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Virginia Woolf - Essays
Ebook series14 titles

Essays Series

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About this series

Welcome to the Essays collection. A special selection of the nonfiction prose from influential and noteworthy authors. This book brings some of best essays of Jonathan Swift, across a wide range of subjects.

Jonathan Swift was an Anglo-Irish satirist, essayist, poet and Anglican cleric. His deadpan, ironic writing style, particularly in A Modest Proposal, has led to such satire being subsequently termed "Swiftian".

The book contains the following texts:
- Introduction by Edmund Gosse;
- Jonathan Swift by Charles Whibley;
- An Essay on Modern Education;
- An Essay on the Fates of Clergymen;
- Of the Education of Ladies;
- Some Thoughts on Freethinking;
- Hints on Good Manners;
- Resolutions for Old Age;
- Hints Toward an Essay on Conversation;
- A Tritical Essay Upon the Faculties of the Mind;
- Of Mean and Great Figures Made by Several Persons;
- A Proposal For Correcting, Improving, and Ascertaining the English Tongue;
- A Treatise on good Manners;
- A Modest Proposal.
PublisherJPM Ediciones
Release dateJun 1, 2009
Virginia Woolf - Essays

Titles in the series (14)

  • Virginia Woolf - Essays


    Virginia Woolf - Essays
    Virginia Woolf - Essays

    Welcome to the Essays collection. A special selection of the nonfiction prose from influential and noteworthy authors. This book brings 22 of best essays of Virginia Woolf, across a wide range of subjects, including writing, feminism, Jane Austen, literature, poetry and many more topics.Virginia Woolf was an english writer known for her novels, essays and book reviews. Her fiction and ideas about literature, feminism and art, altered the course of literature. Many of her most relevant works were published by Tacet Books.The book contains the following texts:- Introduction by Edmund Gosse- The Modern Essay- A Room of One's Own- Modern Fiction- How Should One Read A Book?- How It Strikes a Contemporary- Craftsmanship- The Art of Biography- Why?- The Death of the Moth- The Humane Art- The Man at the Gate- The Novels of E. M. Forster- A Letter to a Young Poet- Jane Austen- Joseph Conrad- The Russian Point Of View- "Jane Eyre" And "Wuthering Heights"- George Eliot- American Fiction- The Art Of Fiction- On Re-Reading Novels- The Artist And Politics

  • Essays



    Welcome to the Essays collection. A special selection of the nonfiction prose from influential and noteworthy authors. This book brings 15 of best essays of Edgar Allan Poe, across a wide range of subjects, including writing, literature, poetry and many more topics. Edgar Allan Poe was an American writer, editor, and literary critic. Poe is best known for his poetry and short stories, particularly his tales of mystery and the macabre. Many of his most relevant works were published by Tacet Books. The book contains the following texts: - Introduction by Edmund Gosse- Maelzel's Chess-Player- The Philosophy of Furniture- A Few Words on Secret Writing- The Philosophy of Composition- Morning on the Wissahiccon- Marginalia- The Rationale of Verse

  • Essays



    Welcome to the Essays collection. A special selection of the nonfiction prose from influential and noteworthy authors. This book brings 10 of best essays of Leo Tolstoy, across a wide range of subjects, including literature, religion, society and many more topics. Leo Tolstoy is regarded as one of the greatest authors of all time. He received multiple nominations for the Nobel Prize in Literature every year from 1902 to 1906 and nominations for Nobel Peace Prize in 1901, 1902 and 1910 and the fact that he never won is a major Nobel prize controversy. Many of his most relevant works were published by Tacet Books. The book contains the following texts: - Introduction by Edmund Gosse- Why Do People Stupefy Themselves?- On The Significance Of Science And Art- On Labor And Luxury- To Women- Church and State- A Terrible Question- Trust Yourself. An Appeal To Young People- Last Message to Mankind

