Detroit Lions' Julian and Romeo Okwara wouldn't be in NFL without their incredible mother

Dave Birkett
Detroit Free Press

Every day after he made the half-mile trek home from his primary school in his native Nigeria, Romeo Okwara put his book bag down, grabbed a snack, and settled in for an hour or two of studying before dinner.

His mother cooked jollof rice or one of her special soups or stews, and Okwara and his older brother, Jimel, sat around a table as the smells wafted through the swinging door from the kitchen.

In between stirs of whatever was on the stove, Melda Okwara joined her sons to check on their work and their days, and when they were done with their assignments , she often encouraged them to do more.

Melda Okwara, mother for Detroit Lions players Romeo and Julian Okwara.

Rarely, if ever, did Romeo deviate from his routine, and looking back in honor of Mother’s Day, the fifth-year Detroit Lions defensive end said the structure and discipline he learned from her helped make him who he is now: A proud member of the newest set of NFL siblings, with Lions third-round pick Julian Okwara.

“I have so much admiration for her because of what she had to deal with every day,” Romeo said. “It was just cooking for four kids and we were literally eating nonstop, all the time. Just being able to provide for us all the time, whenever we were hungry, whenever we needed anything. I mean, she’s so special, I’d do anything for her.”

'She found ways to keep it going'

The Okwaras have lived anything but a normal life.

Romeo and Julian, also a defensive end, immigrated to the United States in 2005, more than a year after Melda came with Jimel and their younger sister, Adaeze. While Jimel was born in America and Adaeze's immigration was never an issue, Romeo and Julian’s move was delayed initially by paperwork, Melda said.

For the past 15 years, their father, Julius Okwara, has split his time between the United States and Nigeria, where he’s a real estate developer and owns, among other businesses, a hotel named White Castle and a restaurant named Romeo’s Kitchen.

An undated photo of the Okwara family, clockwise from top left: Julius Okwara, Melda Okwara, Romeo Okwara, Julian Okwara and Jimel Okwara. Romeo and Julian play for the Detroit Lions.

Julius studied in the United States and became a  citizen years ago, but his work, the family said, has required him to spend long stretches — months, and in one case, Julian recalled, a year — overseas.

When the family settled in Charlotte, North Carolina, where Julius’ brother is a doctor, Melda began a career in medical billing while tending house with four kids.

Meet Romeo Okwara, the Detroit Lions' Renaissance man ]

“I think why it worked out for me is because I think my kids are disciplined,” she  said. “Even if I’m raising them by myself, they still know that I can still pick up the phone or they can call their dad, because we’d talk every day or whatever, so they still know at the end of the day there’s still discipline in the household. Regardless if it’s just mom that is here, there’s still a structure they have to follow.”

The Okwara family, from left: Detroit Lions defensive end Romeo Okwara, sister Adaeze, brother Julian, mother Melda and brother Jimel.

Like many mothers, Melda spent much of her day outside of work shuttling her children to and from their various activities.

She typically awoke at 4:30 every morning, went to the YMCA for a 5 a.m. workout and was back home by 6 to help get her children off to school.

Romeo, Julian and Jimel all played football growing up, Adaeze ran track and did dance, and Julian doubled as a standout tennis player and diver. Through it all, Melda rarely missed an event.

“I know it’s kind of lonely being without my dad when he’d travel back and forth, but she found ways to keep it going and keep the family together no matter what,” Julian said. “I think she never lost faith in everything she did. She always kept going to work and make sure she put food on the table, and I think about all her sacrifices and things she’s done for us, really just pushing us to be the best.

“There were definitely weekends where she’d have to spend hundreds of dollars on groceries and have it disappear in about two days with Romeo eating all the food. So I think just being able to do that, all the sacrifices, really. There’s really no words to bring to life what she did.”

It’s because of those sacrifices that Julian said he plans to help Jimel and Adaeze pay off their college debt once he signs his new NFL contract.

Under the NFL’s slotted rookie salary system, Julian’s contract will be worth about $4.9 million, including a $1.1 million signing bonus.

“Just the sacrifices they’ve made, that’s definitely a top two (reason for playing)," he said. "I mean, I love the game and all, but there’s also things to provide. You definitely want to just take care of your family in the future.”

Old soul and social butterfly

As similar as they are on the football field, Romeo and Julian are very different off it.

