Patrick Gleason


I am Vice President of State Affairs at Americans for Tax Reform, a Washington-based advocacy and policy research organization founded in 1985 at the request of President Ronald Reagan. My writing and commentary have been published in The Economist, Reuters, Politico, and the

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2 hours ago

With Strong Population Growth Comes Greater Demand For Health Care

Lawmakers in the most successful states are finding that with great population growth comes greater demand for doctors, dentists, and other key care providers.

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2 hours ago

Reporters Can Improve Accuracy In US Media By Adopting Milei’s Reform

Reporters Can Improve Accuracy In US Media By Adopting Milei’s Reform

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1,431 viewsJun 28, 2024

Federal Taxes Set To Rise, As Rates Fall Further In The States

The fate of federal tax rates will depend on the 2024 election outcomes, but tens of millions of Americans can look forward to state income tax relief this year.

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705 viewsJun 25, 2024

Property Tax Burdens Are Rising, As Is Interest In Reining Them In

With soaring property values from coast to coast, there are increasing calls for property tax relief in both red and blue states.

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2,789 viewsJun 17, 2024

Trump Tip Tax Exemption Is Workable, Could Help Shore Up Entitlements

How Donald Trump's proposed tip tax exemption could be administered in a way that would prevent gaming of the system, shore up federal entitlement programs.