  • H. P. Lovecraft - Essays


    H. P. Lovecraft - Essays
    H. P. Lovecraft - Essays

    Welcome to the Essays collection. A special selection of the nonfiction prose from influential and noteworthy authors. This book brings some of best essays of H. P. Lovecraft, across a wide range of subjects, including creative writing, literature and poetry. Howard Phillips Lovecraft was an American writer of weird, science, fantasy, and horror fiction. Lovecraft is best known for his creation of a body of work that became known as the Cthulhu Mythos. Many of his most relevant works were published by Tacet Books. The book contains the following texts: - Introduction by Edmund Gosse - Notes on Writing Weird Fiction - Supernatural Horror in Literature - Metrical Regularity - The Despised Pastoral - Cats and Dogs - At the Root - The Allowable Rhym

  • Essays



    Welcome to the Essays collection. A special selection of the nonfiction prose from influential and noteworthy authors. This book brings some of best essays of G. K. Chesterton, across a wide range of subjects, including literature, art, politica and many more topics.G. K. Chesterton was an English writer, philosopher, lay theologian, and literary and art critic. He has been referred to as the "prince of paradox". Time magazine observed of his writing style: "Whenever possible Chesterton made his points with popular sayings, proverbs, allegoriesfirst carefully turning them inside out." Many of his most relevant works were published by Tacet Books.The book contains the following texts:- Introduction by Edmund Gosse- Books to Read- Charlotte Bronte as a Romantic- As Large as Life in Dickens- On Manners- A Workman's History of England- The True Vanity of Vanities- The Apostle and the Wild Ducks- A Theory of Tyrants- What is Right With the World- What I Found in My Pocket- Utopia Of Usurers- Woman- On Running After Ones Hat

  • Essays - Ralph Waldo Emerson


    Essays - Ralph Waldo Emerson
    Essays - Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Welcome to the Essays collection. A special selection of the nonfiction prose from influential and noteworthy authors. This book brings some of best essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson, across a wide range of subjects, including individuality, freedom, society and many more topics. Ralph Waldo Emerson was an American philosopher and poet who led the transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century. He was seen as a champion of individualism and a prescient critic of the countervailing pressures of society, and he disseminated his thoughts through dozens of published essays and more than 1,500 public lectures.Many of his most relevant works were published by Tacet Books. The book contains the following texts: - Introduction by Edmund Gosse - Self-Reliance- The Over-Soul- Circles- Prudence- The Poet- Experience- Society and Solitude- Nature

  • Essays



    Welcome to the Essays collection. A special selection of the nonfiction prose from influential and noteworthy authors. This book brings some of best essays of Oscar Wilde, across a wide range of subjects, including art, literature, politics and many more topics. Known for his biting wit, extravagant dandy attire, conversational skills, and witty sayings rich in sarcasm, irony, and cynicism, Wilde became one of the most famous personalities of his time. Many of his most relevant works were published by Tacet Books. The book contains the following texts: - Introduction by Edmund Gosse- The Soul of Man Under Socialism- A Few Maxims For The Instruction Of The Over-Educated- The Rise Of Historical Criticism- The English Renaissance Of Art- House Decoration- Art And The Handicraftsman- Lecture To Art Students- London Models

  • Essays



    Welcome to the Essays collection. A special selection of the nonfiction prose from influential and noteworthy authors. This book brings some of best essays of Michel de Montaigne, across a wide range of subjects, including philosophy, literature and many more topics. Michel de Montaigne was one of the most significant philosophers of the French Renaissance. He is known for popularizing the essay as a literary genre. His work is noted for its merging of casual anecdotes and autobiography with intellectual insight. Many of his most relevant works were published by Tacet Books. The book contains the following texts: - Introduction by Edmund Gosse - Of Friendship - Of The Force Of Imagination - Of Cannibals - Of Drunkenness - Of Books - Of Solitude - Of Experience

  • Essays



    Welcome to the Essays collection. A special selection of the nonfiction prose from influential and noteworthy authors. This book brings some of best essays of George Orwell, across a wide range of subjects, including literature, politics, travel and many more topics.George Orwell, was an English novelist, essayist, journalist and critic. His work is characterised by lucid prose, biting social criticism, total opposition to totalitarianism, and outspoken support of democratic socialism. Many of his most relevant works were published by Tacet Books.The book contains the following texts:- Introduction by Edmund Gosse- Why I write- Politics And The English Language- Shooting an elephant- Decline Of The English Murder- Confessions Of A Book Reviewer- A hanging- The lion and the unicorn- Bookshop memories- A Nice Cup Of Tea

