NREM sleep

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Synonyms for NREM sleep

a recurring sleep state during which rapid eye movements do not occur and dreaming does not occur

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In the control group, the total amounts of AW and REM sleep were lower during the rest period than during the active period, and the total amount of QW, the total amount of NREM sleep, and the TST were higher (Table 4).
Staying up late or getting up earlier than normal disproportionately impacts your REM and NREM sleep. Say you go to bed at midnight, but instead of waking up at 8 a.m., you must wake up at 6 a.m.
In order to speed up the visual classification process, 2 h of NREM sleep were extracted from each recording, 1 h epochs of NREM from the first half and the other 1 h epochs from the second half of the night, totaling 16 files.
Their proportion of time in NREM sleep stage 1 was higher, and they performed worse in MMSE (25.63 [+ or -] 2.14 vs.
The improvement in NREM sleep, mainly in SWS by olanzapine, has been attributed to 5HT2 antagonism.
Hurwitz, "Prominent eye movements during NREM sleep and REM sleep behavior disorder associated with fluoxetine treatment of depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder," Sleep, vol.
The most common criterion used in the literature for diagnosis of REM-related OSA is based on the ratio of Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI) during REM and NREM sleep ([AHI.sub.REM]/[AHI.sub.NREM]), where a value of two or more denotes REM-related OSA.
The percentage of NREM sleep increased from a mean of 83.6 [+ or -] 10.1% at baseline to 89.6 [+ or -] 6.8% after 6 months of LCIG infusion therapy, although differences did not reach statistical significance (P = 0.080) (Table 3).
CAP is described as a periodic EEG activity occurring during NREM sleep and characterized by repeated sequences of transient events which recurs at intervals up to 2 minutes.
Increased protein synthesis, as required for synaptic strengthening, was first found during NREM sleep [35].
They examined the rats' brain activity during NREM sleep. They used rats specially trained to locate rewards in a maze and compared it to rats that explored the maze in a random fashion.
Both of these states (and there are further sub-states within NREM sleep) serve a multitude of purposes.
The REM sleep alternates with the three stages of the NREM Sleep, which is divided into N1 (sleep onset and transitional) that lasts 1 to 7 minutes, N2, a deeper stage of sleep that is 10 to 25 minutes in duration, and the N3 (delta sleep) which is the deepest stage of the three stages, that occurs for 20 to 40 minutes (Spriggs, 2014).