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Words related to misdeliver

deliver to the wrong address

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References in periodicals archive ?
In each, a clever "rogue" orders goods in a third party's name, and then relieves the unsuspecting third party--now, the involuntary bailee--of the allegedly misdelivered goods.
More mistaken identity follows, with more misdelivered messages and yet more misinterpretations.
The general argument of the book is that the vast number of letters mentioned, read aloud, delivered, intercepted, misdelivered, mocked, written, folded, sealed, or forged in Shakespeare's plays can be illuminated by a historical understanding of the "unfamiliar" qualities of Elizabethan epistolary culture.
Over the two years, Royal Mail paid out pounds 115,879 to compensate customers whose items had been either lost, misdelivered or damaged.
Shocking statistics reveal that homeowners and businesses in Scotland made a total of 84,169 complaints about lost, misdelivered and damaged mail between January 2009 and January 2010.
In February 1994, The Florida Bar issued an ethics opinion stating that in the event of an inadvertent disclosure of documents (electronic or otherwise), "an attorney, upon realizing or reasonably believing that he or she has received a document or documents that were inadvertently misdelivered, is ethically obligated to promptly notify the sender of the attorney's receipt of the documents.
Common carriers owe an elevated duty of care, and most claims for lost, damaged or misdelivered goods are honored, but "most" is not the same as "all," and a claim under a liability policy--even one as broad as a carrier's legal liability policy--is never as simple as a first party claim.
It was bashert that the postman misdelivered a neighbor's copy of Moment to my home, where I was able to read Rabbi Gershon Winkler's comments ("Who Cares What Women Wear (or Don't Wear)?"
4:51 p.m.: Pond View Way, larceny, a FedEx delivery was misdelivered.
Until 2003 international flights were governed by the Warsaw Convention, an international treaty that sets limits of liability for lost, stolen, damaged, or misdelivered baggage.
Likewise, the play contains a bed trick; not one, but two misdelivered letters; a cross-dressed woman who is not revealed until the conclusion; a lusty woman discovered onstage in bed; and a grab-bag of other comic devices.
"Unlike the lone postcard that may be misdelivered or mislaid, electronic notices tend to go directly to the person who needs to see them.
* Addressing misdelivered documents in Rule 4-4.4 by requiring the recipient to promptly notify the sender.
For 10 years we have lived at this address and always have had our mail misdelivered, going to Milton Street, Shakespeare Street or Avon Street.