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Whooping Cough
Also called Pertussis, this is a highly contagious bacterial infection of the lungs and airways. It is characterised by a persistent, dry and irritating cough that comes in intense bouts. When the child gasps for breath between these bouts, she will
Your Pregnancy1 min read
Send a clear, good-quality, high-resolution photo to [email protected]. Each photo published receives a R380 Dis-Chem Baby City Voucher.
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Chicken Pox
A highly contagious viral infection that causes a rash across the entire body. In children it is usually a very mild disease. In rare cases complications such as pneumonia and encephalitis can occur. Chicken pox can be dangerous to pregnant women, wi
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Peachy Dreams
Tip LAYER RUGS TO ADD MORE TEXTURE Main image: Hayley Sparks/ARE Media Syndication/ Prices correct at time of print. Discounts may apply. While stocks last.■
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Magic Touch
Of all the senses, touch is the most developed at birth, and babies need plenty of tactile stimulation in order to learn about the world around them. Touch may be one of the main inter-sensory integrators, and one of the “cementors” of development. W
Your Pregnancy3 min read
TREATS FOR KIDS With Food Allergies
■ 2 cups rice milk ■ 1/3 cup sago ■ 1 cup coconut milk ■ ¼ cup agave syrup ■ 1t vanilla paste ■ 1 teaspoon cornstarch (Maizena) mixed with 1T water ■ cinnamon to taste In a large bowl, cover the sago with one cup of the rice milk and soak overnight.
Your Pregnancy1 min read
How did you announce your pregnancy? Send us a photo with your story to [email protected] In April this year, the Tarltons announced the imminent arrival of Baby Number Four with a homemade sand-art snap. Some friends and family members had to
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Common Cold
A mild upper respiratory tract infection caused by one of the many strains of viruses. It is usually harmless, although it might not feel that way. ■ Cough, runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, sore throat and watery eyes. ■ Children may develop a
Your Pregnancy6 min read
Time For A Change
Pigeon 100 percent pure water wipes are extra thick, soft and sensitive, and fragrance-, parabenand alcohol-free. Dermatologically tried and tested for use on all skin types, including sensitive and eczema-prone skin. Prices: 80s single pack R47,99,
Your Pregnancy1 min read
Hay Fever
An allergic reaction triggered by certain kinds of pollen or mould spores, usually seasonal. ■ Constantly running nose and sneezing. ■ Itchy, red eyes. ■ Visit your doctor or clinic. An antihistamine will usually be prescribed. ■ Eye drops can be use
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A contagious airborne viral infection. Similar symptoms to a cold but more severe. ■ Same as common cold (see “C”). ■ Achy muscles, fatigue and chills. ■ Sore throat and swollen glands. ■ Fever. ■ Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhoea (no
Your Pregnancy7 min read
Born Before Their Time
Apre-term birth is one that happens before 37 weeks of pregnancy. About a quarter of these are actually planned due to a medical condition that the mother or baby may suffer from. The remaining three-quarters, however, are spontaneous and unexplained
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Jeankelly is a small business made up of a mother-and-daughter team in Cape Town. They specialise in leather baby bags, backpacks, changing-essential accessories and quality customer service. Their products are beautiful, fully guaranteed and versati
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An abnormal increase in the frequency and liquidity of the stools. A runny tummy can be caused by viruses, infections and allergies. Sometimes taking antibiotics can also cause diarrhoea. ■ Frequent runny stools. ■ Stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting
Your Pregnancy1 min read
Kit For Quicker Care
It's a sad South African fact that every day newborns are found abandoned in places like toilets, rubbish dumps and cemeteries. In light of this crisis, Impilo Child Protection and Adoption Services, a leading child protection organisation, has intro
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A contagious virus that causes infection of the intestinal tract. Affects children under the age of five and is the most common cause for gastroenteritis. The virus itself is not a serious threat, but it can cause babies and children to become quickl
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Missing child? LOOK LOUD!
If your child has disappeared, don't look for them by calling their name. You want to “look loudly” to get others involved in your search. Start shouting their description while you look: “Little blonde girl in pink dress and boots!” This method gets
Your Pregnancy2 min read
When the body loses water more quickly than it is replaced: usually due to not drinking enough fluids when it is too hot and/or while playing or exercising. It can also be due to losing fluids too rapidly during an illness that causes sweating from a
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These Miracle Babies Have Helped Me Go On…
I'm Jackie. I'm a nurse. During the 10 years I worked in the neonatal sector, I was diagnosed with bipolar mood disorder and had to make some lifestyle changes to manage it. I struggled to accept these changes – but my little patients always kept me
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Q We've been battling to fall pregnant, and we've been told the next step for us is in vitro fertilisation. Please tell us what we're in for. A DR MOODLEY ANSWERS: Currently, infertility challenges affect at least one in every six couples in South Af
Your Pregnancy3 min read
All Backed Up?
Nausea. Food aversions. Water retention. Fatigue… As if you didn't have enough to deal with already, nature goes and throws in some pregnancy constipation for good measure. Yay! You're not alone, though: 39 percent of women experience constipation du
Your Pregnancy3 min read
Fantasy Is A Force!
A lbert Einstein wrote, “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” And when it comes to children, this couldn't be closer to the truth. Imagination is the preschooler's calling card, and according to Jodi Lord, a register
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A contagious viral infection of the bronchioles – the tiny airways that lead to the lungs. The bronchioles become inflamed, swell and fill with mucous, making it difficult to breathe. Bronchiolitis mainly affects children up to two years old – most c
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A contagious bacterial skin infection similar to boils. It usually enters through broken skin (often caused by picking or scratching at insect wounds or eczema). When a child's resistance is low due to another illness, this bacteria can cause a skin
Your Pregnancy5 min read
Do-ahead boxed lunches
PREP + COOK TIME 45 MINUTES MAKES 8 ■ olive oil, for brushing ■ 750g lean beef mince ■ 1 medium carrot, coarsely grated ■ 1 medium courgette, coarsely grated ■ 1 egg ■ 1 cup (70g) stale breadcrumbs ■ 2T tomato paste ■ 2 cloves garlic, crushed ■ ½ cup
Your Pregnancy2 min read
A mouth infection caused by an overgrowth of a yeast called candida albicans. This yeast is always found in the mouth and digestive tract and is normally not a problem because it is controlled by the so-called good bacteria produced by an active immu
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A viral disease caused by one of three types of polio viruses: 1, 2 or 3. It is contagious. The severity of polio varies from case to case. In about 95 percent of cases there will be no symptoms. The remaining 5 percent who display symptoms either ha
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Noisy breathing not due to another passing illness, such as cold or upper respiratory tract infection. There are two types: congenital and acute stridor. Congenital stridor is noisy breathing that is present, more or less, from birth. It will worsen
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Prepped For Your First Appointment
A part from confirming your pregnancy, there's a lot to get through during your first appointment. Your doctor will want to take a full medical history, a complete physical examination and may even take some blood. With all this going on, it can be e
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A contagious infection of the stomach and bowel that causes diarrhoea in babies and children. Usually caused by a group of viruses (rotaviruses) that attack the gut, but bacteria can also be the cause. ■ Vomiting and/or diarrhoea. ■ Abdominal pain. ■
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