  • Essays



    Welcome to the Essays collection. A special selection of the nonfiction prose from influential and noteworthy authors. This book brings some of best essays of Jack London, across a wide range of subjects, including literature, society, politics and many more topics.Jack London was an American novelist, journalist, and social activist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and American magazines, he was one of the first American authors to become an international celebrity . He was also an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. Many of his most relevant works were published by Tacet Books.The book contains the following texts:- Introduction by Edmund Gosse- Revolution- The Somnambulists- Those On The Edge- Suicide- The Children- The Dignity of Dollars- These Bones Shall Rise Again- The Other Animals- What Life Means to Me

  • Essays



    Welcome to the Essays collection. A special selection of the nonfiction prose from influential and noteworthy authors. This book brings some of best essays of Arthur Schopenhauer, across a wide range of subjects, including philosophy, literature and many more topics. Arthur Schopenhauer was a German philosopher. He was among the first thinkers in Western philosophy to share and affirm significant tenets of Indian philosophy, such as asceticism, denial of the self, and the notion of the world-as-appearance. Many of his most relevant works were published by Tacet Books. The book contains the following texts: - Introduction by Edmund Gosse - On Authorship And Style - On Education - On Reading And Books - The Emptiness Of Existence - Metaphysics Of Love - Religion - On Suicide

  • Essays



    Welcome to the Essays collection. A special selection of the nonfiction prose from influential and noteworthy authors. This book brings some of best essays of Jonathan Swift, across a wide range of subjects. Jonathan Swift was an Anglo-Irish satirist, essayist, poet and Anglican cleric. His deadpan, ironic writing style, particularly in A Modest Proposal, has led to such satire being subsequently termed "Swiftian". The book contains the following texts: - Introduction by Edmund Gosse; - Jonathan Swift by Charles Whibley; - An Essay on Modern Education; - An Essay on the Fates of Clergymen; - Of the Education of Ladies; - Some Thoughts on Freethinking; - Hints on Good Manners; - Resolutions for Old Age; - Hints Toward an Essay on Conversation; - A Tritical Essay Upon the Faculties of the Mind; - Of Mean and Great Figures Made by Several Persons; - A Proposal For Correcting, Improving, and Ascertaining the English Tongue; - A Treatise on good Manners; - A Modest Proposal.

  • Essays



    Welcome to the Essays collection. A special selection of the nonfiction prose from influential and noteworthy authors. This book brings some of best essays of Robert Louis Stevenson, across a wide range of subjects, including literature, art, travel and many more topics. Robert Louis Stevenson was a Scottish novelist, essayist, poet and travel writer. A celebrity in his lifetime, Stevenson's critical reputation has fluctuated since his death, though today his works are held in general acclaim. In 2018 he was ranked, just behind Charles Dickens, as the 26th-most-translated author in the world. Many of his most relevant works were published by Tacet Books. The book contains the following texts: - Introduction by Edmund Gosse - Walking Tours - An Apology for Idlers - On Some Technical Elements of Style in Literature - The Morality of the Profession of Letters - Morality - On The Enjoyment Of Unpleasant Places - Letter To A Young Gentleman Who Proposes To Embrace The Career Of Art - Pulvis Et Umbra - A Chapter On Dreams - The Character of Dogs

  • Essays



    Welcome to the Essays collection. A special selection of the nonfiction prose from influential and noteworthy authors. This book brings some of best essays of Emma Goldman, across a wide range of subjects, including philosophy, feminism, politics and many more topics. Emma Goldman was an anarchist political activist and writer. She played a pivotal role in the development of anarchist political philosophy in North America and Europe in the first half of the 20th century. Many of her most relevant works were published by Tacet Books. The book contains the following texts: - Introduction by Edmund Gosse - Anarchism: What It Really Stands For - Minorities Versus Majorities - The Psychology Of Political Violence - The Tragedy Of Woman's Emancipation - Marriage And Love - Woman Suffrage


Virginia Woolf

VIRGINIA WOOLF (1882–1941) was one of the major literary figures of the twentieth century. An admired literary critic, she authored many essays, letters, journals, and short stories in addition to her groundbreaking novels, including Mrs. Dalloway, To The Lighthouse, and Orlando.

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