Judy Ho, PH.D., A.B.P.P., A.B.P.d.N.


Advisory Board Member


Clinical Psychology / Neuropsychology / Mental Health

Forbes Health Advisory Board Member

Dr. Judy Ho is a triple board certified and licensed clinical and forensic neuropsychologist, a tenured associate professor at Pepperdine University and published author. Dr. Judy maintains a private practice in Manhattan Beach, California, where she specializes in comprehensive neuropsychological assessments and expert witness work. She regularly appears as an expert psychologist on television, podcasts and radio, and contributes to other media including print and electronic periodicals. She is a co-host on the syndicate daytime television talk show The Doctors, co-host of CBS’s Face the Truth and host of The SuperCharged Life podcast, which focuses on scientific, tangible tips for physical and mental wellness, and strategies for motivation and productivity.

Dr. Judy Ho is a triple board certified and licensed clinical and forensic neuropsychologist, a tenured associate professor at Pepperdine University and published author. Dr. Judy maintains a private practice in Manhattan Beach, California, where she specializes in comprehensive neuropsychological assessments and expert witness work. She regularly appears as an expert psychologist ....Read More

Board Certifications and Training

  • California Board of Psychology, Licensed Clinical Psychologist
  • American Board of Professional Psychology, Board Certified in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
  • American Board of Pediatric Neuropsychology, Board Certified Pediatric Neuropsychologist
  • National Board of Forensic Evaluators, Board Certified Forensic Mental Health Evaluator


  • University of California, Berkeley (B. A., Psychology and B. S., Business Administration)
  • San Diego State University (M. S., Clinical Psychology)
  • University of California San Diego School of Medicine (Ph.D., Clinical Psychology)
  • University of California Los Angeles, Semel Institute (Postdoctoral Fellowship)


  • Author of Stop Self-Sabotage
  • Two-time recipient of the National Institute of Mental Health Services Research Award
  • Chair of the Institutional Review Board at Pepperdine University
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Best Online Therapy Services For Teens In 2024
How To Break Up With Your Therapist
Magnesium For Anxiety: Does It Work?
INTJ: Personality Type, Characteristics And More Serotonin: What It Is, Functions And Normal Ranges
What Is An Empath? Plus 5 Signs You Could Be One
Intrusive Thoughts: What They Are And How To Cope What Is The Mandela Effect? Examples And Causes Psychologists vs. Psychiatrists: Which Should You See?
Can Stress Make You Sick? Blood Pressure, Fever And More Empathy: Definition, Types And Tips For Practicing
Brain Fog: 5 Potential Causes And How To Treat It
What Is The INFP Personality Type? Emetophobia (Fear Of Vomiting): Causes And Treatment
What Is Schizophrenia? Symptoms, Causes And Treatments Trypophobia (Fear Of Holes): Symptoms And How To Cope What Is Procrastination? Why It Happens And How To Overcome It
What Is The ENFJ Personality Type?
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD): Symptoms, Causes And Treatment
How To Become An Online Therapist
What Is Delusional Disorder? Symptoms, Causes And Treatment What Is Paranoia? Symptoms, Causes And Treatments
What Is Bipolar Disorder? Symptoms, Causes And Treatment
What Is Hypnotherapy? The Mental Health Benefits Of A Clean Home
Mental Health In Older Adults: Common Conditions And How To Treat Them Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder: Symptoms, Causes And Treatments
Supplements And Non-Prescription Treatments For Depression
Switching—And Stopping—Antidepressants What Is Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD)?
What Is Somatization?
What Is Xanax? Purpose, Dosage And Side Effects The 5 Stages Of Grief: Coping With Loss
What Is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)? What Is A Manic Episode? Symptoms And Treatments
Positive Affirmations And How To Use Them
13 Signs And Symptoms Of Dyslexia In Adults
Marriage Counseling: What Is It And Does It Work?
ADHD In Adults: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis And Treatment
Therapist vs. Psychologist: What’s The Difference?
Anticipatory Grief: What It Is And How To Cope

Health Philosophy

"My mission is to empower people to take charge of their mental and physical health with evidence-based strategies that are proven to be effective for cultivating mind-body wellness and lifelong resilience. I aim to destigmatize mental health struggles and to arm people with the knowledge they need to create positive, lasting outcomes and live their best, most meaningful lives."