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The Fourth Option: Citizen Shares
The Most Wealth: For the Least Work Through Cooperation: Making Money Work Better, #2
The American Iceberg: Debt, Inflation and Money: Making Money Work Better, #1
Ebook series7 titles

Making Money Work Better Series

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About this series

In this book you will learn the money facts that can make money work better. The key is understanding money as a medium of communication that strangers use to cooperate. The economic simulation, Cooperation: The Wealth of Nations Game shows that an economy with money created debt-free and its value defined in work time is superior to barter, socialism, and capitalism in producing economic well-being. It explains why capitalism can't stop and how economic democracy is the natural next step in the evolution of democracy. With money properly understood and instituted, we can have local and global markets that are both fair and free.

PublisherBob Blain
Release dateMar 27, 2012
The Fourth Option: Citizen Shares
The Most Wealth: For the Least Work Through Cooperation: Making Money Work Better, #2
The American Iceberg: Debt, Inflation and Money: Making Money Work Better, #1

Titles in the series (7)

  • The American Iceberg: Debt, Inflation and Money: Making Money Work Better, #1


    The American Iceberg: Debt, Inflation and Money: Making Money Work Better, #1
    The American Iceberg: Debt, Inflation and Money: Making Money Work Better, #1

    It may be hard to believe, but it is nonetheless true that the iceberg of debt that we are looking at today was caused by the decision of framers of the Constitution in 1787 to deny Congress the power to issue paper money, called at the time "to emit bills." The First Congress followed in 1790 by giving the power to create money to private banks. These decisions, as explained in the book, caused debt to grow from $70 million in 1790 to $70 trillion in 2010; that's one million times larger. There was opposition to both decisions that you will read in this book. The book also explains what we need to do to navigate our way from the American Iceberg of debt to calmer waters of national well-being and security. The problems are worldwide and the solutions can be applied worldwide. Read the book. It presents a perspective that you will not find anywhere else with real answers.

  • The Fourth Option: Citizen Shares


    The Fourth Option: Citizen Shares
    The Fourth Option: Citizen Shares

    The focus in Congress today is on taxes, spending and borrowing. Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, and many others, believed that the Federal Government should issue the money of the Nation, not borrow it. This little book documents their views and traces the history of a movement, called Sovereignty, to get Congress to lend new money to state and local governments to build and repair infrastructure including schools and to pay down existing debt. The book goes beyond that effort to suggest that a nation's money supply should be thought of as citizen shares, like shares in a corporation, that citizens own and use to vote with their purchases and with the jobs they choose to do for the kind of society they want to live in. It explains how we can begin to establish a debt-free and interest-free money supply that will encourage all of us to share the work and share the wealth that our work produces.

  • The Most Wealth: For the Least Work Through Cooperation: Making Money Work Better, #2


    The Most Wealth: For the Least Work Through Cooperation: Making Money Work Better, #2
    The Most Wealth: For the Least Work Through Cooperation: Making Money Work Better, #2

    The Most Wealth explains how we can achieve full employment and genuine social security with more free time to realize our natural destiny on earth, well-being and free time to enjoy ife. The key is understanding money as a medium of communication that exists to insure that we all share the work and share the wealth.

  • Lifetime Economics


    Lifetime Economics
    Lifetime Economics

    The rules of Lifetime Economics are: 1. Value in use time, 2. Price in work time, and 3. Profit in free time. Economics as we know it today has departed so far from reality that it needs to be replaced. Lifetime economics is intended to do that, bring economics back down to earth. Learn here the meaning of real capital, real debt, real investment, and real Gross Domestic Product.

  • Capitalism Receives Failing Grade: Making Money Work Better, #5


    Capitalism Receives Failing Grade: Making Money Work Better, #5
    Capitalism Receives Failing Grade: Making Money Work Better, #5

    Simulation of barter, socialism, capitalism, and a system called autonomy with Cooperation: The Wealth of Nations Game played and graded by university students in a sociology class results in a C for barter, a B for socialism, an F for capitalism, and an A for autonomy. The game in computer form is available free, so you can examine and judge each system yourself.

  • Postcard Revolution

    Postcard Revolution
    Postcard Revolution

    The money supply of the United States has two design defects shared by nations around the world; it is issued as interest-bearing debt and its name, "dollar," is undefined. The series of postcards described in this book were sent to leaders of government as well as economists and sociologists to encourage them to read the books mentioned on the postcards so that they can correct those defects. Then money can work properly, helping us to share the work and share the wealth to everyone's benefit. It will take an informed public to make those corrections take place. So this Postcard Revolution is meant for you. While it is an immensely serious subject, the postcards are meant to make the read easy, even fun.

  • Money Facts: Simple, Obvious, but Neglected

    Money Facts: Simple, Obvious, but Neglected
    Money Facts: Simple, Obvious, but Neglected

    In this book you will learn the money facts that can make money work better. The key is understanding money as a medium of communication that strangers use to cooperate. The economic simulation, Cooperation: The Wealth of Nations Game shows that an economy with money created debt-free and its value defined in work time is superior to barter, socialism, and capitalism in producing economic well-being. It explains why capitalism can't stop and how economic democracy is the natural next step in the evolution of democracy. With money properly understood and instituted, we can have local and global markets that are both fair and free.


Bob Blain

Bob has a Masters degree from Harvard and a Ph.D. from the University of Massachusetts, both in sociology. He taught sociology for two years at The Ohio State University then taught sociology at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville from 1968 to his re-tirement (new tires) in 2001. He has spoken on monetary reform in New Zealand, Australia, Poland, Libya, India, and Togo in Africa as well as at many conferences in the United States and Canada.

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