Here Are the Most Popular Snacks in America, Per State

Are you Team Cheetos or Team Doritos?

Doritos bag, Cheetos bag, and Chex Mix bag

Doritos / Cheetos / Chex Mix

Instagram recently served me some very targeted ads, including a tote bag that read “Always Carry Snacks” in colorful all-caps letters and a smaller pouch labeled “Emergency Snacks.” If I had to sum my personal philosophy up in three words, “Always Carry Snacks” might be what I’d go with — and we’re talking about having readily available snacks at all times, not just on today’s very real holiday, National Snack Day. 

If you’re also a semi-pro snacker, then you undoubtedly have your faves that you stuff into your work bag, your desk drawers, your pockets, your gym bag… well, you get the idea. But the kind of snacks you’re reaching for might depend on where you live. Market research company HubScore recently released a map that reveals the most-searched-for snack in every single U.S. state — and some of the findings are surprising. 

For starters, Rice Krispies Treats took the No. 1 spot in 18 different states, and HubScore’s map shows that the Rice Krispies Belt stretches from Washington State, through Utah, Colorado, and Kansas, before extending upwards through Iowa and Minnesota. A HubScore spokesperson said that Rice Krispies Treats’ new geographical dominance “reflects the evolving snacking landscape and snacking becoming more of a replacement for a meal.” 

The other dozen states that may be the most likely to reach for Rice Krispies treats are Alaska, Idaho, Indiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and Wisconsin. 

Doritos, which claimed the most states in HubScore’s 2023 survey, was the top choice in 16 states: Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. Doritos were also the go-to snack in Washington, D.C. 

HubScore’s data also showed that the third most popular snack was Cheetos, which were preferred by residents of eight states: Arizona, California, Illinois, Louisiana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, and Texas. 

There were also a couple of interesting outliers. Connecticut and New York residents prefer Lay’s Potato Chips, while Chex Mix claims Hawaii, Montana, and North Dakota. And finally, New Jersey’s favorite snack is…Cheerios. (Who hurt you, New Jersey?) 

HubScore also noted that 73% of American consumers snack at least twice daily.

All of this information should be taken with a grain of salt – or with a liberal coating of Cheeto dust. Again, HubScore says that its data “[identifies] the most searched snack in each state,” so there’s still a chance that a lot of New Jersey residents were Googling “What kind of person eats Cheerios as a snack?” 

As for the rest of the states, see below for a complete list of results from HubScore's latest survey:

Alabama: Doritos

Alaska: Rice Krispies Treats

Arizona: Cheetos

Arkansas: Doritos

California: Cheetos

Colorado: Rice Krispies Treats

Connecticut: Lays

Delaware: Doritos

District of Columbia: Doritos

Florida: Doritos

Georgia: Doritos

Hawaii: Chex Mix

Idaho: Rice Krispies Treats

Illinois: Cheetos

Indiana: Rice Krispies Treats

Iowa: Rice Krispies Treats

Kansas: Rice Krispies Treats

Kentucky: Doritos

Louisiana: Cheetos

Maine: Rice Krispies Treats

Maryland: Doritos

Massachusetts: Rice Krispies Treats

Michigan: Rice Krispies Treats

Minnesota: Rice Krispies Treats

Mississippi: Doritos

Missouri: Rice Krispies Treats

Montana: Chex Mix

Nebraska: Cheetos

Nevada: Cheetos

New Hampshire: Rice Krispies Treats

New Jersey: Cheerios

New Mexico: Cheetos

New York: Lays

North Carolina: Doritos

North Dakota: Chex Mix

Ohio: Doritos

Oklahoma: Fritos

Oregon: Rice Krispies Treats

Pennsylvania: Rice Krispies Treats

Rhode Island: Doritos

South Carolina: Doritos

South Dakota: Fritos

Tennessee: Doritos

Texas: Cheetos

Utah: Rice Krispies Treats

Vermont: Rice Krispies Treats

Virginia: Doritos

Washington: Rice Krispies Treats

West Virginia: Doritos

Wisconsin: Rice Krispies Treats

Wyoming: Fritos

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