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The State Of Social Media 2020: Where We Are, Where We're Going, And What It Means For Women

Updated Dec 17, 2019, 12:17pm EST
This article is more than 4 years old.


I’ve run a social media agency for 12 years. (Yes, that means it was around before Twitter and Instagram!) So I’ve seen nearly everything when it comes to the evolution of social media.

And while it’s my job to pay attention to trends like new platforms and tools, what I find even more fascinating to explore is the ever-changing role social media plays in our relationships, conversations, and lives.

And this year, I’ve seen some big changes—not only in the ways that platforms are evolving, but how our preferences and behaviors are shifting. We’re trending away from broadcasting everything about our lives to as many people as possible and moving toward more authentic, focused interactions. It’s an exciting time for women to feel more comfortable sharing their true selves—whatever that might look like—online.

Here’s a look at the trends I’ve seen in 2019 and how they will impact women in 2020.

Trend #1: Authenticity

Social media is often described as a highlight reel, only displaying happy moments, perfectly organized houses, and enviable travels. But that’s changing.

In general, we’re trending away from perfectly curated content and toward authentic, everyday moments. Currently, the most popular type of content on Instagram is Stories—the short snippets that show what goes on behind the scenes and make people and companies more relatable.

And more people, including public figures, are using social media to share the “real” moments in their lives—both good and bad. For example, Kristen Bell regularly shares the ups and downs of being a mom, which, for her, includes struggles with anxiety and depression. Chrissy Teigen is also well known for her blunt portrayal of motherhood, down to her oh-so-glamorous postpartum mesh underwear.

And that openness extends to even the toughest issues. Just recently, Hilaria Baldwin shared an emotional video after experiencing her second miscarriage in seven months. In subsequent Instagram posts, she talked candidly about her recovery, both physically and emotionally.

What This Means for Women in 2020: Historically, there’s been pressure to put your best face forward on social media—and as a result, it’s been far too easy for women to compare our real lives with everyone else’s perfectly curated feeds. I see 2020 as our collective opportunity to take a deep breath, forget perfection, and have more authentic conversations with others who are doing the same.

Trend #2: Conversations About Topics That Matter

Gone are the days when social media is just the place we go to post life updates and pictures of the food we’re about to eat. It’s where most of us go to engage in deep, important conversations about matters that affect people around the world.

Yes, that includes debates and discussions about politics, but it goes far beyond that. According to a report from Twitter, three of the fastest-evolving topics on its platform include:

  • Everyday wonder: Social media allows us a broader window into the world—and universe—around us. “The more people learn about the universe, the more in awe of it they become,” the report notes. As a result, more and more discussions about climate change, the beauty of nature, and spiritual experiences are happening online.
  • Identity: Today, the concept of identity is broader than ever, and that conversation has been greatly facilitated by social media. People are talking about gender and diversity, self-expression and self-acceptance, and how they want to see people of all kinds represented in our culture. “People have never felt more empowered to be their true selves and make their own rules,” the report adds.
  • Wellbeing: “Where body image, diet, and physical appearance once dominated the conversation, a healthy mind and whole-body wellness are starting to take center stage,” the report notes. Conversations around mental health, self-care, and holistic health are now twice as common as those around dieting or fitness.

And this isn’t limited to one-on-one conversations between individuals. Brands are beginning to assert their voices in these important issues, too. TOMS, originally known for its “one for one” model of giving away a pair of shoes for every pair purchased, recently launched a new campaign, #StandforTomorrow. Now, when customers purchase a TOMS product, they can select an issue they care about—like equality, safe water, or ending gun violence—to which TOMS will direct a portion of that purchase.

What This Means for Women in 2020: As we get more comfortable with broaching big topics online, we’re able to engage in deeper conversations—which leads to richer relationships and stronger networks. It also means that it’s increasingly easier to connect with and support brands that align with our own values.

Trend #3: Mindful Tech Use

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably felt the need to step away from your phone for a while at some point or another. And this trend of “digital detoxing” is becoming increasingly common. One in three adults in the UK reports cutting back on social media use in the past 12 months because they felt addicted to or overwhelmed by social media.

And even among those of us who aren’t cutting back, there’s been a movement to use social media more mindfully. That might mean unfollowing accounts that give you FOMO or don’t seem authentic, reducing how often you post, or simply narrowing the number of people you follow to reduce the time you spend scrolling.

Somewhat surprisingly, social media platforms support this shift. For example, Instagram recently started hiding “like” counts on posts (you can still see the number of likes your own photos get, but you can’t see the count on others’ posts). The goal, says Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri, is to create a “less pressurized environment where people feel comfortable expressing themselves." And Pinterest recently added a series of “emotional wellness activities” to its platform, offering exercises in deep breathing or self-compassion when users search for topics related to mental health.

What This Means for Women in 2020: Now, more than ever, it’s possible to use social media in a controlled, mindful way. You don’t have to let yourself be bombarded by what the internet wants to show you; you can choose exactly what you want to see—and that can promote a healthy relationship with social media, technology, and the people and brands you want as part of your life.

Trend #4: Smaller Conversations

The early days of social media were focused on gaining the largest following and sharing updates with the widest audience possible. And yet, even with all those friends and followers, users began to feel isolated. Now, the tides are turning. While social media can connect you with people across the world, we’re beginning to prefer smaller, more intimate communications.

“Today we already see that private messaging, ephemeral stories, and small groups are by far the fastest growing areas of online communication,” Mark Zuckerberg wrote in a statement in March. He goes on to talk about how people now prefer the intimacy of communicating one-on-one or with just a few friends, what he calls “the digital equivalent of the living room.”

What This Means for Women in 2020: Being authentic on social media can also simply mean sharing less. If you prefer interacting with people one-on-one—or protecting your privacy by simply not sharing parts of your life altogether—you should feel empowered to do those things. Over the next year, you should feel completely in control of what you broadcast online, and you’ll likely see more tools to enable you to do exactly that.

In a world where social media has in the past seemed isolating and impersonal, these trends point toward an encouraging shift toward authenticity, intentionality, and mindfulness. In the end, it should all be about how you want to engage in social media—rather than letting others define that for you. These shifts mean great things for women as individuals, leaders, and entrepreneurs, and I can’t wait to see what 2020 brings.

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