoT, enterprise integrations, web applications, and mobility space.

    Subhajit loves to solve problems and has had the privilege of working with customers across the globe. He is passionate about sharing what he learns with the community. He believes in continuous learning and enjoys coaching and mentoring others for professional enrichment.

    I wish to thank the people who have been close to me and supported me, especially all my colleagues and mentors who have shared their knowledge and experiential learning with me.

    About the reviewer

    Niloshima Srivastava has around 12 years of experience working as Software Architect in a Product Based Organization. She is a graduate in CSE and holds several Cloud Certifications on Azure/AWS. She has been an evangelist when it comes to Microsoft platforms, augmented by being a hands-on developer, solution architect, and outstanding illustrator of design concepts and methodology. Not the least but proven track records even in training and orchestrating what she has learned to new rising developers across various platforms on various forums.

    Table of Contents


    Section 1: API-Led Architecture in the Digital Economy

    Chapter 1: Evolution of Enterprise Solution Architectures

    History of application architectures in an enterprise

    From monoliths to SOA and microservices

    IT strategies in the modern world

    Outlook for digital transformation

    The emergence of API-led architectures

    The complexity problem

    The importance of API-led architecture

    Case study

    About Packt Insurance Inc.


    Further reading

    Chapter 2: APIs as Digital Connectors

    The connected enterprise

    The role of APIs in digital experiences

    Major benefits of API-led connectivity

    APIs serve as digital enablers for an enterprise

    An API is a digital service

    API architecture within an enterprise

    API classification by management and access pattern

    Packt Insurance Inc. – an API-led architecture strategy

    Domain decomposition

    Service and persona map

    API composability using microservices


    Further reading

    Section 2: Build Reliable API-Centric Solutions

    Chapter 3: Architecture Principles and API Styles

    Architecture principles

    Evolve architecture blueprints iteratively

    Constructs of an API

    API operations or service contract

    Data contract or entity schema

    API endpoint

    Communication protocol (application layer)

    Input and output – the request-response pair

    Popular API architecture styles

    The tunneling or RPC style

    RI (or REST) style

    Query or GraphQL style

    Event-driven or asynchronous messaging style

    Hypermedia style

    Other API styles

    Finding the right style for your API use cases

    Serverless APIs – accelerators for innovation

    Benefits of using serverless computing for APIs

    Serverless architecture use cases

    Implementing API-led architectures in Azure

    Reference architecture for an enterprise API platform

    Azure services for hosting API solutions

    Service Fabric

    Additional services for building end-to-end solutions

    Case study elaboration – Packt Insurance Inc.

    API style fitment analysis

    Microservices and API styles

    API platform architecture


    Additional reading

    Chapter 4: Assuring the Quality of the API Service (or Product)

    The ISO 25010 standard for software product quality

    Functional Suitability



    Performance Efficiency





    Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM)

    The Azure Well-Architected Framework

    Benefits of using WAF

    WAF recommended practices

    API security considerations

    Core principles – the Security Frame analysis

    The Security Development Lifecycle (SDL)

    Reliability through scale, performance, availability

    Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)

    How do you ensure appropriate reliability?

    Commonly used SLOs for an API service

    Defining, implementing, and measuring SLI metrics for an API platform

    Using SLIs to calculate the initial SLOs for your API service

    Modeling performance based on scale requirements

    The API (or application) performance management lifecycle

    Checklist for development teams

    High-availability patterns

    High-availability calculation

    Architecting for operations

    Logging, monitoring, and alerts

    Feature flags

    Understanding maintainability

    Proactive maintainability

    Reactive maintainability

    Tracking objectives using a quality dashboard

    Case study elaboration – Packt Insurance Inc.

    Important SLOs for the API platform

    Architecture backlog – focus on quality and handle technical debt


    Further reading

    Chapter 5: RESTful APIs – the New Web

    Technical requirements

    Understanding RESTful APIs

    Using HTTP verbs for your CRUD actions correctly

    History of inter-machine application communication

    REST architecture constraints

    Advantages and challenges of building a RESTful API


    Common challenges

    Exploring the checklist for building RESTful APIs

    Contract-first design for your REST APIs

    OpenAPI Specification

    OpenAPI definition file format

    Visualizing the API definition file using the Swagger extension in VSCode           


    Further reading

    Chapter 6: API Design Practices

    Understanding API design considerations



    Client complexity

    Cognitive complexity




    Exploring recommended practices

    Design should adhere to the SOLID principles

    Design should be flexible to change

    Use the Decision Analysis and Resolution technique

    Produce documentation as per industry standards

    Secure by design

    Optimized for response time

    API testing

    Size and granularity

    Content negotiation

    Prefer stateless over stateful services

    User-digestible response codes and messages

    Using cloud design patterns

    Implementing an API service using design patterns

    Data-driven CRUD API

    Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS)

