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Why Pixar Movies Make Us Cry

Updated May 20, 2020, 10:15am EDT
This article is more than 4 years old.

“So ... if the movie is good, you cry?” 

This is the question my son asked my wife after watching Onward, baffled by the contrast between the happy ending and her hysterical sobs. She nodded in confirmation - after all, tears are a pretty solid indicator of a film’s emotional impact. 

It’s not just my wife (and me) - Pixar is frighteningly good at inducing tears, to the point where it’s almost anticipated. As the film reaches its climax, my tear ducts will stand waiting for the emotional cue, a colorful character having an epiphany, the tinkling soundtrack acting as Pavlov’s Bell. 

It’s so effective, that it’s almost beginning to bother me; am I really so easy to manipulate? Clearly, yes. But Pixar films rarely feel manipulative; their sad scenes are earned through the actions of their characters, their losses, gains, and subsequent transformations. 

Pixar’s stories tend to resonate due to their willingness to explore complex emotions, particularly the impact of death. Not literal death, necessarily, but metaphorical; the death of childhood, of parenthood, saying goodbye and moving away. 

Death might seem like a strange and unnecessarily dark subject for children, but childhood is all about new beginnings, and thus, endings. Beloved grandparents disappear, pets perish, friends come and go, while childhood itself slowly bleeds out; this unchangeable aspect of life runs through almost all of Pixar’s films, particularly Toy Story, the shadow of the garbage heap lingering over the heads of the characters. 

But crucially, Pixar always shows a way forward, careful to balance tragedy with hope and optimism. Nemo’s mother and siblings are devoured early on in Finding Nemo, but as a result, he and his father grow especially close. Inside Out shows Riley’s brain undergoing a dramatic, traumatic transformation, as the old order crumbles and makes way for the new, while Wall-E witnesses the literal end of the world, but by planting a single seed, builds a new civilization on top of the ruins.  

The Incredibles takes place long after the golden age of superheroism, yet the Parr family continues to protect the innocent, adapting to a hostile landscape. Coco, Up and Onward all depict the death of a beloved family member, but the protagonists learn to move forward, to appreciate the living, while honoring the dead. 

These films get under the skin of parents, particularly, because they remind us that parenthood is, in some sense, temporary. Raising a child means letting them go, in stages, as they become less and less dependent; learning to walk, going to school, growing into emotionally distant teens who, eventually, leave the house and build their own life.  

There’s a beauty in that (and a relief), but also a great sadness. Children experience this too; the constant shifting and reshaping of their perspective means that their world is simultaneously dying and springing back to life, growing a little more complicated each time. 

Consciously or not, most Pixar films embody this bittersweet reality, giving parents and children a rare opportunity to share a story that they both enjoy and understand, in their own way. 

So, yes; if we cry, the movie is good.

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