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Ebook172 pages1 hour


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When Max’s rebellious younger brother Liam starts playing ‘Glitched’ on Miss McBoob’s phone, the app transports the two brothers through time to different versions of their home town. To return to their own time, Max and Liam must dodge many historical dangers and photograph some historical artefacts — before the phone battery runs out!

Release dateSep 6, 2023

Emily Snape

Emily Snape is the author of the Motor Mix series of novelty books published by Chronicle. She lives in Bloomsbury, London, United Kingdom.

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    Book preview

    Glitched - Emily Snape

    Stone Age people wiped their bums with … pebbles! Seriously. (And that’s why toilet paper is number 3 on my list of ‘Why I’m glad I was born in the twenty-first century’.) Yeah, I know you’re thinking, how could he possibly know this? (Or maybe, ‘Ow! That sounds painful.’)

    Well, you know when you’re having a pretty average day, annoyed with your brother because he finished off the last of the cereal AGAIN … then you’re DISGUSTED with him because he spat toothpaste blobs all over the sink… but worst of all, freaked out when you find out he borrowed your lucky pants (who does that?) …

    But then something happens that is SO mind-blowing and extraordinary, things can never be the same again? This was one of those days. And it all started when I did a poo.

    As a little kid, you’re always told to ‘Wash your hands after going to the toilet.’ It turns out, not washing your hands can put your entire universe at risk.

    I was going to wash my hands. I was just a bit distracted. My body was in the bathroom, but my mind was on another planet, far, far away. A virtual planet, in the video game Demolition Moon (the best game in the world).

    I’d been in intense training for a massive online tournament for weeks but because my mum had banned my brother and I from playing on our computers, I was having to practise all my moves in my imagination.

    This latest screen ban was seriously unfair. One, because the online battle was in just two days’ time and I still needed to level up some of my skills. And two, because we were being punished for an accident.

    Liam and I hadn’t meant to turn our next-door neighbour’s cat, Declan, neon pink. We’d been arguing over who was better at Demolition Moon. (I’m rank thirteen and have unlocked three secret levels. Liam, my super-annoying brother, is rank nine and hasn’t unlocked ANY, so you be the judge.)

    Anyway, I threw some paint. Liam leapt out the way. It splat landed all over Dec. (So, if anyone is to blame, it’s Liam. Or Mum. She’d left the paint out for her new art project. It definitely wasn’t my fault.)

    We tried to get the paint off the cat.

    Except it turns out that even though we made the bathroom look just like a really posh spa with music and bubbles, Dec doesn’t like baths. So, he’s still pink … and now so is quite a lot of the bathroom … And when Mum came home and saw the mess and the cat and that we’d used up ALL of her fancy lavender bubble bath, she yelled, ‘NO screens for the ENTIRE weekend!’ and locked all our devices in a suitcase.

    I was already mad at Mum before she declared the screen ban, because earlier today I found out she is planning on doing the worst thing imaginable. I don’t know if I can even write it down. This afternoon, she announced she is going on a date with … urgh … I feel sick just thinking about it … my history teacher! Can you imagine anything more embarrassing? I mean, literally. There is nothing. I am NEVER going to live this down at school. I would rather:

    •do a maths lesson NAKED

    •change my name to BEEBOP BAA BAA

    •or go to school dressed as a hot dog.

    When Mum told me her news, I explained that if she even considered going on a date with Mr Longnose (that is honestly his name), I WOULD NEVER TALK TO HER AGAIN.

    So, back to the fact I didn’t wash my hands …

    The thing is, I’d only gone to the toilet because I was so fed up with trying to do my history homework. I didn’t even NEED to do a poo.

    How could I be expected to write a history essay when the image of MY TEACHER TRYING TO SMOOCH MY MOTHER kept filling my head?

    The terrible history homework was part of a school contest. And one thing I cannot resist is a competition. My brother and I get seriously competitive over just about everything. Already today, we’ve fought over:

    •who can eat lunch the fastest (I won)

    •who can make the biggest spit bomb (Liam won, but he cheated)

    •who can fit their entire body into a sink (Liam only won because he’s smaller).

    Anyway… back to the history assignment …

    We’ve got this tiny museum in our town that no one ever goes to (unless they are dragged there on a school trip). And that’s because it is The Worst Museum in the World. The only thing to look at is some old person’s collection of odd socks they donated in 1963. There are about two hundred socks lined up in a glass case, and the most interesting sock is ONLY interesting because it has a hole in it. And that’s it. Well, that was it, until they got some funding from the Arts Council, and now the museum has had an extreme makeover. I don’t know what’s happened to the socks, but a historian was commissioned to research our town through different eras and now there’s a going to be a big exhibit all about it.

    (If I had been in charge, there are at least a zillion things I reckon would have made a better exhibition than The History of Our Town. Here are my top three ideas:

    1. A celebration of the most epic pranks of all time, from fake news to the world’s biggest whoopee cushion.


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