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The Lay of Waldere: Nordic Heroes, #3
Aelle Saga: Nordic Heroes, #2
The Saga of Hengest: Nordic Heroes, #1
Ebook series9 titles

Nordic Heroes Series

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About this series

A bitter feud between the Angles and Frisians begins with a raid on Wederby. Hengest, a young dreng, takes revenge and is exiled for it. He enters service with the Half-Danes, who are also feuding with the Frisians, but doing their best to build bridges. However, at a Yuletide feast in Finnesburh in the year 449, all hell breaks loose.

Release dateFeb 10, 2019
The Lay of Waldere: Nordic Heroes, #3
Aelle Saga: Nordic Heroes, #2
The Saga of Hengest: Nordic Heroes, #1

Titles in the series (9)

  • The Saga of Hengest: Nordic Heroes, #1


    The Saga of Hengest: Nordic Heroes, #1
    The Saga of Hengest: Nordic Heroes, #1

    Exiled after a bitter battle in Finnsburgh, the Angle thegn, Hengest, turns his three war keels to Britannia. All he wants is land and a mead hall of his own, but he ends up winning a country - a country that will later be named England. The original Saga of Hengest is lost, except for a tantalising fragment known as the Freswael, which tells of that battle in Finnesburgh. The rest of the saga has been reconstructed from other, later, sources, mainly Layamon's Brut.   

  • The Lay of Waldere: Nordic Heroes, #3


    The Lay of Waldere: Nordic Heroes, #3
    The Lay of Waldere: Nordic Heroes, #3

    When Waldere escapes from Attila with Hildegyth, his bride-to-be, Attila sends 11 warriors after him. But Waldere, a master of Nordic martial arts, beats nine of them in single combat with the help of the legendary sword, Mimming. But can he, exhausted as he is, beat off the remaining two assailants?    Waldere was admired by the Anglo-Saxons as the ultimate warrior, and the epic that bears his name stood on equal terms with the only surviving Anglo-Saxon epic, Beowulf, though, sadly, most of it is lost. However, two fragments of the Anglo-Saxon poems remain, and a 9th century Latin version enables us to put those fragments in context. This book is an attempt to reconstruct the lost epic and present it as though it were a translation of an original, similar in style to Seamus Heaney's Beowulf, using a modern version of the Anglo-Saxon poetic line.    

  • Aelle Saga: Nordic Heroes, #2


    Aelle Saga: Nordic Heroes, #2
    Aelle Saga: Nordic Heroes, #2

    Aelle, a Saxon from Saxony, is one of the founders of England, and responsible in part for the word "Saxon" in the ethonym, "Anglo-Saxon" (Latin, Angli-Saxones). In 477, Aelle and his three sons set out from Saxony to settle in what was to become Sussex (Suth-seax). This is his story. Note that the previous edition was entitled, Sword of Saxony.

  • The Story of Hervor: Nordic Heroes, #4


    The Story of Hervor: Nordic Heroes, #4
    The Story of Hervor: Nordic Heroes, #4

    Hervor, a young girl who is tired of needlework and wishes to reclaim her inheritance, changes her name to Hervar, dresses as a man, and joins a group of Viking raiders. The story is based on The Hervararsaga. Like many of the Icelandic Sagas, The Hervararsaga is rambling and muddled, though containing much fine material. This version is a straightforward retelling of the best episodes.

  • Halfdan of Jorvik: Nordic Heroes, #5


    Halfdan of Jorvik: Nordic Heroes, #5
    Halfdan of Jorvik: Nordic Heroes, #5

    When the sons of Ragnar Lodbrok heard that King Aella of Northumbria had killed their father by throwing him into a snake pit, they vowed revenge. They raised what became known as the Great Heathen Army and set out to conquer England. One of those sons was Halfdan "White Shirt" Ragnarsson, and it is he who founded the kingdom of Jorvik, which became today's county of Yorkshire. This is his story.

  • Starkaðr: Nordic Heroes, #6


    Starkaðr: Nordic Heroes, #6
    Starkaðr: Nordic Heroes, #6

    Blessed by Odin, cursed by Thor, Starkaðr is the greatest of all Viking warriors. This version of his story is closely based on the original sources, mainly the Gesta Danorum by Saxo Grammaticus and Gautrek's Saga.

  • Shieldmaiden Rouwennë: Nordic Heroes, #7


    Shieldmaiden Rouwennë: Nordic Heroes, #7
    Shieldmaiden Rouwennë: Nordic Heroes, #7

    The story of Rouwennë, Hengest's daughter. As a tomboyish girl, fond of stories of shieldmaidens, she gets involved in a Viking raid led by her older brother. The raid goes wrong and her stepmother tries to teach her that her 'womanly weapons' have more power. She uses those weapons to bring down two kings of Britannia and to win her lover—a handsome dreng named Wulf.

  • Egbert Bretwalda: Nordic Heroes, #8


    Egbert Bretwalda: Nordic Heroes, #8
    Egbert Bretwalda: Nordic Heroes, #8

    Egbert was king of Wessex from c. 770 to 839. His achievement is that he brought about the unification of England under the house of Wessex, and paved the way for the successes of Alfred the Great (his grandson). Historical information is thin on the ground, so I have elaborated many scenes from my own imagination, hoping to bring to life this underappreciated Anglo-Saxon monarch.

  • The Frisian Slaughter: Nordic Heroes, #9


    The Frisian Slaughter: Nordic Heroes, #9
    The Frisian Slaughter: Nordic Heroes, #9

    A bitter feud between the Angles and Frisians begins with a raid on Wederby. Hengest, a young dreng, takes revenge and is exiled for it. He enters service with the Half-Danes, who are also feuding with the Frisians, but doing their best to build bridges. However, at a Yuletide feast in Finnesburh in the year 449, all hell breaks loose.


Christopher Webster

Christopher Webster was brought up in Conisbrough, Yorkshire, which is well-known for its magnificent castle. The castle and its link with Hengest provided the inspiration for English Dawn and this sequel. Another inspiration was studying English at university, particularly the study of Anglo-Saxon. His first publication was Poetry Through Humour and Horror. This was followed by many more educational texts as well as a wide range of fiction, drama and poetry. He is married to a Filipina, has four children, and is currently retired and living his dream as a full time writer.

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