    Event Store API (Event Sourcing)

    Clean architecture

    Backends for Frontends (BFF)

    Developer toolbox


    Further reading

    Chapter 7: Accelerating through DevOps Essentials

    Business objectives and key results

    The DevOps Dojo framework

    The benefits of having a good DevOps strategy

    DevOps metrics and their importance

    Identifying the maturity index for your enterprise

    The power of GitHub and Azure DevOps

    DevOps in practice

    Capability – continuous planning

    Capability – continuous integration

    Capability – continuous delivery

    Capability – continuous operations

    Capability – continuous quality

    Capability – continuous security

    Capability – continuous collaboration

    Capability – continuous improvement

    Pillar – culture

    Pillar – lean product

    Pillar – architecture

    Pillar – technology

    Tracking DevOps initiatives in the backlog


    Further reading

    Section 3: Deliver Business Value for a Modern Enterprise

    Chapter 8: API-Centric Enterprise Integrations

    Exploring EAI

    Key initiatives toward a digital enterprise

    Modernizing legacy applications using APIs

    API use cases in the enterprise

    The rise of iPaaS

    What is an iPaaS platform?

    Types of integrations

    Benefits of iPaaS

    iPaaS architecture for the Azure cloud

    Implementing EAI patterns using iPaaS

    API management

    API gateways

    API publishing, control, and governance

    Developer portal

    API versioning and life cycle management

    Analytics and metrics

    Understanding Azure Integration Services

    iPaaS building blocks of Azure – explained

    Using Azure Integration Services


    Further reading

    Chapter 9: APIs as a Monetized Product

    APIs as digital assets

    Growth of the API economy

    The API value chain

    Exploring business drivers of monetization

    Expand the channels of revenue streams

    Capture analytics for improved marketing strategies

    Enhance brand value through customer loyalty

    Foster innovation through new product capabilities

    Stay relevant in the marketplace

    API monetization models


    Consumer pays

    Consumer gets paid

    Indirect monetization

    API productization in Azure

    Requirements summary

    Solution approach

    API products and publishing in APIM

    Subscription management

    API consumption – rate limits and quotas

    Measuring API consumption

    API analytics


    Further reading

    Why subscribe?

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    Rapid adoption of cloud technologies has revolutionized the way modern-day applications are architected and implemented. Solution architects and IT decision-makers are constantly faced with the challenge to quickly adapt to the latest technology trends to establish a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Gartner has predicted that by 2025, about 80% of enterprises will have shifted their operations to the cloud. Hence, it has become even more imperative that enterprises pay attention to their digital transformation roadmaps to benefit from their cloud-first and mobile-first initiatives. Tactically, this means a lot of changes on the ground, including reinventing business processes, adopting agile and DevOps best practices, and even embarking on the modernization of operations.

    API-led architecture is not something new – rather, it has just become a lot more relevant and important in today's world. Cloud computing offers three key benefits: flexibility, efficiency, and strategic value. API-led connectivity has changed the way enterprises interact with their customers and partners. Customers today are very demanding. They expect businesses to be agile and adapt to their demands. They prefer a simple and intuitive approach to meeting their needs. They are open to the use of technology and apps to get the job done in just a few steps. Thus, enterprises are required to utilize the insights derived from analyzing customer behavior as the basis for their digital innovation strategies.

    Over the past few years, I have worked with multiple enterprise customers to define their blueprints for a robust and reliable API-led solution. However, the common challenge has been in getting them to understand the benefits of this approach, as it requires some initial investment and work prioritization. It was always a hard sell unless the key stakeholders had prior experience with implementing solutions using a service-oriented architecture (SOA) approach. Many lacked the appetite to incur any additional complexity on top of what they were used to. It was also a revelation to me that teams weren't too well versed in the concept of microservices. Everybody wanted to do it, but nobody seemed to know how to approach it. A few believed that splitting a large monolith into smaller services was, in effect, building microservices. While this was still a good starting point, it lacked a futuristic vision, as the many other aspects of a microservices architecture were not considered as part of the design process. The technical teams were also getting used to the new way of building solutions and would often miss out on the fundamentals, leading to problems later in the life cycle. Teams often lacked a production-first mindset as many of the important architecture-critical requirements were deferred to later.

