Rotman Management5 min read
What does it mean to be ‘indivisible’? One of the biggest challenges we face today is the adversarial nature of our interactions. We all share a responsibility to care for this world together. We may disagree about the ways to do that, but we need to
Rotman Management1 min read
“Read Cover To Cover. Superb.”
Get access to the latest thinking on leadership and innovation with a subscription to Rotman Management, the magazine of Canada’s leading business school. An affordable professional development tool that will help you and your team thrive in a comple
Rotman Management5 min readLeadership
How to Bring the Entrepreneurial Spirit to Your Leadership
FORTUNATELY FOR ALL OF US, history is full of people who embody the entrepreneurial spirit. These bold thinkers imagine the world in a new and better way and drive change to make it a reality. Of course, not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur.
Rotman Management11 min read
Unlearning Silence: How To Encourage People To Use Their Voice
I HAVE AN ADMISSION TO MAKE: I have a hard time speaking up. You wouldn’t guess it, given that I hold degrees from and teach at some of the best universities in the world. For over a decade, I had the title Managing Partner before my name and the ini
Rotman Management6 min read
You believe the goal of curiosity isn’t to know but to understand. Why is this such an important skill in today’s world? Curiosity is often seen as an intellectual tool for extracting information about the world in order to know something. But there
Rotman Management9 min read
The Way of the Unicorn: The TransPerfect Story
Why did you decide to start a translation business back in 1992? Liz Elting: It was a natural business for me to gravitate to because I grew up living in five countries. I was born in New York, then I lived in Portugal when I was eight and nine. When
Rotman Management10 min readIntelligence (AI) & Semantics
Strategic Foresight: Creating Visions Of The Future
IT’S A STORY THAT HAS BEEN TOLD time and time again: Kodak’s journey from global photography giant to bankruptcy in the era of digital photography. The narrative usually plays out as a cautionary tale: Once upon a time, an incumbent failed to innovat
Rotman Management6 min readLeadership
Does Spirituality Belong at Work?
IN 2020, after the murder of George Floyd, interest in creating more inclusive workplaces surged as corporations focused on addressing racism and power imbalances. As diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs have increased over the past four ye
Rotman Management7 min readIntelligence (AI) & Semantics
Uncertainty has become a daily reality for leaders across industries. What does ‘resilient leadership’ look like in this environment? In the management realm, resilience is about the ability to manage uncertainty proactively by shifting from a reacti
Rotman Management10 min readIntelligence (AI) & Semantics
Machine Learning and Inequality: A Cautionary Tale
IF LAST YEAR HAD A TITLE, it could be ‘the year of artificial intelligence’ (AI), especially advanced systems that use machine learning (ML). Universities around the world, including ours, were asking more students to take tests in classrooms to prev
Rotman Management9 min read
Measuring Digital Innovation: A Four-Stage Framework
THE DIGITAL ERA DEMANDS INNOVATION. Every business today — indeed, every organization — must continually adapt to keep up with changing customer expectations, new digital competitors and business models made possible by emerging technologies. For an
Rotman Management7 min read
You have made it your life’s work to study overwork and its effects on people and organizations. Why is this topic so important to you? It’s something I’ve struggled with myself. For as long as I can remember, I have felt an inner pressure to always
Rotman Management6 min read
Optimizing Stress: How to Regulate Your Stress Response
PEOPLE DISAGREE a lot these days, but they do tend to agree on a few things. For one, the dominant cultural understanding of stress is that it is bad for us. This conception of stress leads countless individuals to embrace the common goal of reducing
Rotman Management7 min read
The Perrennial Value of the 1:1 Meeting
AS A LEADER, do you really still have to do oneon-one meetings with each of your direct reports? The answer to this question is, of course, yes. If it weren’t, I wouldn’t have written an entire book about the value of the one-on-one (‘1:1’) meeting.
