Mark Chenoweth


I serve as President and Chief Legal Officer of the New Civil Liberties Alliance, a civil rights organization devoted to protecting constitutional freedoms from violations by the Administrative State. I have served in all four branches of the federal government during my career.

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24,830 viewsJul 3, 2024

Chief Justice Roberts’s Two Landmark Opinions Turn Tide Toward Liberty

Chief Justice Roberts's opinions in Jarkesy and Loper Bright / Relentless are landmark decisions with much broader import than has been thus far generally acknowledged.

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5,190 viewsJun 6, 2024

A Watershed Supreme Court Term Will Not Drown The Administrative State

The Supreme Court is deciding several important administrative law cases. These decisions could alter administrative power, but they won't end the Administrative State.

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30,865 viewsJul 7, 2020

The D.C. Circuit Did Not ‘Bungle’ The General Flynn Case

J. Michael Luttig’s misleading piece feeds a narrative of politicized judges ignoring law. Yet, far from bungling the General Flynn case, the D.C. Circuit reached the result the rule of law compelled here.

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232,933 viewsJul 2, 2020

When The Wolf At The Door Is Your Governor

Does the Pennsylvania Constitution really permit a governor to call a State of Disaster Emergency on his own accord and thereby sideline both houses of the legislature (that happen to be in the opposition party’s control) unless and until the governor decides to relinquish his power? In a word, no.

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52,010 viewsMay 14, 2020

Judge Sullivan Disregards Two Controlling Precedents By Appointing Amicus In Flynn Case

Whether or not one agrees with DOJ’s call to drop its charges against former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, there should be widespread agreement that Judge Emmet Sullivan has veered way out of line. His appointment of John Gleeson as amicus ignores two controlling higher court precedents.