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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

How Does the Inflation Reduction Act Address Climate Change?

How Does the Inflation Reduction Act Address Climate Change?

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said the Senate plans to hold its first vote Aug. 6 on the Inflation Reduction Act. An estimated $369 billion over the next 10 years would go toward combating climate change and investing in “energy security.” Here we review some of the climate-focused provisions in the bill.

Social Media Posts Continue to Misidentify Justice Sotomayor in Dinner Photo

Social Media Posts Continue to Misidentify Justice Sotomayor in Dinner Photo

Politico misidentified Justice Sonia Sotomayor in a photo of a Jan. 7 dinner of Democrats – the same day she participated remotely in oral arguments. Politico corrected the error on Jan. 8. But social media posts continued to wrongly claim Sotomayor attended the dinner and appears in the photo. The woman pictured is Sen. Chuck Schumer’s wife.

Debt Limit Q&A

Debt Limit Q&A

Democrats and Republicans are once again in a standoff over a looming debt limit crisis. Congress must raise or suspend the limit on federal borrowing soon or the U.S. government won’t be able to pay its bills. Here we provide the facts on the political dispute.

Schumer Falsely Claims ‘All’ Americans Got Out of Afghanistan

Schumer Falsely Claims ‘All’ Americans Got Out of Afghanistan

A spokesperson for Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has conceded that the New York Democrat falsely claimed that “all” Americans who wanted to leave Afghanistan “have come out.” Government officials say that fewer than 100 U.S. citizens, and an unknown number of U.S. legal permanent residents, who want to leave Afghanistan are still in the country.

Republican Spin on Democrats’ Voting Bill

Republican Spin on Democrats’ Voting Bill

In the days leading up to the Senate vote on the House-passed elections bill, Republicans offered several misleading talking points about the Democratic bill, and made other statements that required more context.

Schumer, Warren Misstate Student Loan Debt Disparity

Schumer, Warren Misstate Student Loan Debt Disparity

In a press conference in which they called on President Biden to use his executive authority to cancel up to $50,000 in federal student loan debt for individuals, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren misstated a racial disparity statistic.

False Claim About CDC’s Global Anti-Pandemic Work

False Claim About CDC’s Global Anti-Pandemic Work

As the COVID-19 disease caused by the new coronavirus has spread around the world, a number of politicians, news organizations and public figures have made the false claim that the Trump administration cut the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s anti-pandemic work in over 40 countries to just 10.

Social Posts Share Fake Schumer Tweet

Social Posts Share Fake Schumer Tweet

Posts on Facebook falsely claim to show screenshots of two tweets by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer about the U.S. coronavirus response. Schumer didn’t post the supposed tweet criticizing President Donald Trump’s decision to bar travelers from China.