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The Epic Bundle combines our four foundational stock-investing scorecards into one membership and...

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Grants you immediate access to all the active stock recommendations within Stock Advisor, Rule Breakers, Hidden Gems and Dividend Investor!

Market-Beating Returns

Cumulative Stock Advisor Returns
Graph showing Cumulative Rule Breakers returns

Stock Advisor and Rule Breakers each have outperformed the S&P 500 for over 15 years

The Rule Breakers team has doubled the market's return since inception of the scorecard. All while the Stock Advisor has outperformed the market nearly 3-to-1 by rigorously combing every corner of every industry for overlooked companies poised to shatter the market – often when these businesses are flying under Wall Street’s radar.

340 Stock Recommendations with 100%+ Returns

When you join as an Epic Bundle member today, you combine the power of Stock Advisor, Rule Breakers, and Hidden Gems and Dividend Investor scorecards into one... and gain unlimited access to our library of expert stock recommendations across these scorecards, each carefully aimed at multiplying your net worth.

Recomendation Returns :
Recommendation Returns

Stock recommendations from the Epic Bundle have generated over 50 stocks with 1,000%+ returns

  • Amazon Logo Amazon up 25,307%
  • Disney Logo Disney up 5,318%
  • Netflix Logo Netflix up 34,825%

The best way to capture the potential upside of all our foundational stock-recommendation scorecards is through the Epic Bundle.

  • Amazon Logo Amazon up 25,307%
  • Disney Logo Disney up 5,318%
  • Netflix Logo Netflix up 27,660%

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If I can do it, you can do it. I was able to buy my house because of investments through here. There’s a [30-day] membership fee-back guarantee, so go right ahead. It won’t hurt. It’s been a life-changing experience for me.

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Motley Fool’s changed my life in this main respect: I’m financially independent today. I didn’t think that would be possible until maybe my mid or late 60s. I have the ability to make choices and quality-of-life decisions now that I would never be able to make before.

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Backed by our 30-Day membership fee back guarantee

Best of all, when you join through the Epic Bundle today, you’ll receive IMMEDIATE access to our latest stock picks inside all these scorecards!

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Returns updated during market hours unless specified. John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Market, an Amazon subsidiary, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. Tom Gardner owns shares of Netflix. The Motley Fool owns shares of Amazon, Netflix, and Walt Disney. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.