William A. Haseltine


Dr. William A. Haseltine is a distinguished scientist, philanthropist, author, and entrepreneur renowned for his pioneering work in genomics and regenerative medicine. A former Harvard Medical School professor, he has made many significant contributions to cancer and HIV/AIDS

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285 viewsAug 26, 2024

How Resilient Is Life?

Resilience is a fundamental property of life, and it has the remarkable ability to thrive in unexpected places. It is no more apparent than in Deinococcus radiodurans.

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775 viewsAug 16, 2024

Extending Telomere Length? A Look At Current Strategies

In the quest to unlock the secrets of aging and longevity, telomeres have emerged as key players. What are the pros and cons of interventions targeting telomeres?

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492 viewsAug 14, 2024

Positive Results For A New RNA Therapy For Cardiovascular Disease

A new possibility for managing cardiovascular disease through RNA interference (RNAi) gene therapies.

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667 viewsAug 8, 2024

New Gene Editing Technique Reverses Heart Disease In Mice

New gene editing techniques, like adenine base editing and prime editing, are creating new possibilities for treating dilated cardiomyopathy, a heart condition affecting about 1 in 250 people worldwide.

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1,609 viewsAug 8, 2024

New Insights Into Aging: Not All Telomeres Are The Same

Turns out, not all telomeres —the protective caps at the ends of our chromosomes— are the same: some are naturally shorter than others. What does this mean for aging?