Your Horse1 min read
Temperature Control Is Vital To Ensure Stored Tack Remains In A Pristine State
In partnership with Q I have an expensive new saddle, but I’ve no idea of the best conditions for its everyday storage. Can you help? Rose Dundas, Norfolk Poppy says: If you are storing the saddle for long periods it needs to be in a temperature-cont
Your Horse1 min read
Put Safety First When Transitioning A Horse From Box Rest
Q My mare has been confined to her stable for several weeks due to injury and now she’s on the road to recovery I will soon need to think about taking her out. Will she be hard to handle? Tina Jones, Denbighshire Mary says: If all good advice is foll
Your Horse2 min read
ON TREND The Mane Event
RRP £12.99 for 500ml NAF-EQUINE.EU/UK This easy-to-apply product will help riders and grooms create neat and tidy plaits. It should be applied as the mane or tail is plaited to give greater grip. Once finished, spray on more product to help hold the
Your Horse1 min read
Patience Is Key When Transitioning A Horse From The Racetrack To A New Career
In partnership with Q I have heard that it takes a long time for a horse’s body to change from his racing days to him being a general riding horse. How long will it take, and any tips to help develop his muscles so that I can do low-level dressage, s
Your Horse1 min read
Have You Joined Yet?
Spillers is inviting owners of overweight horses and ponies to join its Spillers Slimmers’ Club for support, advice and encouragement to help keep their horse or pony at a healthy weight. This motivating and friendly club provides practical support a
Your Horse5 min read
Terri Green Sergeant with West Yorkshire Police
The policewoman who has won awards for her road safety work reveals how she jugglesa taxing job with a family and two horses. I’mapolice sergeant working on neighbourhoods for West Yorkshire Police. I’m referred to as the real life Happy Valley serge
Your Horse1 min read
Gastric Ulcers Are A Consideration For Horses With No Access To Grazing
In partnership with Q My mare is on box rest and a friend has said that prolonged time in the stable can cause stomach ulcers. Is this true? Chloe Fielding, Somerset Mary says: No access to grazing can cause gastric ulcers, which all horses are prone
Your Horse3 min read
SEND A Selfie
This is me and my 12-year-old ex-racer, Chilli, who insists on being bought a packet of salt and vinegar crisps on our pub rides. He loves them. Sian Ellis, Cardiff This is me and my boy, Mocha, a seven-year-old Connemara who I have owned for three y
Your Horse2 min read
Digestive Enhancers Support Gut Health And Therefore Equine Wellbeing
FEEDING - EMMA SHORT says… Q I’ve been advised to give my Thoroughbred a prebiotic or a probiotic. Can you explain the difference and suggest which oneIshould feed? Sophie Millard, Moray Emma says: Prebiotics and probiotics come under a group heading
Your Horse1 min read
How To Protect A Horse From Ticks
■ Cut back dank vegetation and don’t let horses graze on marshy land. ■ Check horses daily for ticks if they are present locally. ■ Remove attached ticks quickly with a removal tool — don’t pull them off by hand. ■ A topical bite relief cream and ice
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Your Horse
EDITORIAL Seventeen Hands Media Ltd Editor: Julie Harding Email: [email protected] Freelance Gear Editor: Allison Lowther Freelance Content Producer: Mel Beale Design: Marisa Bailey ADVERTISING & CREATIVE SOLUTIONS Stacey Boyce Tel: 01732 44
Your Horse1 min read
Meet The Testers
Allison Lowther is the freelance gear editor for Your Horse magazine. She owns two horses — a retired 29-year-old Irish Sport Horse called Jester and a 20-year-old Hanoverian mare called Wish. Julie Harding is the editor of Your Horse magazine. She k
Your Horse3 min read
Fix it… WARMING UP FOR THE cross-country
THE WARM-UP at any competition is first and foremost a tick-box exercise to prepare the horse for the class—it isn’t a training session. By the time the competition comes around it is too late to put in any more training, and falling into that mindse
Your Horse1 min read
Top Tips For Mounting Ex-racehorses
Jockeys are usually legged up on the go, so learning to stand still to be mounted is quite a foreign process for the majority of ex-racehorses. It is key that their new owner recognises the big lifestyle change they are going through, so plenty of pa
Your Horse2 min read
Everything Possible Must Be Done To Promote Healing In A Confined Horse
BOX REST - MARY FRANCES says… Q My horse recently injured a leg and I’m having to keep him on box rest. What can I expect? Cheryl Shepherd, Northumberland Mary says: Box rest is unnatural for horses and so making it a positive experience is key. Hors
Your Horse2 min read
Incorrect Saddle Size Or Shape Can Cause Pressure Points
Q What are the ‘pressure points’ on a saddle that I should look for when it’s on my horse? Anna Robertson, Fife Poppy says: There should be no pressure points as such on a well-fitting saddle. Pressure points usually arise from a saddle pinching from
Your Horse7 min read
THE CLOCK IS tick(ing)
AVET IN the Scottish Highlands is called to a young horse who seems tired and lethargic. His lymph nodes are enlarged and he is moving with discomfort. As he walks, the vet hears his joints creaking and she knows that this is bad news — the horse has
Your Horse1 min read
Is A Former Racehorse The Right Fit?
