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a large genus of South American shrubs and small trees of the family Erythroxylaceae

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Eiythroxylaceae Leafy twig X X X Erythroxylon rotundifolia Lunan Lauraceae Vine X X Cassyrha filiformis L.
The most abundant species vary locally and they are: Erythroxylon havanense, Samanea saman and Spermacoce laevis.
Cocaine: Cocaine is found in the leaves of Erythroxylon coca.
Cocaine (benzoylmethylecgonine) is an alkaloid derived from the coca plant Erythroxylon coca.
The volume contains an updated English translation of Mantegazza's extremely popular Fisiologia dell' amore (1873), along with new translations of lengthy selections from: "On the Hygienic and Medicinal Virtues of the Coca Plant" (1859)--his landmark study of the pharmacological uses of erythroxylon; Mantegazza's best-selling epistolary romance novel, One Day Madeira: A Page in the Hygiene of Love (1868); and, ethnographic studies from his voyage across Scandinavia in search of the indigenous Lapp people (1881) and his voyage to India (1884).
Toromaike, Maique, Maque candela, Toro maique amarillo, Toro maique verde, Gavilan maique amarillo, Gavilan maique verde ERYTHROXYLACEAE Erythroxylon Coca Leaves, dried Oral coca Lam.
Al considerar el total de las evidencias vegetales recuperadas en las cuadriculas 3, 4, 5 y 6, se aprecia una alta diversidad de especies tales como Opuntia sp., Scirpus / Schoenoplectus sp., Tessaria absinthioides, Ephedra sp., Cortaderia atacamensis, Festuca sp., Stipa sp., Prosopis sp., Geoffrea decorticans, Atriplex sp., incluyendo escasas hojas de Erythroxylon coca Lam -Coca- en la ocupacion superior.
Extracted from the leaves of Erythroxylon coca, as shown in Figure 21-6, a plant native to the eastern slopes of the Andes Mountains of South America, cocaine produces a feeling of euphoria, a lessening of fatigue, an absence of hunger, and increased energy.
Asi mismo, Erythroxylon confusum y Byrsonima bucidaefolia son tambien muy comunes.
Cocaine (benzoylmethylecgonine, [C.sub.17][H.sub.21]N[O.sub.4]) is an alkaloid derived from the plant Erythroxylon coca, which is indigenous to South America (20).
The history of cocaine use dates back to 1500 BC when Peruvian Incas chewed the leaves of Erythroxylon coca to increase their endurance and ability to work at high altitudes.