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5 questions about the girl Joe Bidens bosses chose to run the CDC and why The Party needs Walensky clones Episode 874

5 questions about the girl Joe Bidens bosses chose to run the CDC and why The Party needs Walensky clones Episode 874

FromThe Todd Herman Show

5 questions about the girl Joe Bidens bosses chose to run the CDC and why The Party needs Walensky clones Episode 874

FromThe Todd Herman Show

46 minutes
Jun 6, 2023
Podcast episode


5 questions for the GIRL Joe Biden’s bosses chose to run the CDC and why The Party needs Walensky clones.You probably observe the same pattern: so-called “public ‘health’” officials are one of two types of people: evil and scheming or compliant supplicants to evil and scheming. Is this nature of nurture? I think it’s both. Our medical schools are co-opted by pharma, the public health system is co-opted by pharma, our CDC and FDA ARE pharma. They all nurture well meaning young people into becoming either evil and scheming or compliant servants of evil schemers. This has never been more clear than in the case of the girl--and, she is quite clearly too immature to be called a woman--whom the people who run Joe Biden want as the FigureHead over the CDC. Oh . . . if people think this is just about Covid, please let me remind you that this girl and people like her are the same people who will be told to approve brain implants in people, mRNA in food supplies, mosquitoes spreading mRNA against people’s wishes and more. This is the battlefront. Why were you laughing and giggling with your girlfriend about shutting down the American economy?Are you capable of restoring trust? Are you capable of telling the truth? Exactly how many HEALTHY kids who had NO comorbid conditions died from Covid? Why should anyone believe you -- for instance, can you name one, single factor you got right about Covid, masks, injections or lockdowns? What does God’s Word say? Proverbs 6:16-19 There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.Psalm 37:1-40Fret not yourself because of evildoers; be not envious of wrongdoers! For they will soon fade like the grass and wither like the green herb. Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will actEpisode 874 Links:New CDC Director Mandy Cohen recalls how she and her colleagues came up with COVID mandates during her time as NC Health Director. “She was like, are you gonna let them have professional football? And I was like, no. And she’s like, OK neither are we.”By the way, Mandy Cohen apparently only masks when there's a camera around. Here she walked into the press conference unmasked, not realizing a camera caught it. This was June 30, 2020, a couple months before she tweeted the photo of the Fauci mask.Fauci and Pfizer Lied to Trump About COVID-19 Vaccine, Claims NavarroOur 1st COVID-19 mRNA vaccine paper was accepted & went viral! mRNA vaccines make IgG4 which suppresses the immune system, causing COVID re-infections, autoimmune diseases (myocarditis) & cancer!Family of College Student Who Died From COVID-19 Vaccine Sues Biden AdministrationSo-called ‘Gender-Affirming’ Surgery Leaves People Lonelier and Depressed, Study by Transgender Surgery Department Chairman FindsForget all the complex arguments explaining why we must resist the WHO treaty amendments. All you need to know is who'll be in charge of the WHO's Behavioural Insights team enforcing future lockdowns & vaxx mandates - without our Govt consent Elon Musk’s Brain Implant Firm Says U.S. Has Approved Human TestsUS air force denies running simulation in which AI drone ‘killed’ operator; Denial follows colonel saying drone used ‘highly unexpected strategies to achieve its goal’ in virtual test4Patriots Protect your family with Food kits, solar generators and more at 4Patriots. Use code TODD for 10% off your first purchase. Alan’s Soaps Use coupon code ‘TODD’ to save an additional 10% off the bundle price. BiOptimizers Use promo code TODD for 10% off your order. Bonef
Jun 6, 2023
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