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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

The Facts on Coronavirus Testing

The Facts on Coronavirus Testing

Federal officials have provided confusing and sometimes contradictory statements about the number and availability of tests to diagnose new coronavirus infections. We’ll explain how testing works, what happened with the CDC’s coronavirus test and what’s known about how many tests are available in the U.S.

The Facts on Trump’s Travel Restrictions

The Facts on Trump’s Travel Restrictions

President Donald Trump has made a number of misleading statements about his decision on Jan. 31 to impose travel restrictions related to the novel coronavirus epidemic.

Trump and the ‘New Hoax’

Trump and the ‘New Hoax’

President Donald Trump accused the Democrats of “politicizing” the new coronavirus, calling it “their new hoax.” Even after Trump explained his remarks, some Democrats — including Mike Bloomberg — continued to wrongly accuse Trump of describing the coronavirus as a “hoax.”

Will the New Coronavirus ‘Go Away’ in April?

Will the New Coronavirus ‘Go Away’ in April?

President Donald Trump suggested that the new coronavirus would “go away” in April, as temperatures warm. While some viruses are seasonal, it’s not yet clear if the new virus will follow the same pattern — and experts caution against banking on the weather to resolve the outbreak.