Rotman Management8 min readMotivational
The Art of Goal Alignment
BUSINESSES ARE MADE UP of a wide variety of individuals, each of whom comes into the workplace each day with their own motivations. When personal goals are aligned with those of the broader organization, great things can happen. When there is misalig
Rotman Management1 min read
Learn From The Best
At Rotman events, we equip you with cutting-edge business thinking that fits your industry and boosts your success. Register now for any of our upcoming events and discover breakthrough ideas, explore research-based content, and learn from panel disc
Rotman Management2 min read
The Superpowers Issue
BEING MORE POWERFUL than a locomotive and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound were once considered impressive superpowers. But in today’s world, there are abilities that are far more useful for leaders than those displayed by the super-hero
Rotman Management11 min read
Self Development 101: Introducing The Wheel of Self
“HAPPY FAMILIES ARE ALL ALIKE; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” This is how Tolstoy begins his masterpiece Anna Karenina. For individuals, we could say the opposite: When joyful, we are all different, moving towards our potential in u
Rotman Management12 min read
How to Integrate ESG Into Your Organization’s DNA
ESG—ENVIRONMENTAL, social and governance — has emerged as one of the most critical management imperatives facing leaders across industries. As data standards for reporting ESG performance improve and better alignment on reporting frameworks emerges,
Rotman Management11 min read
THERE IS NO PLANET B: Bringing Sustainability to Life
MOST BUSINESS LEADERS now recognize that climate change is a grand challenge of the highest order. While there is vast potential for corporate action on this issue, relatively little is known in practical terms about how firms should go about managin
Rotman Management12 min read
The View From the Top: Inside the C-Suite
Susan Christoffersen: Both of you work for large multinational companies, on the Canadian side. Given today’s challenging environment, how would you describe the mindset shifts happening within big corporations? Penny Wise: Over the 20-plus years tha
Rotman Management14 min readIntelligence (AI) & Semantics
AI’s Effect on Jobs: Automation vs. Augmentation
ALMON BROWN STROWAGER, a New York undertaker from the 19th century, was fuming. He found out that a local phone switch operator — the wife of a competing undertaker — was redirecting his customer calls to her husband. Harnessing his entrepreneurial s
Rotman Management12 min readGender Studies
Was It Me, Or Was That Gender Discrimination? How ‘Ambiguous Incidents’ Impact Women
DISCRIMINATION AGAINST various groups in the workplace has been well documented as affecting a range of processes and outcomes, including hiring, compensation, performance evaluations and rewards, as well as everyday interactions. These findings make
Rotman Management11 min readGender Studies
Thought Leader Interview: Sonia Kang
With respect to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), collective awareness has definitely increased in recent years, but some apathy has set in. Some have even used the term ‘backlash.’ How would you describe the current state of workplace DEI? Ther
Rotman Management1 min read
Coming Soon
Despite the importance of innovation for the growth of firms, industries and national economies, the strategic tools available to create and manage new technologies are often neglected. In his new book, Rotman School Professor and innovation expert A
Rotman Management10 min read
CONFLICT RESOLUTION 2.0: The Mindset of the Possibilist
As we speak, conflict is all around us. How would you describe the current environment? William Ury: Every day, we are confronted by the headache and heartache of contentious disputes. More than at any other time I can recall, destructive conflicts a
Rotman Management8 min read
Making Possibilities Happen: The Art of Seeing
WHILE WE DON’T OFTEN THINK ABOUT IT, every day we have an opportunity to positively alter our lives and those of other people. How? By bringing possibilities to life. Regardless of the realm we are focusing on, possibility is about the ability to see
Rotman Management1 min read
Rotman Management
Published in January, May and September by the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto, Rotman Management explores themes of interest to leaders, innovators and entrepreneurs, featuring thought-provoking insights and problem-solving
Rotman Management6 min read
Upholding Indigenous Economic Relationships: A Review
THE ABUNDANCE OF RECENT CONFERENCES and articles on responsible management, corporate purpose and stakeholder theory suggest that leaders and management scholars alike are searching for solutions to an economic system that has produced crises of glob
Rotman Management10 min read
Navigating Without a Map: The Quest for First Principles
FOR DECADES, leaders have relied on solutions propagated by the business mainstream. Want to improve profitability? Outsource everything that isn’t part of your core business. Want to build an efficient organization? Create the right organizational s
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