    In this book, it has been my endeavor to provide a glimpse of the whole nine yards that is essential for the successful delivery of an API-led enterprise solution. This book focuses on the latest emerging trends in the industry, supplementing theoretical concepts with real-world scenarios and examples to help you grasp the concepts more easily. The book touches upon the important principles and practices that can eventually serve as a checklist for development teams. While I have used the Microsoft Azure cloud as the platform of choice, the topics discussed are valid even for a multi-cloud scenario as well.

    After reading this book, you will be well versed in how to architect, design, implement, deploy, and maintain a digital service.

    Who this book is for

    This book is meant to serve as a ready reckoner for solution architects, developers, and IT and business decision-makers as they are taken through a journey showing how to approach their API-led connectivity requirements. The book has been written from a practitioner's point of view, with lots of tips, practical guidance, and additional references that will surely provide clarity of thought for developers, allowing them to confidently prepare for their next API-first architecture implementation.

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1, Evolution of Enterprise Solution Architectures, gives you a background on the evolution of enterprise architectures, from SOA to a more microservices-based approach, and discusses how the adoption of open standards will help advance the building of interconnected experiences in the evolution process.

    Chapter 2, APIs as Digital Connectors, walks you through the concept of a connected enterprise, emphasizing the role and importance of APIs in fueling the growth of the digital economy.

    Chapter 3, Architecture Principles and API Styles, provides an overview of important architecture principles that are the basis for the foundation of any API platform. The chapter also covers the popular architecture styles that are frequently used in an enterprise and how they can be implemented in the Azure cloud.

    Chapter 4, Assuring the Quality of the API Service (or Product), focuses on the quality attributes that are critical for the success of API solutions. It also explains how to make use of the Azure Well-Architected Framework to design, implement, and measure the quality of service for your API solutions.

    Chapter 5, RESTful APIs – The New Web Standard, covers some of the best practices that must be followed while designing and implementing RESTful-style API interfaces, which are becoming a new web standard.

    Chapter 6, API Design Practices, discusses the important design practices that must be followed while building your API-centric solutions. It also briefly covers the different patterns that are commonly used for implementing your API microservices.

    Chapter 7, Accelerating through DevOps Essentials, focuses on the essential DevOps practices that must be followed by the engineering teams to drive greater IT maturity across the broad spectrum of the enterprise.

    Chapter 8, API-Centric Enterprise Integrations, takes a deeper look into some real-world enterprise integration scenarios and considers how the Azure Integration Services offering can be utilized for this purpose.

    Chapter 9, API as a Monetized Product, discusses how enterprises can realize greater business value and improve their revenue streams by applying an intelligent productization strategy for their API assets.

    To get the most out of this book

    This book is intended for audiences who are likely to have a role in either defining and/or implementing API-centric solutions. Hence, it is recommended that you apply the inferences shared to your own practical requirements and do further self-study and analysis to better understand the concepts presented.

    Download the color images

    We also provide a PDF file that has color images of the screenshots/diagrams used in this book. You can download it here:

    Conventions used

    There are a number of text conventions used throughout this book.

    Code in text: Indicates code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles. Here is an example: For example, say the URI /api/policies/id returned the policy resource for the specified ID. Then the URL /api/policies/id/assets will return all the assets linked to the respective policy.

    A block of code is set as follows:

    GET /policy/getPolicy?id=POLICY1122334455 HTTP/1.1


    When we wish to draw your attention to a particular part of a code block, the relevant lines or items are set in bold:

    Bold: Indicates a new term, an important word, or words that you see on screen. For example, words in menus or dialog boxes appear in the text like this. Here is an example: Observe that Quote Service (Basic) is accessible to Guests.

    Tips or important notes

    Appear like this.

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    Section 1: API-Led Architecture in the Digital Economy

    In the first part of the book, you will discover why API-based integration architectures within enterprises are increasing, and how they are beneficial compared to traditional approaches to expedite digital transformation in a cloud-first, mobile-first world.

    This section includes the following chapters:

    Chapter 1, Evolution of Enterprise Solution Architectures

    Chapter 2, APIs as Digital

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