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Synonyms for misdemean

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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Then I read Moyes's comments on not being able to find the right people (available now) with the right temperament and I read of Pennant's recent misdemean or (driving while disqualified) and I understood exactly why we did not bid for him.
In one scene,Nicholson pokes fun at his own col ourful past with a sly nod to an incident in 1994 when he was charged with misdemean or vandalism and assault for smashing another driver's car with a golf club.
More's respectful manner appears as Cranmer stands before the council; More says: My good Lord Archbishop, I'm very sorry To sit here at this present, and behold That chair stand empty; but we all are men, In our own natures frail, and capable Of our flesh; few are angels; out of which frailty And want of wisdom, you, that best should teach us, Have misdemean'd yourself, and not a little, Toward the King first, then his laws, in filling The whole realm by your teaching and your chaplains' (For so we are inform'd) with new opinions, Divers and dangerous; which are heresies, And, not reform'd, may prove pernicious.
Earlier, the Lord Chancellor said that Cranmer had "misdemean'd" himself, "Toward the king first, then his laws, in filling / The whole realm by [his] teaching" (V.
Ramsforth's scholarly reputation; of selling numerous items of Mooreiana to private collectors for personal gain,, and of certain felonies and misdemean or, s "which have been duly reported to the proper authorities.
Incidentally,far be it for me to defend misdemean ors by Mr Brunstrom's family,but I have every sympathy for his daughter who was twice caught (by anewspaper)exceeding the 50mph limit on the A55 ``expressway'' through Colwyn Bay.
Having arrived armed with a smart briefcase and a well honed nose for dirt, the environmental health manager for Liverpool city council had already spotted a misdemean or - that morning's milk left on the doorstep.