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Treasure of Sherwood: A Robin Hood Mystery, #3
Ghoul of Sherwood: A Robin Hood Mystery, #2
Ebook series2 titles

A Robin Hood Mystery Series

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About this series

Robin Hood, wanted for the fatal poisoning of Lord William Randal, secretly visits Nottingham to find out what the Sheriff's wife knows about the charge. When he is apprehended and thrown into the dungeons of Nottingham Castle, his friends are spurred to action.

Alan a Dale, whom Lord William had befriended, vows to find the murderer. Alan and his wife Ellen interrogate Lord William's family and his fiancé, but their search leads them to suspect one of William's servants, missing since the day of the murder. However, the motives and family secrets may go much deeper: Alan and Ellen learn of a rumored ancient Crusaders' treasure supposed to be in the family's possession, which may have been the motive of an earlier murder.

On another front, Countess Lydia is rebuffed when she tries to intervene with Sir Guy of Gisbourne to give Robin a fair and public trial, and with Maid Marion, takes the dangerous road to London to see the king, pursued by Gisbourne's guards. Meanwhile, Robin's men arrive in Nottingham in disguise, watching for an opportunity to free him, while Robin himself must decide whether to trust Gisbourne's enigmatic clerk Friar Bungay, who offers freedom—at a price.

Release dateFeb 4, 2024
Treasure of Sherwood: A Robin Hood Mystery, #3
Ghoul of Sherwood: A Robin Hood Mystery, #2

Titles in the series (2)

  • Ghoul of Sherwood: A Robin Hood Mystery, #2


    Ghoul of Sherwood: A Robin Hood Mystery, #2
    Ghoul of Sherwood: A Robin Hood Mystery, #2

    When Robin Hood hears of the Sheriff of Nottingham's great archery tournament, nothing can keep him from attending the contest in disguise in the hopes of carrying off the prize right under the Sheriff's nose. Meanwhile, when Friar Tuck hears of a brutal murder in his hometown of Wallingwells, he is compelled to travel there and uncover the mystery. Appalled when a severed head appears hung from the ceiling of the priory chapel, Tuck finds no shortage of suspects for the murder, including three of the victim's former lovers, a business partner, and a convent full of nuns. Unmasked when he wins the tournament, Robin must flee Nottingham dressed as a woman. But having heard of trouble brewing at Wallingwells Priory, he makes for that town to protect Tuck. When Robin arrives, he finds he must not only help Tuck solve a new murder, but also rescue Maid Marion from Guy of Gisbourne's guards. Tuck, in the meantime, has found that the investigation has raised unsettled ghosts from his childhood and that only his old godmother, the town midwife, can fill in the final pieces of the puzzle to solve the mystery and give Tuck peace.

  • Treasure of Sherwood: A Robin Hood Mystery, #3


    Treasure of Sherwood: A Robin Hood Mystery, #3
    Treasure of Sherwood: A Robin Hood Mystery, #3

    Robin Hood, wanted for the fatal poisoning of Lord William Randal, secretly visits Nottingham to find out what the Sheriff's wife knows about the charge. When he is apprehended and thrown into the dungeons of Nottingham Castle, his friends are spurred to action. Alan a Dale, whom Lord William had befriended, vows to find the murderer. Alan and his wife Ellen interrogate Lord William's family and his fiancé, but their search leads them to suspect one of William's servants, missing since the day of the murder. However, the motives and family secrets may go much deeper: Alan and Ellen learn of a rumored ancient Crusaders' treasure supposed to be in the family's possession, which may have been the motive of an earlier murder. On another front, Countess Lydia is rebuffed when she tries to intervene with Sir Guy of Gisbourne to give Robin a fair and public trial, and with Maid Marion, takes the dangerous road to London to see the king, pursued by Gisbourne's guards. Meanwhile, Robin's men arrive in Nottingham in disguise, watching for an opportunity to free him, while Robin himself must decide whether to trust Gisbourne's enigmatic clerk Friar Bungay, who offers freedom—at a price.

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