Boiling pasta spaghetti in pot

How to Cook Your Way Out of These 15 Common Kitchen Mistakes


It happened again. I suffered a kitchen disaster and boy do I hate when that happens! This time, I ruined an entire pasta pot because I got busy and was not paying attention. By the time I realized, the pasta had cooked beyond al dente, all the way to al mushe. I could barely make out the pasta shape. That’s how al mushe!

It nearly killed me to dump the whole thing and start over, but there was no way to undo that disaster—it was that far gone! Thankfully, that’s not true for every cooking mistake. This is a list you’ll want to keep handy just in case.

Sticky pasta

Pasta noodles can come out stuck together and slimy if you haven’t filled your pot with enough water and/or if you’ve cooked them for too long.

When pasta hasn’t quite turned to mush but is super sticky, drain and run it under cold water immediately. Then drain well, return the pasta to a sauté pan, add at least one tablespoon of olive oil, and toss while reheating. That should take care of the stickiness, while no one is the wiser.

Too much salt

It is a common cooking mistake. If you’ve added far too much salt to a sauce or soup and you have enough ingredients, double the recipe or make more by half, then mix it in with the salty batch a bit at a time until you’ve reached your desired flavor.

Another trick is to add a bit more unsalted water to the mix, provided this will not also dilute the flavor.

Burnt toast

Don’t toss it until you’ve tried this neat trick: Use your cheese grater to scrape off the burned layer quickly. Works like magic! Other options: Scrape off the worst, brush with olive oil, sprinkle with Parmesan cheese then present as crostini or use for croutons.

Stale rolls

Wet your fingers and generously flick some water on the rolls. Wrap in foil and heat in a 250°F oven for ten minutes.

Undercooked cake

The first sign of a cake that’s not done is that sinkhole in the middle. Once cooled you cannot re-bake it. But don’t worry. This is not a hopeless kitchen disaster.

Break the cooled cake into pieces (even undercooked parts) and combine them with whipped cream and fresh fruit to make dessert parfaits or one large trifle. Perfect!

Overcooked vegetables

Several options here.

If you’ve overcooked the broccoli, asparagus, or similar vegetables don’t despair. Cool it as quickly as possible in ice water, then drain in the same way you drain pasta. Reheat briefly in hot broth or chicken stock. Drain and squirt on some acid (lemon, lime, or even orange) before serving. 

Chopped vegetables could also be combined with chicken, butter, and cornstarch and placed in a prepared pie shell for a pot pie. If it’s carrots or sweet potatoes you need to rescue, whip them together with eggs and pumpkin pie spices to create a soufflé. Follow these basics.

If none of these fixes work in the time you have, just tweak your menu a bit to include creamed vegetable soup. Puree the vegetables in the blender, pour in a bit of heavy cream, check the seasoning and add salt and pepper as needed. There! Cooking mistake averted.

Over-charred beef

You can totally spin this disaster by rubbing the beef with a mixture of garlic, ground black pepper, and chili powder—presenting it as “blackened.” That’s what blackened means when you see it on a menu.

Or switch things up, cut away the over-charred portions, then slice that charred beef for stir-fry, fajitas, or salad.

Whatever you do, don’t toss it out.

Dry fish

Melt some butter, and add lemon juice. Now, generously brush the overdone fish with the butter-and-lemon mixture, or pour it on. Sprinkle with chopped cilantro, parsley, marjoram, or savory. The “sauce “will add moisture, and herbs like these will add flavor.

Burnt pudding, custard, soup

Even the most seasoned chefs have been known to burn a custard or two. If you notice that the bottom layer of custard or cream-based soup has turned dark, stop stirring immediately. You don’t want to incorporate any of the burned bottom into the un-burnt portions.

Pour the remaining custard, pudding, or cream into a new pan making sure you don’t scrape up any of the part that’s scorched at the bottom, then keep cooking. 

Overspiced food

If tasting the chili, stew or soup sends you running for a glass of anything that will put out the fire, try adding more of every other ingredient except the spices. A raw potato might absorb some heat, but don’t expect miracles. Adding hot water is also a technique that may bring down the temperature.

Thin sauces

There are several techniques you can try to thicken the sauce. Work some flour into small amounts of butter. Bring the sauce to boil and drop them in one at a time, while stirring, until the sauce is your desired thickness.

Cornstarch is usually a good thickener, provided you have mixed it with cold water first, and add it to the boiling liquid a little at a time while stirring. Some cooks use dried potato flakes as an emergency thickener. 

Limp greens

Give those greens a lovely bath in a big bowl of very cold water and a few ice cubes. Let this sit for 10 minutes or so. Next, gently lift the greens out of the cold water, wrap them in a damp tea towel and stick the whole thing in the refrigerator. If they’re not completely over the hill, they will crisp up nicely and look equally fresh and lovely.

Acidic foods

Sometimes a tomato-based sauce like marinara will become too acidic for comfort. When dealing with an acid, the neutralizing agent should be a base. Try adding baking soda to the sauce 1/4 teaspoon at a time reduce acidity. Stir well with each addition, then taste before adding more. 

Some cooks prefer to add sugar for the same reason. Sugar can also reduce the acidity of tomatoes used in salads. Sprinkle sugar onto the slices or chunks, allow to sit for 5 minutes, then add to the salad.

Overripe fruit

When it’s too far gone for even fruit salad, get out the blender to make smoothies. Prefer dessert? Add a little agave, sugar, or maple syrup for a great ice cream topping.

Rescue the pot

Sometimes a burned-on mess cannot be saved. But the pot or pan can be. Try this: Add hot water and a capful or two of liquid fabric softener, or one dryer sheet, or one automatic dishwasher detergent pod. Allow the pan to sit undisturbed for a few hours. The fabric softener or dishwasher detergent pod should loosen most burnt food and allow you to remove it easily with a spatula. Careful! Don’t let that dry sheet slip and slide into the garbage disposal! 

  • MORE: Easy Ways to Remove a Burned-On Mess in a Pot, Pan or Casserole


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11 replies
  1. Sheri B. says:

    I too have heard the raw potatoes will get the salt out of your recipe.
    I have a timer. When I cook pasta, I set the timer. While wheat pasta does not stick together. The white pasta (spaghetti’s) some will stick. I use plenty of water and they boil. but they stick. I don’t understand.
    I am not over cooking them and I have plenty of water. Plus they boil! I have tried a little bit of oil in the water. That doesn’t work. I have contacted the company and asked them why they stick. No answer. bummer!

  2. Birdie says:

    Hello Mary. Your blog is wonderful. I’ve just learned how to rescue under-cooked Banana Bread. Melt butter in a fry pan and toast the slices. Dress up with ice cream for a real treat. Yum!

  3. Liz says:

    If you have grease floating on top of your soup, sauce or gravy, dip a lettuce leaf into the pot. The grease will cling to the leaf, repeat with a new leaf until you’re satisfied. My dear grandmother taught me this one.

  4. Ed says:

    For over-spicy foods, just add sugar. You can even use this one in a restaurant, while you’re eating. And at home, this method can let the more daring (“if it don’t steam my glasses, it ain’t hot”) diners have it their way.

  5. Judy says:

    My mother used to add a peeled potato to foods that were to salty and cook a few minutes longer. The top of the salt shaker fell off into the pot…. the raw potato trick worked!

    • Robyn says:

      Yes!! This works great and the potatoes can be used to make great potato dishes. I was not surprised when my daughter-in-law from South Carolina fixed Salt Potatoes. Potatoes are great salt sponges.


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