Romeo is an “old soul," Melda said, with an eclectic taste in music. He has a passion for reading and photography. He liked to snack on raw garlic as a kid. And he got his first gray hair when he was 7.

Because he started at Notre Dame as a 16-year-old — he turned 17 a few days after arriving on campus — he often required his mother’s approval for decisions he made while in South Bend.

Even now, at 24, Romeo said he still seeks her opinion on “stuff that I just feel like I need an adult about.”

Notre Dame's Julian Okwara (42) and his brother, Detroit Lions player Romeo Okwara, sing the Notre Dame Alma Mater after the Irish defeated Bowling Green at Notre Dame Stadium, Oct. 5, 2019 in South Bend, Ind.

Julian was a social butterfly growing up, penning love letters to girls and inviting friends to his house for play dates — unbeknownst to his mom.

He followed Romeo to Notre Dame, though he said that decision was more about the importance his family placed on academics than it was playing at the same school as his brother.

New Lions LB Julian Okwara, brother Romeo, now 5th NFL sibling tandem on same team ]

In November, when Julian fractured the fibula in his left leg in a win over Duke, Melda took time off from work and spent more than two weeks at his South Bend apartment, shuttling him to doctor’s appointments and class and helping prepare some of his meals.

“It was awful. He was broken. Like, I saw the hurt in his eyes and I didn’t want him to feel like everything is over for him,” Melda said. “My job, I did not care about anything in this world. I just wanted to be there and watch every transition. It was a terrible period, but at the same time I was glad I was able to be there and just watching him and everything.”

Notre Dame's Julian Okwara reacts after his defense stops Florida State on fourth down Nov. 10, 2018 in South Bend, Ind.

Considered a potential top-50 pick before the injury, Julian fell to the start of the third round of last month's draft, where the Lions took him with the 67th pick.

In one of the more memorable scenes of the entire draft weekend, Julian was at Jimel's apartment, sitting on a couch next to his mother, when the Lions called to tell him they were bringing him to Detroit.

When he got off  the phone and told his family who was on the other line, Romeo hopped from his chair and gave his brother an emotional hug.

“At first, I didn’t know who he was speaking to,” Melda said. “And nobody knew, and they didn’t want to say nothing. Not until when he said, ‘We’re still going to be roommates,’ that was when I knew. It was just overjoy. It was such a good feeling.”

'So grateful'

Though Romeo is just 30 months older than Julian, the two have never played football together because they were so far apart in school.

Getting that chance in the NFL is “definitely a dream," Julian said.

“I knew there was a small possibility, but when it was actually a reality and you hear his name being called and he was on the phone with whoever he was on the phone with, and people were sending me lion emojis, it was very surreal,” Romeo said. “It was very special. We’ve never been on the field at the same time together playing. Just to be able to do this and share the same locker room, just makes it even more special.”

Already the brothers have started training together;  Romeo is expected to serve as a backup to Trey Flowers at right end, and Julian should have a rotational role as an edge rusher.

They currently live next door to each other in the same Los Angeles apartment complex and spend their days at the same private gym or competing against each other in drills.

Lions defensive end Romeo Okwara stretches during joint practice in training camp on Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2019, in Allen Park.

“I think it pushes you to be the best, which is why I think I’m in the best position, really, especially starting off my career and being in Detroit,” Julian said. “Whatever happens in the future, but I think right now it’s just great to appreciate him.

"Being on the same team, he might be having a bad day in practice one day, just look at me and be motivated to set a good example for me and I’m going to look at him and be like, ‘All right, that’s my older brother, I can’t be acting up in front of him.’ So I definitely got to push myself to be the best.”

There’s one other benefit to playing together, Romeo and Julian agree: It will make life easier on their mom.

For the past four years, Melda has tried to catch as many of her sons’ games as possible, often traveling to see Julian play on Saturday before flying in to watch Romeo on Sunday, sometimes hitching a ride to Detroit after Notre Dame’s game.

Now she can make one set of travel plans and see both of her boys at the same time.

“It’s such a great feeling and I can’t be happier to see both of them finally being together and playing the sport they love to play,” Melda said. “At the back of my mind at one point in time, I was always wishing for this but not speaking it out loud. But I’m just so grateful. Finally.”

Contact Dave Birkett: [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @davebirkett. Read more on the Detroit Lions and sign up for our Lions newsletter.