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Synonyms for machinelike

resembling the unthinking functioning of a machine

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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"Not necessarily in the machinelike way of the Art Pope industrial complex, but at least to all have really strong relationships, and I think that made it possible--when we did find ourselves with this conservative-dominated government--to really come together with a fairly united front."
As White, Sutter and Maher have explained, during this period it was unusual for people to see any ideological conflict embodied within the idea of an organic machinelike nature.
These images, which are bilaterally symmetrical, are at once organic and machinelike. The frontal shapes suggest mirrors and armor, forms that have roots in both the imagery of Surrealism and the Machine Age.
power is nothing other than the fictional and machinelike constant
Everything is machinelike and therefore predetermined; atoms that make up all matter are inert.
The works I found most impressive were a set of two smaller, subtler, black-and-white 16-mm film projections on a side wall, Autobahn-Kopf, 1988/1989, and Gummibaum, 1993/1994, stop-motion animations in which the artist manipulated still images of cars and crowds, transforming them into hybrids of the machinelike and the organic.
She also finds drone technology to be gendered in feminized terms as compared to advances in robotics that enable male soldiers to become hypermobile machinelike assemblages.
Meanwhile Davis, under the guidance of manager Barry Hearn (played by the comedian Kevin Bishop), had a machinelike professionalism.
Dehumanisation means to 'deprive of human characteristics' or to 'make impersonal or machinelike'.
The biological model of human behavior encourages diversity and specialization instead of machinelike standardization.
Personality Services: Talking back and forth to a computer that has a machinelike voice is boring.
The eroticism of the situation is defused, partly because of man's fear of societal judgment, partly because the artist defiantly renounces soft femininity in favour of a machinelike structure, where a drawer of coins replaces her sex organs.