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Thousands Wait In Line Black Friday For Bourbon County Stout Release

Updated Jan 3, 2019, 11:23am EST
This article is more than 5 years old.

Ken Hunnemeder, Goose Island Content

Every year, the line starts forming the day before Thanksgiving, and by the time the doors open on Black Friday, there will be thousands of people waiting. 

And they’re not clamoring to buy a big screen television or fighting for the latest hot toy. They’re all beer lovers, they’re all outside Binny’s Beverage Depot in Chicago, and they’re all eagerly awaiting the release of Goose Island’s Bourbon County Stout. 

“The first year we did Black Friday, there were about 300 people, and we were pretty happy with that,” says Greg Hall, the former brewmaster at Goose Island who created the brew. 

“Nobody showed up for a beer release back then,” says Todd Ahsmann, president of Goose Island Beer Co.

The event’s grown so much that last year, more than 2,000 people stood in line at just that one store location in Chicago, but there were also lines at stores in the suburbs, in New York City and in San Francisco.

“There were lines all over the country,” Ahsmann says. “Now, it’s turned into this cultural phenomenon, where being in line is just as important as what you get in the end. People trade stories, crack open and trade beers. It’s become it’s own thing, the line part.” 

“Last year, we had some people from Sweden who flew in just for the weekend to get some beer,” Hall says. “That’s really exciting.” 

Jerome Dennison, who lives in Michigan, has been in line for five out of the last six years, and he’s usually the first person in line at Binny’s Beverage Depot in Lincoln Park. He usually waits two days to get this beer. “The Bourbon County Stout Black Friday release has become a tradition for myself and my family,” Dennison says. “My wife started to join after a few solo Black Friday releases, and lately I’ve been bringing my daughter, who has also invited her boyfriend to be with us in line.”

Dennison, who has in the past brought brownies made with last year’s release, says he always enjoys the donuts and Intelligentsia coffee that Goose Island employees serve to the people in line. “Black Friday is all about community, meeting old friends you’ve met in line before, and creating new friendships,” he says.

Ahsmann, Hall and other Goose Island folks typically visit people in the queue, to find out their stories and to visit with them. That’s how they found out about the Swedish group – by talking to people. “We love walking up and down the line, talking to people,” Ahsmann says.

Ken Hunnemeder, Goose Island Content

Besides serving up donuts and the same coffee that’s used in the making of the stout, they also usually give out special gift bags to the first hundred or so people in line, and this year, they’ll be giving away a gorgeous book about the story of the stout to some of the lucky line-goers. 

This year’s release should prove to be particularly popular, as it’s the first time eight different variants have been brewed. While Bourbon County boasts a nation-wide distribution, two variants have very limited release. Bourbon County Reserve will only be distributed, in a limited fashion, in Chicago, New York City, Kentucky and Goose Island’s Philadelphia Brewhouse. And the Proprietor’s variant is only available in Chicago, as it’s brewed as a special thank-you to the brewery’s hometown fans. If you want all eight variants, you have to head to Chicago.

The variants include the Original Bourbon County Stout, aged in 4-or-more-years old Heaven Hill Bourbon barrels and the Reserve Bourbon County Stout is the same recipe as the original, but it is aged in 12-year-old Elijah Craig Barrel Proof bourbon barrels. The Proprietor’s Bourbon County Stout uses dark chocolate and two types of cocoa nibs, while the Bourbon County Wheatwine is made from two-row and malted wheat, making it the first recipe to be altered from the original stout recipe since the Barleywine was introduced in 2013.

There’s also the Bourbon County Vanilla Stout returning to the roster, as well as a Bourbon County Bramble Rye Stout, aged in rye whiskey barrels with raspberry and blackberry juice and puree added; a Bourbon County Coffee Barleywine, which is the first coffee barleywine made with Intelligentsia coffee; and a Bourbon County Midnight Orange Stout made with chocolate and orange.

 “A lot of the retailers do sell out on Black Friday,” Hall says. “If you really want all of them, the best thing to do is come join the line, dress warm and bring some snacks.”

“That’s the only guarantee,” adds Ahsmann.

Ken Hunnemeder, Goose Island Content

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