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27 Welcome To The Clearing: Katie Elliott Armitage - Hostess with the Mostest (!) & Curator of The Glorious ""

27 Welcome To The Clearing: Katie Elliott Armitage - Hostess with the Mostest (!) & Curator of The Glorious ""

FromThe Good Listening To Show: Stories of Distinction & Genius

27 Welcome To The Clearing: Katie Elliott Armitage - Hostess with the Mostest (!) & Curator of The Glorious ""

FromThe Good Listening To Show: Stories of Distinction & Genius

40 minutes
Dec 20, 2020
Podcast episode


Ladies & Gentlemen please welcome to a particularly exciting Episode of "The Good Listening To Podcast" with me Chris Grimes!And please welcome to the "GLT Clearing" one of my very favourite people on the planet, Katie Elliott Armitage!Katie is a well renowned Seamstress and all round lovely person - who reminds me of an "Expat Judy Dench!", so I loved her as soon as I met her! (Plus she also has a Ping Pong Table - so she's the person with very fine taste that just keeps on giving! What's not to like?!)Katie and her husband Michael swopped London life 12 years ago for a new life together in Rural France in the Dordogne.I met Katie about 5 years ago when I was lucky enough to spend a very happy Summer holiday at her gorgeous property, as a bit of a "special treat", to coincide with my daughter receiving her GCSE Results and the occasion of my 25th Wedding Anniversary!Katie curates the most wonderful and majestic Workshop Venue on the planet! It's called "Le Space" at and it is surrounded on 3 sides by Sunflowers.Once a year - Zombie Apocalypse notwithstanding (!) - I now get to run my favourite event of the year:  It's called "INSTANT WIT Laughter Lab" where me - and other members of my Comedy Improvisation Company INSTANT WIT - have the great joy of running a 5 day Workshop to explore the wonderfully liberating Comedy Improvisational Mindset of "Yes and..."A lovely, rich conversation indeed! Katie was born in Ghana - went to school for a time in Ethiopia - and subsequently lived for many years in London before swopping for her lovely life in France.So thanks for listening to another Episode of a "GLT with me CG!"The Podcast series that features "The Clearing":  Where all good Questions come to be asked and all good Stories come to be told!With some lovely juicy storytelling metaphors to also enjoy along the way:The Clearing itself - A Tree (where we get to "shake your tree to see which storytelling apples fall out, in the form of a lovely storytelling exercise called "5-4-3-2-1") - some Alchemy - some Gold - and finally a Cake with a Cherry on Top!Think "Desert Island Discs" but in a Clearing! Also think about William Shakespeare - and about Jaques in "As You Like It" in particular:"All the world's a stage,And all the men and women merely players;They have their exits and their entrances,And one man in his time plays many parts,His acts being seven ages..."Jaques: Act II Scene VIIAnd as my Guest in the Podcast:  Now is your 'moment in the sunshine' to share your story!Who are you? What's your story? And what 'life-lessons-learned-along-the-way' would you like to share with us? And just to get bit "existential on yo ass" too (!) what would you like your legacy to be?  How would you most like to be remembered?And all my guests have at least 2 things in common: They are all Creative individuals  - and all with an interesting story to be told!If you'd like to find out more, then please do check out my websites + - and there's also a dedicated "Good Listening To" Facebook Group c/o the link above.Plus if you'd be interested in the experience of being given "a damn good listening to" yourself, or you'd like to explore the idea of some Personal Impact Coaching from me CG - to help level-up your confidence, communication, and personal impact c/o my online Coaching proposition: The Second Curve "Zoom Room" - then, by all means, do get in touch via any of the usual social media channels (see above) or you can email me at [email protected] (The Second Curve "Zoom Room": Coaching to help you 'level up' your IMPACT - or to get Clarity on how to get to "where next?") 
Dec 20, 2020
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

The podcast that invites my guests to 'The Clearing' or serious happy place of their choosing and from where the 'story behind the story' of being them unfolds. It's the Storytelling show with the Squirrels & the Tree from Motivational Comedian Chris Grimes! The podcast that sets out, suffused with storytelling metaphor, to tell the "story behind the story" of being YOU! And it all takes place in a 'serious happy place' of your choosing called "The Clearing": Where all good QUESTIONS come to be asked - and all good STORIES come to be told! Think "Desert Island Discs" but in a Clearing and with Stories rather than Music. Also think about Shakespeare - about "All the World's a Stage" - and about "Legacy" in particular: "Who are you? What's your story? And what 'life-lessons-learned-along-your-way' would you like to share with us?" And whilst we've got you here in "The Clearing": "What would you like your legacy to be? How would you most like to be remembered?" With a deliberate invitation to 'go deep'! And where all my guests have at least 2 things in common: They are all Creative individuals - and all with an interesting Story to be told! So yes! "Your Life & Times With Me Chris Grimes!" is the new Storytelling Podcast series from "MojoCoach", Facilitator & Motivational Comedian Chris Grimes - with a strong storytelling imperative and with the simple aim of inviting my guests to a creative space of your choosing called "The Clearing" where we get to hear your Story and let your thinking unfold. With some lovely Storytelling metaphors to also enjoy along the way: The Clearing itself - a Tree - a lovely juicy Storytelling exercise called "5-4-3-2-1" - some Alchemy - some Gold - a cheeky bit of Shakespeare - and a Cake! So it's all to play for! "Being in 'The Life & Times' with that Chris Grimes is like having a 'Day Spa' for your Brain!" (So saideth Wendy Bagger!) So - let's get listening! See also + + Twitter @thatchrisgrimes