Working with integrity is one of our core values

The Experian Global Code of Conduct sets out clear guidance to help everyone at Experian understand what is expected of them to help us live up to our high ethical standards. We regularly review the Global Code of Conductto determine if updates are required, with the latest edition approved by the Board in FY24.

The Global Code of Conduct is supported by detailed policies at global, regional or country level on specific topics such as anti-corruption, conflicts of interest, data privacy, fair treatment of vulnerable consumers, fraud management, gifts and hospitality, product development and marketing, security, tax, third-party risk management and whistleblowing.

Our commitment to doing business responsibly includes our approach to tax affairs, as detailed in our annual Tax Report. Our Tax Report sets out our Tax Policy, how we manage and govern tax, how tax fits into our broader ESG agenda, our regional corporate tax payments and the total tax contributions we make in our largest markets.


More information about our approach to working with integrity, which includes our approaches to anti-bribery and corruption, training and compliance, respecting human rights, tackling modern slavery, and partnering with suppliers, can be found on pages 68-69 of our Annual Report.

Other relevant resources include the following, which can be found within our ESG Reporting Hub

  • Our Code of Conduct
  • Our statement on Salient Human Rights
  • Our Modern Slavery statement 
  • Our 2024 Power of YOU report
  • Our Supplier Code of Conduct


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Supply chain organisations we support

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Annual Report 2024

Find out more about our approach to working with integrity within the Annual Report on pages 68-69.

Reporting and Policy Centre

Find the latest Experian reports, data and policies here.

Code of Conduct

Find our Code of Conduct here.

Modern Slavery

Read our Modern Slavery statement.