Retraining of Racehorses (RoR) is British Racing’s official charity partner that is dedicated to ensuring the welfare of racehorses when they retire from the track. "Retraining these horses is a crucial phase, and although the majority of former race
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'Brodie Left No Letter Or Message'
AKNOCK ON the front door of the house where Emma Webb lives in Newport, South Wales, prompts a cacophony of barking. “The dogs aren’t used to visitors,” says Emma, proffering a welcoming smile as she pulls open the door to reveal Cocker Poos Maggie a
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Young People And Suicide
According to PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide, the national charity dedicated to the prevention of youth suicide, in the UK the main cause of death in young people below the age of 35 is suicide. This equates to over five young people taking their
Your Horse7 min read
LEAP OF faith
PART FIVE THE MORE CONFIDENT you are, the safer you will feel when hacking,” says Steph Brooks, addressing the attendees at the BHS Suffolk Hacking Confidence Clinic at Boyton Hall Equestrian Centre (Your Horse, April/Spring/May/June, Training/Hackin
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From Racetrack To Happy Hack
THE THOROUGHBRED IS best known for racing, but this versatile breed can turn its hoof to almost anything — think of Gemma Stevens’ Arctic Soul, who notched up three top 10 Badminton finishes and won team gold at the 2018 World Equestrian Games; David
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Troubleshooting Common Issues
PROBLEM: My horse doesn’t stay straight over the poles SOLUTION: I would advise you to widen your hands slightly and use the reins as a channel to keep the horse straight. Ride the horse leg to hand so that energy goes through the channel. Also slow
Your Horse4 min read
Alexis Green
Did you always want to be a weather presenter? I visited the BBC South Today studios when I was 13 after winning a jazz competition for The Daily Telegraph. I saw the green screen (which used to be used for weather forecasts) and thought: “I want to
Your Horse6 min read
Mounting ANXIETY?
“We want our horses to stand still throughout the mounting process, and ultimately be calm and relaxed about it,” says Corinne McCafferty. EVERY EQUESTRIAN HAS been there — trying to strategically line up their horse to the mounting block while at th
Your Horse1 min readDiet & Nutrition
Top Tips For Feeding Mares And Foals
■ If concerned about excess weight gain, consider reducing calorie intake from forage for mares by feeding soaked hay, strip grazing, or using a grazing muzzle (pre-foaling). ■ Foals should generally be provided with as much soft hay/haylage as they
Your Horse4 min read
HORSE talk
For all the latest news from the horse world, visit OLYMPIC GAMES The countdown to the summer Olympic Games continues, with longlists released for Britain’s eventing and showjumping squads travelling to Paris. Equestrian sport was fir
Your Horse1 min read
A Physiotherapist Can Assist With Stiffness Issues In A Restricted Horse
Q My gelding is used to being turned out 24/7, so I’m really concerned that box rest will make him stiff. If this happens, what can I do? Lottie Sadler, Devon Mary says: Your horse won’t necessarily become stiff, but if he has to be on box rest for a
Your Horse3 min read
The Ex-racehorses Taking Part In #Hack1000Miles…
Tracey says: “My ex-racer, Percy, is brilliant in traffic, which I hadn’t anticipated — tractors and lorries, he takes them all in his stride. A crisp packet on the side of the road, or a new patch of tarmac, are whole different matters, though!” Pat
Your Horse3 min read
Lateral Stability Can Be A Sticking Point For Ex-racers
Q What are the main biomechanical differences between a racehorse and a ridden horse, and how can I work to strengthen my ex-racer? Jill Nuttall, North Yorkshire Gillian says: For the majority of racehorses, their work has involved going fast in a st
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