Julia Dhar

I’m a Boston Consulting Group managing director and partner, founder of BCG’s Behavioral Science Lab, and leader of our network of behavioral scientists. I serve as a member of the BCG Change Management leadership team. I use my training as a behavioral economist to improve

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12,093 viewsAug 14, 2024

Gen Z: The Dangerfield Generation

Gen Z is our future workforce, so leaders must understand their views on the most important and complex workplace issues for them: flexibility, values, and mental health.

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5,189 viewsJul 24, 2024

When Change Is Needed, Your Employees Become Your Customers

To be successful in any change initiative, leaders should treat the challenge of employee buy-in as seriously as the challenges of attracting and keeping customers.

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317 viewsJul 10, 2024

How To Write An Email Subject Line That Prompts Clear Actions

Sending an important email message and getting no reply happens all the time. Behavioral science shows that the subject line of your email is the key.

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1,687 viewsJun 26, 2024

Taylor Swift: What Brands Can Learn From A Tortured Poet’s Magic

There are three key things revenue managers in other industries can learn from Taylor Swift’s playbook when mapping out their go-to-market strategy for new products.

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2,764 viewsJun 12, 2024

To Meet Or Not To Meet: That Is The Question

Scheduling meetings has become a default response for many people. If a meeting really is necessary, the originator needs to plan in advance and make it useful.

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258 viewsMay 29, 2024

The Art Of Asking A Favor At Work: Would Your Colleagues Say “Yes”?

Many people, no matter what their rank in an organization, hesitate to ask for help. If that's you, you’re probably doing yourself and your colleagues a disservice.

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7,897 viewsMay 15, 2024

The Biggest Regrets Of Former C-Suite Executives

Executives need to move boldly, create strong teams and relationships, stay true to themselves, and regularly ask themselves if they regret decisions.