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The Kama Sutra
Hero and Leander
Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure
Audiobook series3 titles

Eros Series

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About this series

Queen of the plaintive voice, the Torch resound

Witness of secret Loves, the Lover sing

On midnight billows borne to rapt'rous joys,

Veil'd from Aurora's eye; the realms relate,

By Ocean fever'd, join'd by Love.———I hear Leander dashing through the surge, I see

The glitt'ring Harbinger; benignant Light,

Fix'd by Olympus' King thy silver ray

Would grace the radiant spheres, auspicious Star,

Guardian of nuptial vows, for thine the task

To sooth the love-sick heart, ere hostil blasts

Howl'd o'er the deep, a whirlwind of despair:

Inspire the tale of woe, celestial Muse,

The Torch expiring falls, the Lover dies.

Release dateJun 7, 2024
The Kama Sutra
Hero and Leander
Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure

Titles in the series (3)

  • Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure


    Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure
    Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure

    After having consum'd the morning in the indearments and instructions of my new acquaintance, we went to dinner, when Mrs. Cole, presiding at the head of her cluck, gave me the first idea of her management and address, in inspiring these lively amiable girls with so sensible a love, and respect for her. There was no stiffness, no reserve, no airs of pique, or little jealousies, but all was unaffectedly gay, chearful, and easy. After dinner, Mrs. Cole, seconded by the young ladies, acquainted me, that there was a chapter to be held that night in form, for the ceremony of my reception into the sisterhood, and in which, with all due reserve to my maiden-head, that was to be occasionally cooked up for the first proper chapman, I was to undergo a ceremonial of initiation, they were sure I should not be displeased with. Embark'd as I was, and moreover captivated with the charms of my new companions, I was too much prejudiced in favour of any proposal they could make, to so much as hesitate an assent, which therefore readily giving, in the style of a charte blanche, I receiv'd fresh kisses of compliment from them all, in approval of my docility and good-nature, "now I was a sweet girl,———" "I came into things with a good grace,———" "I was not affectedly coy———" "I should be the pride of the house———" and the like.

  • The Kama Sutra


    The Kama Sutra
    The Kama Sutra

    Kamasutra acknowledges the Hindu concept of purusharthas, and lists desire, sexuality, and emotional fulfillment as one of the proper goals of life. It discussed methods for courtship, training in the arts to be socially engaging, finding a partner, flirting, maintaining power in a married life, when and how to commit adultery, sexual positions, and other topics.

  • Hero and Leander


    Hero and Leander
    Hero and Leander

    Queen of the plaintive voice, the Torch resound Witness of secret Loves, the Lover sing On midnight billows borne to rapt'rous joys, Veil'd from Aurora's eye; the realms relate, By Ocean fever'd, join'd by Love.———I hear Leander dashing through the surge, I see The glitt'ring Harbinger; benignant Light, Fix'd by Olympus' King thy silver ray Would grace the radiant spheres, auspicious Star, Guardian of nuptial vows, for thine the task To sooth the love-sick heart, ere hostil blasts Howl'd o'er the deep, a whirlwind of despair: Inspire the tale of woe, celestial Muse, The Torch expiring falls, the Lover dies.



Vatsyayana was a Hindu philosopher believed to have lived sometime between the first and sixth centuries AD. He is credited with authoring the Kama Sutra, one of the world’s best-known guides to eroticism and human sexual behavior, which has formed the basis for modern erotic literature.

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