Jeffrey Steele

Contributor|Real Estate

I launched my freelance writing career in 1989 and have since produced more than 5,000 bylined articles for a wide array of traditional and web-based publications. I began covering real estate in 1991 when the Chicago Tribune assigned me to pen an article on the renovation of

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312 viewsJul 16, 2024

Historic New York City Buildings Are Gaining Contemporary Additions

They're incredibly rare but some of the most interesting new structures in New York City are actually additions built on to character-rich historic structures.

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1,176 viewsJul 12, 2024

A ‘Thriving Ecosystem Of Amenities’ Is Sparking Newark’s Renaissance

An array of new initiatives, many centered downtown around the New Jersey Performing Arts Center, have helped make Newark an up-and-coming urban setting.

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1,156 viewsJul 5, 2024

Developers Are Spotting Opportunities In Evolving Edge Cities

The Covid-19 pandemic did not lead to the demise of cities, as some experts predicted. Instead, it changed cities in a way that encouraged emergence of "edge cities."

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1,124 viewsJun 30, 2024

So-Called ‘SuperHomes’ Are Redefining Luxury For America’s Ultra Rich

Sought by the growing ranks of American billionaires, today's SuperHomes dwarf the McMansions of yesteryear, while also reflecting the owners' individual passions.

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681 viewsJun 19, 2024

Guidelines That Foretell Successful Conversions To Residential

Veterans of adaptive reuse projects have developed "rules of thumb" that help identify those commercial buildings best suited for conversion to residential.