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Related to butene: benzene, Isobutene
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Synonyms for butene

any of three isomeric hydrocarbons C4H8

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14-Layer 50-Layer 5-Layer (a) (b)(Core (c)(Core ASTM (Un-multiplied Multiplied Multiplied Property Test Core) 4x) 16x) Tensile D882-02 3,596 3,865 4,655 Strength, psi Elongation at D882-02 601 689 762 break, % Tear D1922- 0-433 0-642 0-636 Resistance, lb 06a Impact D3420- 0-286 0-391 0-357 Resistance, 95 joules (a) Five-layer polyethylene structure without layer multiplication: outer cling layers plus core consisting of linear low density polyethylene layers with hexene, butene, and hexene co-monomer side chains.
Les hydrocarbures en C4 montrent une bonne capacite de craquage sur le CEP-1, et le butene est plus facile a convertir que le butane.
Polyethylene (PE): LDPE film (Liner Grade) bulk, Export Price, FOB US Gulf LLDPE film (Butene), Export Price, FOB US Gulf Polypropylene (PP): Homopolymer Bulk (Injection), Export Price, FOB US Gulf Homopolymer Bulk (Rafia), Export Price, FOB US Gulf
This would eliminate the most potent ozone producers - the butanes and butene. Reducing the amount of LPG leaked could also stem the flow of hydrocarbons into the atmosphere.
Included in the Borouge 3 expansion will be second generation Borstar polypropylene and polyethylene units and a butene unit.
Adding 5% CaCO3 improves the tensile yield strength of butene LLDPE in both MD and TD.
The company adds, "The project includes the construction of an ethane cracker, second-generation Borstar polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) units, an LDPE unit and a butene unit at its plant in Ruwais, some 250 kilometers west of Abu Dhabi." www.borealisgroup.com; www.borouge.com.
Meanwhile, the London Metal Exchange (LME) August short-term futures contract for butene LLDPE for blown film (55.5 cents/lb) is down from July's 56.2 cents.
The film comprises a butene propylene copolymer that contains 5-22 wt % of butene.
To remain competitive, BASF sees a need to switch to plasticizers based on propylene and butene.
This has units producing polyethylene, synthetic rubbers, latex, propylene glycol, pyrolysis benzene and fractions of butene, butylene and isobutylene.
According to the official, in addition to gas condensates, PSEEZ exported some petrochemical products as well, such as light and heavy polyethylene, butene, butadiene, urea, methanol, sulfur, cement gray and ammonia.
The "linear low" resins were actually copolymers of ethylene and other monomers such as butene, hexane, and octene.
Futures contracts will be traded daily for deliveries 15 months later of 27-ton lots of four plain-vanilla grades: one g-p butene LLDPE for blown film and three PP homopolymers--two for injection (12 and 20 MFR) and one for "raffia" fiber extrusion.