James Asquith

Former Contributor|Travel

I spend 360 days a year on the road traveling for work discovering new experiences at every turn, trying out the best and the worst airlines around the world. I set the Guinness World record for being the youngest person to travel to all 196 countries in the world by the age of

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49,151 viewsApr 7, 2020

18 Month Closure For Singapore’s Changi Airport T2

Changi Airport in Singapore has announced that they will be closing Terminal 2 for a period of 18 months from May 1. Other airports around the world have also consolidated operations on either runways, terminals or both. With several major airports suspending operations entirely.

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16,521 viewsApr 6, 2020

Ryanair Still Expects To Make €1 Billion Profit In 2020 Financial Year

In the midst of COVID-19 grounding airlines around the world, Ryanair still expects to post a 1 billion Euro profit for the 2020 financial year For airline passengers, Ryanair may seen like one of the low-cost and lower quality options with which to travel. How much money does Ryanair make?

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4,232 viewsApr 6, 2020

Countries Banning Internal Travel For Easter To Reduce Coronavirus Spread

As the Easter holiday approaches and Spring kicks in, a large proportion of Europe and the U. S. remains under lockdown. Some countries are stepping up efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 over the Ester holidays, restricting domestic travel and movements. Australia, Guatemala and Greece.

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13,390 viewsApr 6, 2020

If Aviation Was A Country It Would Be The World’s 20th Largest By GDP

If the global aviation sector was its own economy it would be the 20th largest economy in the World. The state of California would be the 9th largest.The global aviation sector has been one of the hardest-hit industries due to the ongoing travel restrictions in place to control COVID-19.

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9,690 viewsApr 5, 2020

Global Airline Industry May Now Need A $1 Trillion Bailout

The global aviation industry may now need a bailout totalling $1 trillion. Aviation is struggling since many airlines have grounded entire fleets due to COVID-19 and aviation represents 3.6% of global gross domestic product, and if aviation were a country, it would rank 20th in size by GDP.