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A Traveller’s Guide to Using Google Maps

[full-width-paragraph] How to Use Google Maps for Travel Taking a trip can be great fun, but it’s a lot less stressful when you’re well organized. The seasoned traveler knows it’s best to gather maps and lists of places in advance – but also what a hassle this can be. How can you plan a detailed… Continue reading A Traveller’s Guide to Using Google Maps

An Illustrated Guide to Canadian Slang

[video_embed] [/video_embed] [full-width-paragraph] An Illustrated Guide to Canadian Slang If you speak English, travelling in North America should be a doddle, right? Wrong. Like any population in the world, Canada’s English-speakers have developed a curious lingo of their own. Are you familiar with the weird world of Canadian slang? It’s not easy meeting people when… Continue reading An Illustrated Guide to Canadian Slang

Things You Find in Paris, Rio de Janeiro, San Francisco, and Tokyo

[full-width-paragraph] Things You Find in Paris, Rio de Janeiro, San Francisco, and Tokyo 4 Continents, 4 cities, 300 objects A city is made of many things. When you dream of Paris you think croissants, good wine and the Moulin Rouge. When you fantasise Tokyo you visualise sushi, technology and paper lanterns. In order to bring… Continue reading Things You Find in Paris, Rio de Janeiro, San Francisco, and Tokyo

The Literal Translation of Places in Canada and the United States

[full-width-paragraph] The Literal Translation of Places in Canada and the United States What’s in a name? A noun, a sense of identity, a form of identification. The discovery of the “New World” has been written about extensively but what can sometimes be forgotten is how states and areas became known for what they are now.… Continue reading The Literal Translation of Places in Canada and the United States

A Night Out in 31 Countries

[video_embed] [/video_embed] [full-width-paragraph] How Other Cultures Do A Night Out Across the world our culture, language, and practices can vary dramatically. There is one thing however we all have in common; we all like to eat and drink. But how much we eat, what time we eat, and what we use to eat…where do the… Continue reading A Night Out in 31 Countries

Time Travel Tourism Posters

[full-width-paragraph] Time Travel Tourism Posters Past and Future Destinations for Your Bucket List The 21st century is pretty tame compared to how life on Earth looked in times gone by. If the prospect of another summer vacation on the Costa del Sol gets you yawning, perhaps you’d prefer a trip through time to a more… Continue reading Time Travel Tourism Posters

The Real Size of the World and Countries

[video_embed] [/video_embed] [full-width-paragraph] How big are Earth’s countries, really? If you want to know the true size of the world, don’t look at an atlas. This may sound like a conspiracy theory but our current world map is wrong. The size and shape of countries and continents are either much bigger or much smaller than… Continue reading The Real Size of the World and Countries

A Space Traveller’s Guide to The Universe

[video_embed] [/video_embed] [full-width-paragraph] A Space Traveller’s Guide to The Universe The one thing that unites the world of travel is the desire for fresh color and new experiences. With Tesla billionaire Elon Musk among a handful of entrepreneurs hoping to make space tourism a big deal over the next couple of decades, travelers with a… Continue reading A Space Traveller’s Guide to The Universe

How to Order a Beer in 17 Different Countries

[full-width-paragraph] How to Order a Beer in 17 Different Countries Ordering a beer abroad in the native tongue is satisfying; you get a delicious brew and can make a stronger connection with the bar staff and other locals. If you want to go that extra inch and show full respect to the kind barkeep who’s… Continue reading How to Order a Beer in 17 Different Countries

Showing results 11 - 20 / 32