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Office of Highway Policy Information

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Travel Data Analysis: Web Based Tools. Online tools accessible from the home page of the NHTS Web site support data analysis for the three most recent surveys (1995, 2001, and 2009). From readymade tables of frequently requested data to customized data tabulations, the tools help a variety of users with differing data analysis experience meet their needs.

Highway Information Seminar 2017 – Presentations

Events of Note

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Latest Publications

Traffic Data Computation Method (Pocket Guide)

The objective of the Traffic Data Computation Method Pocket Guide is to succinctly provide computational methods for selected traffic data items. The audience is anyone involved in the collection, processing, analysis, utilization, and reporting of traffic data.

Download the Worked Example Cases [Excel]

Simplified Highway Capacity Calculation Method for the Highway Performance Monitoring System

This report developed capacity computation methods that: 1) use HPMS data items to the extent possible, and 2) can be used to validate HPMS Sample Panel Item 69. Also included as a set of generalized level of service lookup tables.”

Highway Statistics 2014

This annual report included data on: motor fuel use by state, driver licenses, motor vehicles, travel and traffic, road miles, and state/local financing.

Monthly Motor Fuel Reported by States

Monthly report on fuel use by State, both gasoline and special fuels, as well as current state fuel tax rates.

Status of the Nation's Highways, Bridges, & Transit:

Condition and Performance Report – 2015
This report is required by Congress, and made public. The Federal Highway Administration provides this biennial report to Congress, to provide the latest data on the status of the Nation's highway/ transit system.

Traffic Volume Trends reports

Monthly report on traffic flows throughout the country.

Please direct all questions and comments to [email protected].

Page last modified on July 26, 2019
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000