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Synonyms for lay


lay into someone


lay it on thick


lay off


lay someone off


lay someone out


lay someone up


lay something bare

lay something down: sacrifice

lay something on

lay something out: arrange

lay something out: present

lay something out: spend




Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Synonyms for lay

to place (a story, for example) in a designated setting


to deposit in a specified place

to place (a corpse) in or as if in a grave

to regard as belonging to or resulting from another

to arrange tableware upon (a table) in preparation for a meal


to bring forward for formal consideration

to put up as a stake in a game or speculation

to make a bet

to move (a weapon or blow, for example) in the direction of someone or something

lay aside: to reserve for the future

lay away: to reserve for the future

lay away: to place (money) in a bank

lay by: to reserve for the future

lay down: to let (something) go

lay down: to set forth expressly and authoritatively

lay for: to wait concealed in order to attack (someone)


    lay in: to reserve for the future

    lay in: to accumulate and set aside for future use

    lay into: to punish with blows or lashes

    lay off: to cease trying to accomplish or continue

    lay out: to plan the details or arrangements of

    lay out: to work out and arrange the parts or details of

    lay out: to show graphically the direction or location of, as by using coordinates


    lay out: to distribute (money) as payment

    lay up: to reserve for the future

    lay up: to accumulate and set aside for future use

    not religious in subject matter, form, or use

    The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

    Synonyms for lay

    Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
    References in classic literature ?
    Below him lay a deep valley through the center of which dense jungle vegetation marked the course of a river beyond which a primeval forest extended for miles to terminate at last at the foot of lofty, snow-capped mountains.
    But when I had wrought out some boards as above, I made large shelves, of the breadth of a foot and a half, one over another all along one side of my cave, to lay all my tools, nails and ironwork on; and, in a word, to separate everything at large into their places, that I might come easily at them.
    Constantly the Russian strained his eyes into the increasing darkness ahead in vain endeavour to pierce the black shadows which lay between him and the anchorage of the Kincaid.
    Thoughts of the hideous pack which tenanted the ship induced cold tremors along the spine of the cowardly prowler; but life itself depended upon the success of his venture, and so he was enabled to steel himself to the frightful chances which lay before him.
    A friendly smile lay on the Russian's lips, and his right hand was extended in greeting, as though the other might have been a dear and long lost friend.
    And presently as he thought there recurred to his memory the little black box which lay hidden in a secret receptacle beneath a false top upon the table where his hand rested.
    Whatever lay within the second compartment was not visible, for a cover lay over it and appeared to be sealed in place by asphaltum.
    As he had furnished me very sufficiently with money for the extraordinary expenses of my lying in, I had everything very handsome about me, but did not affect to be gay or extravagant neither; besides, knowing my own circumstances, and knowing the world as I had done, and that such kind of things do not often last long, I took care to lay up as much money as I could for a wet day, as I called it; making him believe it was all spent upon the extraordinary appearance of things in my lying in.
    On the other hand, though I was not without secret reproaches of my own conscience for the life I led, and that even in the greatest height of the satisfaction I ever took, yet I had the terrible prospect of poverty and starving, which lay on me as a frightful spectre, so that there was no looking behind me.
    It lay very heavy upon my mind, too, that I had a son, a fine lovely boy, about five years old, and no provision made for it, at least that I knew of.
    I took a copy of this letter, and finding it lay at the house near a month and was not called for, I found means to have the copy of it put into his own hands at a coffee-house, where I had by inquiry found he used to go.
    In the condition I have been in, it cannot be strange to you that our unhappy correspondence had not been the least of the burthens which lay upon my conscience.
    When someone tells Sully to "lay" down, he is misspeaking.
    Let's pay attention to the form of the word lay which occurs in the phrase: 'cannot lay with any other man'.
    The ceremony was held at the Frontier Corps Headquarters in Turbat and among the 200 who lay down arms were 17 commanders.