John Ellett

Contributor|CMO Network

john Ellett has been writing for over a decade about marketing change agents and how they can challenge the status quo. He even wrote a book on the topic - "The CMO Manifesto: A 100-Day Action Plan for Marketing Change Agents." His article, "The CMO Role Isn’t Dying, It’s Just

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3,356 viewsMay 8, 2024

Customer-Obsessed Companies Grow 28% Faster By Doing Four Things

According to Forrester, firms that exhibit four principles of customer obsession achieve higher revenue and profit growth. Principal analyst Amy Bills explains.

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1,466 viewsJan 25, 2024

Why Building Trust Should Be #1 Focus Of B2B Marketers

New research from Forrester says the most important factor in whether companies will do business with you is "do they trust you?" Here are 7 levers to build that trust.

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883 viewsJan 19, 2024

New Study Helps CMOs Answer ‘Should I Take That Job?’

A poor fit between a company and a CMO can lead to undesired turnover. A new research-based guide has questions CMOs should ask to improve the odds of a successful match.

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631 viewsDec 6, 2023

Xactly’s New CMO Has 5 Tips For Better Aligning Sales And Marketing

Aligning sales and marketing organizations is critical to success. To fix alignment challenges, here are five tips from Xactly's new CMO that will bridge the two teams.

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3,005 viewsNov 28, 2023

What Marketers Can Learn From 6sense’s CMO’s Elevation To CRO

Few will argue that Sales and Marketing should not be better aligned. But how best to do that creates intense debates. Here is 6sense's unique solution to the challenge.