Wholesale ordering, simplified.

FOBOH uses AI to automatically extract your wholesale sales orders from email (body/attachments) into your downstream system.
A laptop screen showcasing the FOBOH application
RECLAIM YOUR TIME, reduce your cost to serve

Focus on what matters.

Lightning Bolt - they never strike twice

Save Costs.

Save admin costs from manual entries and scale easily

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Make Money.

Free up your sales team from admin tasks to do what they do best! SELL.

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Waste Less

Reduce errors, waste less. Avoid expensive second drops

Image of numerous order channels like email

Say goodbye 👋 to data entry

Accept and consolidate orders from text, email, spreadsheets and more, like magic.
Designed for food and beverage manufacturers and distributors.
Build simple approval workflows to reduce errors and provide great service, every time.
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Less food waste, fewer trucks on the road

Our mission is to enable a smarter, simpler and more sustainable wholesale ecosystem.
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