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Synonyms for complexion

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Synonyms for complexion

skin tone, especially of the face

the combination of emotional, intellectual, and moral qualities that distinguishes an individual

a person's customary manner of emotional response

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for complexion

a combination that results from coupling or interlinking

Related Words

a point of view or general attitude or inclination

texture and appearance of the skin of the face

(obsolete) a combination of elements (of dryness and warmth or of the four humors) that was once believed to determine a person's health and temperament

give a certain color to

Related Words

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References in classic literature ?
'I can't even account for the extraordinary pallor of your complexion. You completely puzzle me.'
'The pallor of my complexion is nothing,' she answered a little impatiently.
The 'papa', when used, is suffered to remain upon the skin for several hours; being of a light green colour, it consequently imparts for the time a similar hue to the complexion. Nothing, therefore, can be imagined more singular than the appearance of these nearly naked damsels immediately after the application of the cosmetic.
Macallan speak of arsenic, taken as a wash or taken as a medicine, as a good thing to improve the complexion?" The witness answered, "Never."
"Well," said Emma, "there is no disputing about taste.At least you admire her except her complexion."
Her face is too thin; her complexion has no brilliancy; and her features are not at all handsome.
I discovered, however, that there was a certain serenity of eye, and freshness of complexion, most pleasing to behold.
When I was able to look round me, the other traveler--I mean the man with the fair complexion, who carried the knapsack--was nowhere to be seen."
But his swarthy complexion, his long lithe figure, and his grave and graceful politeness of manner were enough to betray his Oriental origin to any intelligent eyes that looked at him.
"As for Reinaldos," replied Don Quixote, "I venture to say that he was broad-faced, of ruddy complexion, with roguish and somewhat prominent eyes, excessively punctilious and touchy, and given to the society of thieves and scapegraces.
But if this is admitted to be true, complexion, or height, or any such advantage will be a claim for a greater share of the public rights.
Eliza's figure was at once slight and plump, her face small, and nearly as round as my sister's, - complexion, something similar to hers, but more delicate and less decidedly blooming, - nose, retrousse, - features, generally irregular; and, altogether, she was rather charming than pretty.
Had we been of the tragic complexion, the reader must now allow we were very nearly arrived at this period, since it would be difficult for the devil, or any of his representatives on earth, to have contrived much greater torments for poor Jones than those in which we left him in the last chapter; and as for Sophia, a good-natured woman would hardly wish more uneasiness to a rival than what she must at present be supposed to feel.
Miss Dashwood had a delicate complexion, regular features, and a remarkably pretty figure.
The high cap no longer invested his brows, which were only shaded by short and thick curled hair of a raven blackness, corresponding to his unusually swart complexion. Nothing could be more gracefully majestic than his step and manner, had they not been marked by a predominant air of haughtiness, easily acquired by the exercise of unresisted authority.