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Synonyms for personate

pretend to be someone you are not

attribute human qualities to something

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References in periodicals archive ?
Instruction GM16: Personate Personate helper is helper an anthropomorphic robot that guides new learners to become familiar with the system.
The distinctly theatrical subtexts of Lacy's storyline seem to personate a valued actor or playwright's intimate (and perhaps turbulent) relationship with the Rose playhouse.
En 1964 se registraron los primeros resultados y en 1974 se establecio en Italia L'Imposta personate sul reddito, fundado en el principio personal de gravamen, como habia ocurrido en la reforma francesa de 1972.
(22) As it happens, for example, in Leviathan; when developing his conception of representation, Hobbes gives meaning to his point resorting to Cicero: "So that a person is the same that an actor is, both on the stage and in common conversation; and to personate is to act, or represent, himself or another; and he that acteth another is said to bear his person, or act in his name (in which sense Cicero useth it where he says Unus sustineo tres personas: mei, adversarii, et judicis, I bear three persons: my own, my adversary's, and the judge's)" (Hobbes 1994, 101).
But between them the actors personate some 10 other characters from a Hollywood starlet to a drug-addled teenager and an alcoholic old-timer whose claim to fame is that he is the last surviving extra from the John Wayne movie The Quiet Man.
As, however, he could not change either his features or complexion, which certainly were Mongolian, it was impossible for him to personate either a Caucasian or an Ethiopian, and the only thing left for him to be was a Japanese." Chung Wo paused to knock the ashes from his pipe, giving me an opportunity to remark:
Carlos Fernandez Sessarego, Derecho a la identidad personal, Buenos Aires: Astrea, 1992, e Giorgio Pino, II diritto all'identita personate. Bologna: Mulino, 2003.
An individual can therefore "personate" (that is, represent) an artificial person that is physically very different from him (or her) self.
It says that the person could be committing an offence of trying to pass themselves off as a member of the armed forces, or in the words of the act, trying to "personate the holder of a certificate of service or discharge."
"personate any person entitled to vote." (286) The defendant