Saturday 27 May Afternoon - Sunday 28 May Morning 2023

The Technical Seminar on Reference Frames in Practice will be held in Orlando 27-28 May 2023. The main focus is on reference frames in general with a specific focus on UN initiatives, global and regional frames as well selected national case studies.

You can register for the seminar via the registration form* for the Working Week. In case you have problems with your registration, please contact: [email protected]



13:00 – 13:05

Welcome and Opening Remarks


Dr. Ryan Keenan, Chair, FIG Commission 5;
Mr. Tim Burch, Executive Director, National Society of Professional Surveyors

13:05 – 14:00

Session 1: International Geodesy Initiatives


1) ICG at UN
Ms. Sharafat Gadimova, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs

2) UN-GGIM Subcommittee on Geodesy and Education, Training, and Capacity Building Working Group
Dr. Daniel R. Roman, Chair for WG on Education, Training and Capacity Building

3) IAG and the International GNSS Service
Ms. Allison Craddock, IGS Bureau Director

14:00 – 14:15


14:15 – 16:00

 Session 2: Introduction to Geodetic Reference Frames


4) Introduction to Geodetic Reference Frame Theory
Dr. Chris Pearson, University of Otago, New Zealand

5) Introduction to Vertical Reference Frames
Dr. Kevin Ahlgren, National Geodetic Survey, USA

18:00 -

Seminar Dinner


08:00 – 10:00

Session 3: IGS and OGC


6) Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Standards
Mr. Roger Lott, EPSG, USA; Mr. Keith Ryden, ESRI, USA; and Mr. Chris Crook, LINZ, New Zealand

7) Ginan – Open Source Analysis Centre Software from Geoscience Australia
Dr. Eldar Rubinov, FrontierSI, Australia

10:00 – 10:15

 Morning Break

10:15 – 12:30

 Session 4: Case Studies I


8) One Pacific, One Map
Mr. Andrick Lal, South Pacific Communities, Fiji

9) United States: Development of a modernized NSRS in the U.S.
Dr. Michael Dennis, National Geodetic Survey, USA

12:30 – 13:30

 Lunch Break

13:30 – 15:00

 Session 5: Case Studies II


10) Taiwan
Prof. Peter T.Y. Shih, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

11) Uruguay
Ms. Daniela Cuentas Lugan,

12) The Philippines: NAMRIA challenges in PGD2020
Ms. Hennesey Marohom, NAMRIA

13) Exploring the Lunar Reference Frame
Mr. Joshua Critchley-Marrows, University of Sydney, Australia

15:00 – 15:15


15:15 – 15:55

 Panel Discussion


Presenters from Session 4 & 5

15:55 – 16:00 Closing
Dr Ryan Keenan, FIG Commission 5 Chair
16:30 - 18:00

FIG Working Week 2023 - Opening Ceremony


The opening ceremony will provide a spectacular introduction to the FIG  Working Week, its theme, and its unique location – a festive start of the week.

See - Opening


Pre-event Sponsors

The organisers FIG, NSPS, UN ICG, IAG, & IGS would like to thank and acknowledge the following sponsors for their generous support of this event: